Nearly three dozen of President-elect Donald Trump’s picks to serve in his incoming administration donated to his campaign or to the deep-pocketed outside groups that worked to elect him, a CNN analysis of federal campaign records shows
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That's how it works in Trump's world. You gotta pay to play and if the department you bought brings negative attention to Trump, you're the first one under the bus.
Donald Trump‘s real campaign was come by a seat at the table… Everybody who does gets a dinner spot at the trough of the American taxpayer…. And another huge Griff.
Trump has always been for sale. Everything is a quid pro quo with him because the ONLY thing he cares about is himself. His KoolAid drinking cult thinks that his bribe money somehow will flow down to them. 🤦♀️
US politics has always been about politics, politicians, and the rich. And ruthless exploration of domestic resources, and foreign. The more glamorous part has been created on the big, and the small screen.
If politics is a pay to win game, everything else is as well.
He won the popular vote, he won the electoral college, he won the house, is there any evidence of corruption? If not perhaps the "democratic system" the US boasts about and invaded countries to impose it on should be questioned?
Agreed. And of course they cheated. Where on earth a billionaire can flaunt 250million to buy vites and get away with it. But this has been allowed by the gaps in the US political system .
Relying on the donors instead of 'true talent' on related departments is very risky&very probably is to result in heavy failures because of 'lack' of related abilities as money cannot inject xp&big skills into human brains about the very deep and complicated issues being related with departments!
Those not in his cult know that. It was sad to watch so many believe him. I'm interested to see what happens with my dual citizenship. Native from both sides of that invisible line.
It was only inevitable in the wake of Citizens United that we would end up with this, with a bunch of billionaires colluding to buy the presidency. They had the money and all they needed was someone as dumb, as morally-circumscribed, and as lacking in civic mindedness as Donald Trump.
The current Republican Party is a corrupt organization. 🤔
These nominations are purely picked to enrich Trump. They have nothing to do with making the average Americans life better.
Trump does not care one bit about you. He only cares about Trump.
Shortcut to 2016 nomination too. Betsy DeVos bought Education Secty. She's all abt bringing chaos & destruction down on the public education system; an education profiteer. A billionnaire selling out public education to low quality white supremacist, classist, #ChristianNationalist private schools.
Is it news anymore that Trump has put the US up for sale with him taking all of the profits?
Donate to Trump's campaign to get an influential post in the industry you profit from, then attend Trump's campaign event at Trump's property so Trump can drain the campaign funds into his pocket. Repeat
Why report on things we already know? Why report on things nobody will do anything about? Why pretend like US politics have any integrity whatsoever? What's with the act? It's desperate.
Elites don't show off their eliteness. The real ones anyway. These trailor to Tiffany's people have no clue what they're doing. None. Their money is new and gaudy. The old school rich don't accept them.
Republicans want nothing more than a white-centric, oligarchical rule, propped up by enough Christian theocracy, populist lies & fear mongering that they can keep Americans blind long enough while they gut our democratic institutions.
I think you need to compare and contrast this with prior Democrat administrations. It’s only interesting if you have a comparison, it’s common practice to give *AMBASSADORSHIPS* but not necessarily cabinet positions. Do more homework and report back.
I did read it and the article did address my question. It turns out Trump has given away 1/3 of cabinet positions to his donors including super PAC donors. That is unprecedented. I’m very curious how the rank-and-file are going to respond to leaders who have no background in the relevant area
Why are you and other MSM complying now? You encouraged the nonsense because you wanted ratings, well, we are now having to live with these jokers for next 4yrs.
Donating to Trump’s campaign: the new price of admission to his swamp! Nearly 36 picks bought their way into his admin—pay-to-play at its finest. MAGA? More like Make All Grifters Appointed. Disgusting!
Our government is even more for sale than it ever has been. These people who voted for Trump to “drain the swamp” will be the reason we all drown in dirty ass water (literally and figuratively!) 🤬
No you're wrong. Fuck them. We're coming for them. Mangione showed us the way. If we can't vote them out; if protests are illegal, then it's time to consider violence.
