My kid just had their position axed from a PhD program because of funding. Valedictorian in high school, straight As, never been grounded—just had the door shut in their face. It’s too late to apply to other programs even if they accept, so just thrown out of school at a high level in a STEM field.
I try to protect their privacy and not use them as a political football so I’ll have to see how they feel about me talking about it but thank you. I want to shout it from the rooftops I’m so mad and sad. We’re all devastated and reeling now and I don’t know what’s going to happen.
Yeah, the public doesn’t care. They want to just pretend it will all go away, and they don’t want to have to actually do anything. Trump will continue to do whatever he wants and Americans will let him. We’re sunk.
That looks like basic bully behavior but 47 is exacting financial bullying in every way he can.
Higher education did not seem to provide much to him. My members of House Senate are paying attention .
Just continuing the absolute cowardice that has marked University administrations recently. Be as risk adverse as possible, and try to be all things to all people.
It seems as though democrat voters only care about protests when their guy does something they sort of disagree with but only because they don’t really understand the alternative. Well this is the alternative and they are VERY quiet. The left, all 80 Million of them, are pathetic
Trump's other wet dream is to steal university endowments or block them from providing financial aid to people that can't afford $75,000 a year. Hmmm.
GOP wants to tax scholarships.
You have to be very f cking evil to think this "stuff" up.
None of these reporters have studied Hungary or any other country where authoritarianism destroyed democracy. This is exactly how you do it. I will never regret cancelling my subscription last summer.
Unfortunately Americans who know better have lost their backbone for standing up against hate and wrongdoing. It is why we are here. And lack of education and psychology to avoid being manipulated. The narcs play this game well.
They own the media, part of the propaganda machine is to downplay the opponents and upplay the support. The point is to normalize consent, and to make resistance feel hopeless. The sheer number of protests is ridiculous and they are openly ignoring them to make them seem small.
At this point I wouldn’t doubt if AI was churning out headlines intending to provoke the majority of its readers. These are crazy times led by deeply unserious stewards of our country’s legacy.
Donate to State Democracy Defenders Fund. Let's get the lawsuits going big time. They currently have filed a lawsuit against Elon Musk's brake in of the Treasury Department. Go to the web site. Just $5 or $10 will help fight these fascists.
As someone who has been in the higher ed game for over 3 decades, college presidents are cautious careerists and do little to anger or offend legislators and people with deep pockets. So no, they will not speak up for their stars who get grants, or their students worried about aid disbursement.
Boycott the Super Bowl. Both players (ask them) and fans. Demonstrate our power. We won't perform or break for games. WE CONTROL impact and outcome. Manifest strength. Demonstrate control of reality and outcome to EVERYONE. Believe, amplify, SHARE THIS, and act. I believe in you.
That's already happened. Look up Florida's New College. Look up the demise of libraries in elementary schools, and the teachers who no longer keep books in their classrooms for fear of arrest.
I honestly really won't know what to think until the New York times goes out to rural Trump voters and ask their opinions on this and to try to understand where they're coming from because that's the most important thing apparently.
If you’re unable to make it to a protest today at noon. Please wear blue as an act of solidarity. If you’re going talk the talk you must also walk the walk. Fighting for a cause is rarely convenient but it is essential.
I feel civil war 2.0 in the works. But this time it'll be the working class against the one percent, and a handful of their severely undereducated fanboys.
Oh, and probably a handful of teenage girls, based on how many times he's been on Epstein's plane. 🤮 What a gross, weird and sorry excuse for a man to stand behind...
True, but speaking figuratively, he is balls deep in our blue collar workforce. It is amazing because Trump wants to kill unions, kill OT pay, kill OSHA, not raise wages, etc. He stands against everything that benefits our blue collar workforce.
If University heads will not stand up and tell Trump to fuck off, students will and it's just a given. They are young and at the age where they feel fearless and don't understand any vulnerability of themselves. I am not saying it is right or wrong, but it is a given.
