Trump either doesn't get how tariffs really work or just lies. He seems to think that consumers will buy American if imports get more costly, failing to see that we don't make much anymore. So in his eyes, the question may be how much of Russia's GDP is based on importing to the US.
Platinum and Oil … it’s not much but there’s a little & China or India can import when we don’t. China & India are Russias biggest trade partners we/they could stop with no impact
He didn't even give a time frame, just soon.which could mean anything for a war that's been going on for years now. Soon could be by the end of the year.
That is why he released the Proud Boys ..he needs muscle around him . .a statement like that will get him the Gulag boys assassination attempt on target this time!..."Oh Vlad I was kidding"!
Who in the hell does he think he is- emperor of the world? Th e whole world is laughing at him and the USA for electing him and his merry band of degenerates.This week a British publication"s headline read(paraphrased)The USA just elected the village idiot"
There’s no way in hell that he doesn’t know American citizens pay the tariffs and that Russia is under sanctions. He says it cause he knows many Americans, and most of his followers, are ignorant, if not complete idiots. He plays stupid more than he is stupid, but he’s definitely no genius.
Trump is a moron. 73 IQ in the NYMA a place that you sent problem kids in the 60's. Father's used to threaten their son's that they were going to send them to Military School if they didn't shape up. His father and mother did send him to Miliary School. He's voluntarily ignorant.
Well, and factually said Keith Edwards!
I’m sure also insurrectionist Trump has MAGA fooled in thinking Putin is shaking in his little Putin boots.
He’s just distracting, so we don’t focus on Project 2025.
The guy still think that the other country pays for tarrifs instead of his own citizens. He's a fucking idiot, and that's been true for years. But that doesn't make him any less dangerous, nor did it prevent him from taking power...and potentially ending US democracy.
Does this guy even understand the meaning of tariffs? He's over here handing out tariffs to nations like Oprah did, handing out books from her book club on her show!
Nope. Prohibited under current US sanctions, as are most exports. One would hope journalists would do their research on this and understand current laws and fact check him, but I won’t hold my breath.
US imports around 18 billion of products (minerals mostly) from Russia AND nearly 500 BILLION FROM MEXICO and 500 BILLION FROM CANADA. Mexico and Canada are our providers and Trump tariffs will skyrocket prices in the US. Russia is chump change.
I can see this as pre-planned theater. Putin maintains war well past any reasonable value, concedes to tRump to help legitimize the stain as “strong”. Has president in pocket again
Yep. When asked during the campaign what he would do to bring down the cost of child care he brought up tariffs. He didn’t have a well thought out answer because he’s a demented clown.
and we are living here in Allentown.
Oh, and diamonds and wheat.
That being said, he is absolutely still a complete moron.
I’m sure also insurrectionist Trump has MAGA fooled in thinking Putin is shaking in his little Putin boots.
He’s just distracting, so we don’t focus on Project 2025.
and a bunch of other propagandists.
Trump is already demanding Saudi Arabia lower oil prices to crush russia completely.
maga: “He’s such a jenious!!!”
What are we to do!?