Controversial game opinion: The Pokémon clones that try to reinvent the genre rarely get it right because they’re missing the core of Pokémon which is; “what if that dragonfly you caught playing outside when you were seven was cool and had superpowers.”
It’s a real shame.
you are missing whats going on if you think the designs are the main problem.
Jumping off a cliff while holding a bird's feet while blasting enemies with an AR-15 was *INFINITELY* more fun than any verb I did in Pokemon the last 10 years
Also, like. Isn’t it more fucked up that Pokémon love being captured and trained? Like are we gonna ignore those implications?
Kinda like how FPS games used to be called "Doom Clones"
Genuinely, it gets so many neat little things right, and adds a lot of lore to the previously existing creatures and deities of FF.
Game didn’t do too hot, but I mean, still an absolute banger worth a play imo.
i only ever liked pokemon because i had a DS. if it was a game on steam i would never consider playing any of them
It's a fun twist on the Monster Taming idea, but Palworld doesn't quite do enough to take it all the way and make you feel a close bond to your monsters.
you may not like Trubbish but someone does and each species appeals to someone
the underpinning games are also accessible yet deep
I remember as a kid thinking the gym leaders were useless for always being so focused on a type rather than, you know, having a diversified setup.
But now I just really like ghost, dark, and poison Pokemon and would be cool with them
Like yeah I know life is short and nothing matters but I’m INVESTED IN THIS IT’S NOT POKÉMON IT’S A GENRE, IT’S A WHOLE GODDAMN-
luckily you can farm items that give you guaranteed recruitment! but blasters t is a whole different story
no advancing the clock either, you gotta just gotta play for 2 weeks
This is a shitpost
But then they forget to make it fun
Why base Sun and Moon was so much fun. Had the right amount of punch and it was TPCi realizing that they actually have competitors on the device (3DS) and actually NEED to try.
The DS-DSi-3DS era of games had some pretty sick titles! Diamond and Pearl in particular had a ton of interesting features and depth, and there was the poke-tracker with heart gold and soul silver too.
I would be genuinely excited to play it if it got remade with the graphical problems addressed and improved.
And maybe ditch the time travel plot. Thats boring and unnecessary to me
But games like Monster Sanctuary stand out because they do not want to copy the formula, but have their own take.
Best part? That digimon has the personality of a drunken goober despite the very menacing appearance.
You can tell an experienced art & character designer is at the helm bc every creature is instantly recognizable as a Pokemon right away.