Another low life? Gone rogue? Still power hungry? How will this dude be remembered when he is dead and gone? Rumor has it that he is planning to live forever!
If you voted against Trump please consider not buying a Tesla, deleting your ex-Twitter/Facebook accounts and canceling your Amazon Prime subscription. It's the only way we have to send them a message they'll actually understand.
Why not? Zuckerberg already gave a million. I'm sure Bezos made each Amazon employee donate. He's Time Person of the Year and our new Emperor. The Emperor wants a bigly parade past every McDonald's in DC. McD's will be the next to donate.
I am amazed that these multi billionaires, who can not only buy the presidency of the USA but also buy and sell trump 10 times a day, are so willing to give the money to trump, rather then improve conditions for their own workforce.
Abe Lincoln, “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”
Donald Trump, “You can fool all of the people all of the time”
“Yes! America! Let this sink in! America’s billionaires running scared, towards an Incoming State Fascist regime! Wait there’s [email protected] headed by Kari Lake! What’s next? Trump State Run Newsroom?”
Shame on you…You could be doing something positive with your great wealth and brilliance…something to save your country’s Democracy…something to help humanity…What is wrong with you?
So we see the real reason behind on forcefully blocking Kamala endorsements in Washington Post was to endorse the President Elect amd there is no actual neutrality there just some silly dances via playing with some words twisted! He seems like having 'no' difference from Elon!
Dear Amazon, my family is deep into you, and we'll all leave if you give money to turnip head.
He says he's a great businessman. Let him pay for it himself (I know, he's too cheap and would stiff the workers)
Because the Supreme Court decided that this and payments like it are a feature and not a bug in the Constitution. They carved this out as being totally a-ok when defining corruption
I’ve been searching for products on Amazon and then googling the company and ordering direct from them. Most times the shipping is free if you buy enough.
I don’t blame any rich person for giving money for Trump. He’s made it obvious by now that he is wide open to bribes. A million bucks makes a lot of problems go away, so why not play the game?
Idk why they’re doing this bullshit donation to his “inaugural” fund when #SCOTUS legalized bribery and made #POTUS immune. I’d feel better if he just did the shit out in the open and not treat us like morons even though this country is full of morons that voted for him.
If you end up going to your deathbed with your final act a tabulation of dollars you've accumulated, you may have missed the point of life. Companies lining up kowtowing for their turn at a boot kiss is just pathetic.
They STILL havent found out what happened to all the money that was donated to Trump's inaugeration in 2017. Melania got 2 million and her hairdresser got a million...beyond that???
They're all pissing all over themselves to stay on his good side. Much like and MSNBC
while us average Americans are being fucked over by all of you gaslighting cowards...
Don't subscribe to Time & buy nothing that advertises on Fox. Also, place every block you can around the state run media lord donnie is setting up. A media company set up by the federal government is very dangerous. Empowering CNN might not be what we want but its between that and state run media.
Can someone come up with a serious rival to Amazon? I’m guilty of using it, but if I can find what I need elsewhere, I do but it’s not always easy so please, someone step up. Maybe if we all pool our money we can do it
Open bribery happening right before our eyes. I keep saying it over and over and over. We have to change governments. We have to. You're looking at the deepest level of corruption right now. You're in Gotham City. They're creating a wall and if we don't stop this it'll be too late.
According to #Google search, "As of 2024, there are 835 billionaires in the United States, which is an 11.2% increase from the previous year. The combined wealth of these billionaires is $5.8 trillion, which is more than 40% of the world's billionaire wealth."
Wut? Isn't the inauguration just something that the government pays for?
I guess in the end everything in America is for sale, even the government.
I'm excited to see the corporate billboards surrounding the event. Maybe Trump can cover his suit in logos like a NASCAR driver?
Can you guys cover this story?? Why aren’t democrat organizations counteracting this??
“Heritage Action For America, a conservative grassroots organization with ties nationwide, is launching a new campaign in nine Republican states to confirm President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet appointees.”
We the people need to try and scale back the money we give these big companies. Scale back the gift giving and what we do buy should be local. Moving forward Christmas gifts are only going to be for the kids and for the adults do white elephant gift exchange.
Look at Trump consolidating power in politics, finance, and religion all at once. Vladimir must be so proud. Let’s see how smart Jeff feels a few years from now when he’s pissed off Trump for some slight and finds himself involuntarily falling out of a window somewhere.
Thing about Boomers is that they have a profound ignorance to history and an overconfidence in the American system being immune to fascism.
The latter comes from being a generation that never lived the horrors of the World Wars and was born into a relative global privilege they did not earn.
Donald Trump, “You can fool all of the people all of the time”
He says he's a great businessman. Let him pay for it himself (I know, he's too cheap and would stiff the workers)
The average American has no idea how much they are about to loose. Job, home, car, life, liberty etc.
That swamp seems to be getting deeper and deeper. Imagine that
Is it the same “they” that are trying to figure out where $1.5 billion in campaign donations went for the Harris campaign?
while us average Americans are being fucked over by all of you gaslighting cowards...
I don’t know the answer but it seems like it would be useful context.
I guess in the end everything in America is for sale, even the government.
I'm excited to see the corporate billboards surrounding the event. Maybe Trump can cover his suit in logos like a NASCAR driver?
“Heritage Action For America, a conservative grassroots organization with ties nationwide, is launching a new campaign in nine Republican states to confirm President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet appointees.”
It’s not like there isn’t going to be an Inauguration if he didn’t donate $1 million.
The American people are not going to put up with this crap.
And thank you for supporting trashident Trump during the debate, CNN.
I deleted your network from my TV.
The latter comes from being a generation that never lived the horrors of the World Wars and was born into a relative global privilege they did not earn.