Kinda hard depending on your state. Post- George Floyd laws pretty much made protests in Florida impossible. White supremacist will dress like a protester and start vandalizing things. Which gives the organizers a felony incitation along with the vandalization. Pretty much stopped all protest here
People still have to work within the frameworks of all laws. By doing that no targeted attack can take place or let bad actors get involved. It's not simple because it takes everyone being informed everywhere possible and still not making a target.
Out-freakin-standing! The Petri dishes for the destructive social ideology will no longer receive my tax dollars? I’m so in! I already paid those morons (and they are morons) for a useless degree. This makes me day!
There goes academic freedom. The academe is a historic physical and ideational space for dissent and discourse. America is in trouble! Why is the resistance, the opposition, the media?! what on earth is going on? The rest of us watch and wonder
Everyone believes that University faculty and staff are all liberal free thinkers. However, Noam Chomsky famously warned,
Ph.D.s learn to comply and obey from K-their doctorate and into academia. We are the most compliant “don’t rock the boat” of them all.
If you speak up, say goodbye to your Social Security benefits and expect the Treasury to come after you. They will be punitive if you say anything they don’t like.
Why do “all colleges and universities depend on these [federal] funds to operate”?
Does the funding have to come from the federal government or does it just need funding from somewhere else?
The Department of Education was never intended to be needed to operate schools.
I really do laugh out loud now when I see these New York Times headlines. They seem crafted to appeal exclusively to the tea and crumpets set circa 1900.
Given universities have huge responsibilities towards students & employees. Check.
But I am deeply "gratified" to learn that after years of grants, donations, tuition, supposedly used towards excellent education & leadership, the univs have no civic, political, moral backbone or loyalty to mission.
I am supposed to empathise with universities who had no problem cracking down hard on peaceful protesters while showing no regard for their Muslim students and their safety and wellbeing just to appease their zionist sponsors?
Cry me a river....
Do you people not understand the reason why he's looking into government spending is because of this? How do career politicians making a basic salary end up worth millions of dollars? That doesn't leave you scratching your head, realizing that them laundering money isn't that far-fetched?
Well, it's authoritarianism, after all. He blinked on Colombia. He blinked on Mexico. He blinked on Canada. But he clearly intimidates individuals who have power (see Congress).
Haven’t we grown used to blithe headlines from ? Oh and why don’t you let homosexuals decide what is and isn’t homophobic you nimrod?
No one is responding because so much is coming at us all at once. We need to focus on the most vital issues and circle back to clean up if and when Democracy is saved.
The US has always has a pretty tenuous relationship with democracy. It has always put capitalism above democracy. The collapse of the empire is unfortunate but necessary.
Shit, then only rich kids or legacy kids will be able to swing college. I’m sure that’s not what they intended and liberty u will be just as closely scrutinized
I think that the plan is to fine the university offending trump. A fine equal to the university's endowment. If that were to happen there wouldn't a university for rich & legacy kids. Or anyone else.
Sadly the sheep are clueless on how all of this affects them. They are in a cult. And the rich live it because it does not affect them. Low and behold the middle class and poor are being silenced by our government UNLESS we band together.
Ironically, no one has a problem about speaking up against a normal administration, because they know the rule of law will hold & protect them.
The problem speaking up against Trump is that they fear the rule of law will not hold.
We're in a halfway house between normality & Putin's Russia
No more little universities, no more sports programs for all you small d1 d2 d3 athletes. You can basically forget women's sports at small public schools if the exist
Trump has achieved victory through vindictiveness coupled with the full power of the Federal government - from controlling dispersement of funds of any type, to firings, to investigations - and no checks or balances against him.
DO NOT JOIN THE MILITARY WHEN NAZIS ARE IN POWER. I’m retired military and had I known these fascist authoritarians would sieze power, I’d not do it again. STAY OUT OF THE MILITARY AT ALL COSTS!!!
It does appear that there is a surprisingly blase attitude about the entire federal takeover by Musk and his underlings, including Trump. It almost feels like this is going to be an easy takeover with little resistance. Very few who have actual power are doing or even saying much.
It is surprising to me, that people are surprised at the lack of courage the majority of people engender. Live long enough, you will have seen it over, and over again, in all facets of life. Courage is rare which is why we are awed by it when we witness it.