Trump used Musk to get millions in campaign funding and will throw him in the trash like he's done to all that wish to be in his orbit. The clock is ticking the same way it did for Tillerson and other rich men that fell into the MAGA trap!
Worse, he put him in charge of an efficiency program that isn't tied to actual govt except for MTG. Embarrassing for musk. Kiddie table is where he needs to be though. Away from decisions. Not that trump is qualified either.
That talking toilet’s only interest is trying to figure out how he can tap in the money. He’s another CEO brained idiot who just wants his slice, even if it means taking yours.
The US is the best Govt money can buy. It's not just Trump. AIPAC has bought the GOP and half the Democrats. Let's not forget big Pharma and the Gun Lobby too.
Ask the question?? Why is Elon Musk allowed to contribute millions to his campaign? He’s not an American. Just because he has a piece of paper saying he is? He can’t run for any political office so why should he be allowed to buy one???
How many of his pics are in fact criminals or have had criminal activity in their blood? The answer is almost all of them! Not one of them should be allowed anywhere near politics.
Andrew Jackson popularized the spoils system in the 1820s, explicitly rewarding political allies and donors with government positions. Many modern presidents, both Dem & Repub, appointed major donors to ambassadorship. JFK appointed donor types to prestigious posts, such as ambassadors to Europe.
Yeah, MAGA World, that's what I call "draining the swamp." And now your big bad orange daddy admits what any rational thinker knew all along: he can't do a damn thing about lowering the price of eggs.
Still the chances of you ever realizing you've been duped by a con man remain small.
I'm getting the feeling that the new CNN owner never got a call from the orange twat. It's a bit late to be revealing shit on him now. You had the chance
The man said he’s going to disregard the constitution, declare martial law, deploy military on American streets, deport over 10 million people, and buy bitcoin with taxpayer dollars. 🫤
Well, you got pay to play and those with the deeper pockets now have very large paybacks coming. Trump owes all of them and one way or another Trump will pay them back.
If politics is a pay to win game, everything else is as well.
Now do dingbat’s dark money and foreign HBC donators…
Losers. Oh… I hear the DYI channel is looking for people… hint hint.
For reference, just look at russia.
He won the popular vote, he won the electoral college, he won the house, is there any evidence of corruption? If not perhaps the "democratic system" the US boasts about and invaded countries to impose it on should be questioned?
but it's F Up47 so we should expect nothing less
The coward motherfuckers who work for CNN learned that from their mom.
Make it a monthly recurring donation and get a hat, t-shirt and CD of pirated music from the campaign.
$1 million lands an ambassador slot to a designated shithole country.
For plum postings and cabinet seats, well, if you have to ask ...
These nominations are purely picked to enrich Trump. They have nothing to do with making the average Americans life better.
Trump does not care one bit about you. He only cares about Trump.
Donate to Trump's campaign to get an influential post in the industry you profit from, then attend Trump's campaign event at Trump's property so Trump can drain the campaign funds into his pocket. Repeat
You lot wouldn’t know “an elite “ if you fell over one
4 years will be so long!
Trump is a corrupt kleptocrat. Welcome to the United States of Russia.
Can’t service the public while servicing themselves.
If we must have an enemy at the head of the government, let it be one whom we can oppose and for whom we are not responsible.
- Alexander Hamilton
Still the chances of you ever realizing you've been duped by a con man remain small.
Just kidding, Trump will accomplish NOTHING but golf, watch daytime television and continue to daily shit-post his mindless excretions to “X.”
The man said he’s going to disregard the constitution, declare martial law, deploy military on American streets, deport over 10 million people, and buy bitcoin with taxpayer dollars. 🫤
And he’s going to give Ukraine to Russia.
Wake the fuch up….please?
Here's how Hitler did it: