Got a funny reply the other day that was like "maybe oxman did an Amelia bedelia misunderstanding of 'do note cite wikipedia'" and it appears that's now their actual defense
No it's even better. They didn't like plagiarism bu since they didn't mention Wikipedia specifically she couldn't have known. Also she's not a public figure despite being a leader in her field. And another thing...
"Listen, okay, in pre-capitalist England there was this thing called 'The Commons,' and that's why it's, technically speaking, called 'The Wikicommons' okay? So if you were to, let's say, use Wikipedia articles, substantively, in your dissertation it would be fine because of pre-capitalist England."
He throws up a nice straw-man. Whether or not MIT considered Wikipedia as a reliable academic source or not has nothing to do with one’s responsibility to properly attribute their sources.
Must have been hugely long plagiarism policy if it mentioned all the sources that couldn't be copied from, while not naming those that were fair game (regardless of copyright law).
Also, too, Ackman is (likely) pleine de merde. Here's the plagiarism page of MIT's 2010 academic handbook. Can't quickly lay hands on the 2009 version, but the language here has remained consistent over many years since and I'd be surprised if 2009 were very different.
“Citation needed” on wiki aside, it’s likely that there’s loads of what would be considered plagiarism in an academic context. Which means she probably plagiarized plagiarism. A plagiarist’s plagiarist.
That should read "has had to bring." But it is also true in the sense above, that when I discover a problem in this domain I do have to bring it forward.
Should add: it is bullshit that plagiarism in any form is an instant expulsion/death sentence. Sanctions vary enormously depending on circs.
The tell, if more of the media were inclined to recognize it, is that right wingers, who scream bloody murder about "due process" if any of their own get less than a full jury trial for any infraction, demand immediate hounding from public life with no process for their victims.
i was at the institute for a decade, 96-06 (UG+G), and plagiarism was not tolerated at any level. were there penalties? yes. was it always punished with the harshest possible outcomes? no. was it sometimes? yes. like you said, context matters.
Yup. I've seen a requirement to redo the offending assignment; an F on the assignment or the course, & in on1e case of academic misconduct other than plagiarism (but in the same broad area) separation from the 'tute.
It was funnier in the original: "Was that wrong? Should I have not done that? I tell you I gotta plead ignorance on this thing because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing was frowned upon..."
What is up with billionaires who have everything except any basic common sense? He's melting down publicly for no apparent reason when he could be off doing fun billionaire things.
I think because after a certain point it isn't about money, it's about power, right? And all billionaires are assholes who want to control other people.
Also, Wikipedia is a meta source, lol. It cites all it's sources, so you don't even have to do the legwork if you don't want. And if you don't cite the same way Wikipedia does, you're just plagiarizing the original source.
This would be an excellent moment for her to have him declared insane, move all of his wealth into a conservatorship she controls then shack up with Brad Pitt (again I guess?).
… did she plagiarize from Wikipedia? Is that what we’re saying? 😂😂😂
Is what I interpret his communications to be.
"What should I cite?
Electronic sources: [...] i.e., any material published or made available on the Internet"
- MIT, Academic Integrity, 2009
No lawyers were inconvenienced or paid during the creation of this post.
And if I did do it, it was allowed.
Should add: it is bullshit that plagiarism in any form is an instant expulsion/death sentence. Sanctions vary enormously depending on circs.
Then in a few years, a proper mission might be able to scavenge some useful stuff from the wreckage.
Billionaires: they’re just like us!
Posting is a hell of a drug.
Normal people would never see the point of getting that rich — just buy yourself an island and live there
Got it.