My Consumer Confidence is at an all-time low. Trump = Way to much uncertainty. I'm cutting back to bare necessities and pinching pennies for the next 4 years. Hit them where it hurts, maybe that will wake them up.
He’s not a president he’s a mob boss. Got everyone scared of retribution. Watch news organizations are next. ABC already caved to his mob mentality once. FYI the CEOs of the three networks donated money to trump.
By mob I mean like a don donald a don don. Anyone ever investigate Epsteins murder er I mean suspicious death. No cameras in on a designated suicide watch prisoner? Things that make you go hmmm
Kinda hard for citizens to keep track of all the destruction being caused by Donald over the last two weeks.
It’s hard to focus on one thing when the entire structure of our government is being dismantled brick by brick.
I’m not sure people truly understand the role of a president. Its a public servant. Literally only as powerful as the people surrounding them allow them to be.
Say Harvard does something he doesn’t like, finds them in violation of some anti-woke bill, and fines them the amount of their endowment, and SCOTUS upholds that? Don’t tell me it’s not legal, whatever SCOTUS says is legal, is legal. This is a coup. Lack of gunfire doesn’t negate that.
Trust me I get. Scotus however can only uphold it in regards to the constitution. Ironically, an anti woke bill would be in violation of first amendment. If SCOTUS rules on that (making up some interpretation if they decided to go crazy) then Berkeley shuts down all right wing curriculum.
That's because they lack fucking spines.
We're a nation of bitches.
The national anthem lies. that's why it got booed at a basketball game by Canadians
At this point why are states even still paying federal taxes if-
*Inaudible off-post conversation*
I'm just being informed they are referred to as "tributes" now.
Looks like people anybody do not want to stand up and fight for their rights. I didn’t vote for that orange man to be my president and I did not vote for musk to go and look at my money.
In the uk we are watching to see how many students may come here instead.... the revenue would be so welcome and the students would too... you are still allowed to protest her without being arrested
Honestly, me and my family are already looking at what countries we can move to. I just need to find one where they have a lithotripsy specialization position, and that will allow my dogs(dobermans).
Its awful for you but imagine how awful it would be if you lived in Gaza.... with your qualifications there should always be other opportunities.... find them an move forward, it wont be the end of the world for you
It’s not either/or. Of course the Palestinian crisis is horrible. That doesnt negate anyone else’s difficulties. But what you are saying is that a person who merely has a broken leg shouldn’t care about it because someone else has cancer.
Or, hear me out…university leaders were never all that enlightened in their heart of hearts and are happy to have the ol’ ivory tower restored to ivory etc.
They aren’t just scared of Trump, they are scared of their donors as well. Even if they can absorb the loss of federal funding (they cannot), losing the class of $10m+ donors as well is looming.
We should rethink the idea of operating public services via optional charitable contributions.
University presidents are accommodators. They will seek a compromise, even when compromise is not merited. Overall, they are poorly equipped (or positioned) to defend the values or institutions they claim to represent. The successful muzzling of presidents over student protestors is Exhibit A.
Kara? What are you good people in the US ( given the observation over the last two weeks they're still some) able to do to stop this madness in your media & government? What levers are there? Not only for Americans but your allies and partners world-wide? Who're seeing America slide into darkness.
Well I hate to say it, but when is a protest actually accomplished anything in America. It's action. It's writing your politicians. Holding a sign up is worthless
This headline should read something like, "Trump Attacks Universities, Threatens Administration." Then, "Having already used money to cause chaos, Trump threatens university administrators who dare to speak against him."
Kara, when listening to Scott commenting that DEI programs have gone too far and citing the fact that the Univ. of Michigan has a 250 person department to handle their DEI initiatives (hopefully accurate), I can see why people aren’t protesting. It’s hard to justify that big a program.
I mean, as a parent paying out of state tuition yourself to that institution, isn’t it a bit frustrating your thousands aren’t going to actual teachers or teaching programs?
It is a presumption. First of all, there is significant overlap in the wealth distribution by race. Second, data doesn't show causality, only correlation. If you own a car and I own only a bike, that fact doesn't prove that you screwed me out of a car and that you therefore owe me one.
