Unanue support for Trump has shown his alliance with white supremacists. The largest consumers of Goya products are Hispanics.
History: The Unanues lived in 🇵🇷 before landing in NY from Spain, where they learned how to cook beans. In NY, they owe their success to the PR community.
Bob Unanue, "I fight child trafficking by lobbying for the guy who prosecuted FEWER cases of child trafficking and spent a bunch of time on Lolita Island"
This is currently the most incredible press release ever written and everyone should do themselves a favour and read all the way to the end - but even the beginning is a treat…(seriously resistance libs - read it - you deserve a smile every now and then)
Yeah, sounds like trying to get out in front of something. A lot of these sex trafficking zealots have scandals. It seems like the reason they think it is an epidemic is because they want to participate in it so bad that they think everyone must, too.
I've boycotted that brand since he publicly came out as a trumper and Ivanka posted that 'price is right' photo supporting him and the brand. Anyway, screw him.
Maybe he can start by looking for the 1,000+ migrant children that have yet to be found during the family separation atrocity at the border during the last dumpster fire.
Self proclaimed pedo fighter is likely a pedo, as ALL Nazi/sympathizers are, and goya, a Nazi corp, is attempting to wash off the stain before anyone smells it?
wtf is this shit article. It just says there was a vote and stuff happened but no one is saying what happened publicly. Implying Bob was voted out as CEO?
I was at the grocery store today and had a can of Goya chickpeas in my cart, when I noticed a store brand for 25% less. I put the Goya ones back on the shelf. And I'm Latina.
* retro reference
History: The Unanues lived in 🇵🇷 before landing in NY from Spain, where they learned how to cook beans. In NY, they owe their success to the PR community.
I'm sure there's nothing else to this story...😵💫
It's how fckng pedos roll. Just like criminals become cops.
Unfair employment practices are not okay.