Man, i'm sure glad that, with all the power and technology we have, we have put AI to the task of checks notes, stealing artists, jobs, and furthering political agenda through bots. How could we have possibly come up with a better use for this technology.
Then, let’s do it the WRONG WAY, like Republicans would do. They’d damn the consequences and worry about it later. At least we’d delay the total dismantlement of government .
Let us remember Roy Cohen, the man who stood next to Joseph McCarthy and gleefully ruined the lives of thousands of people. His pupil, now ascended beyond accountability, brings the bill of hell to pay. Getting us to fight us has always been the winning strategy. My job or my country? Tough choice.
Cannot understand where the opposition is for some of these bad ideas. The impact on Students and their families who rely on funding to afford college. Cutting funds from Universities will achieve the opposite results for MAGA movement losing technology / research advantage to others.
Meh, Republicans removed funding from Universities back in the 2000s, and gave banks the ability to hand out student loans. Suddenly shit cost 2x what it should, loans were never ending, and well... we have today.
Them stating they will remove "more"... pffttt, more what?
As a girl mom, I’m pretty concerned about the fate of Title IX and have been pretty pointed about it when talking to other parents. But no one else seems concerned. I don’t think they have thought about it at all until I bring it up.
Seriously, all headline editors have been either replaced entirely with AI or are overusing it in their work. The result is this kind of sociopathically anodyne deadpan tone. And it is already showing in article contents too, at least in NY Times.
Don’t recall anyone waiting for administrators permission before protesting.
Meanwhile a coup is threatening our democracy.
Higher education did not seem to provide much to him. My members of House Senate are paying attention .
When you are afraid to speak-up for what you believe, what you know is right, what kind of Nation are you living in?
GOP wants to tax scholarships.
You have to be very f cking evil to think this "stuff" up.
They have all the weapons; we have witty words. And silence from blue state Governors where Trump won
When schools quit providing educational services for special needs kids because of lack of funds?
When an E. Coli outbreak hits a fast food chain, killing a few folks with no legal redress?
Wow. Just wow.
Civil War was between ourselves
the world wars had other targets in mind.
Least that how i see it.
restitution for damages caused from his pocket
Ph.D.s learn to comply and obey from K-their doctorate and into academia. We are the most compliant “don’t rock the boat” of them all.
If you speak up, say goodbye to your Social Security benefits and expect the Treasury to come after you. They will be punitive if you say anything they don’t like.
Does the funding have to come from the federal government or does it just need funding from somewhere else?
The Department of Education was never intended to be needed to operate schools.
And some are still puzzled by why he wants to shut down the Department of Education!
But I am deeply "gratified" to learn that after years of grants, donations, tuition, supposedly used towards excellent education & leadership, the univs have no civic, political, moral backbone or loyalty to mission.
Cry me a river....
Attacking universities, cancelling student loan relief restrict acces to higher education to many people.
Because uneducated people are easier to mislead, unlikely to question. See who voted Trump already.
The problem speaking up against Trump is that they fear the rule of law will not hold.
We're in a halfway house between normality & Putin's Russia
No one dares challenge him. Scary.
It’s hard to focus on one thing when the entire structure of our government is being dismantled brick by brick.
To soothe a snowflake's fragile state,
The NFL wiped words to end hate.
A slogan pulled from football’s stage,
Appeasing one man's fragile rage.
We're a nation of bitches.
The national anthem lies. that's why it got booed at a basketball game by Canadians
*Inaudible off-post conversation*
I'm just being informed they are referred to as "tributes" now.
-henry s. haskins
Stop talking! DO FUCKIN WORK!
We should rethink the idea of operating public services via optional charitable contributions.
You all know about Pastor Neimeyer
Senate Democrats keep confirming Trump nominees while Trump is destroying the country
These cowards all have their phones off too.
"Leaders and Best".......
No need to pretend anymore by the felon that immigration will be curbed.
Them stating they will remove "more"... pffttt, more what?
If you call now you can leave a voicemail.
If course, if could also just be an editorial line ordered from the top. (Shudder)