This is the most powerful and richest nation on earth - in pure free fall. Elbows up and FIGHT TO REGAIN YOUR NATION! BTW, invite Canada to help out - we are itching for this fight and we want our best friend back to normal. Your new bf is Orange, smells bad and treats people like crap.
Betraying our democratic principles
Abandoning the sick and starving here and abroad
Violating human rights
Threatening our allies
Casting out science and scientists
More like the clumsy clown act on the world stage.
Everybody is just breathlessly watching you throw it all away, lose the Cold War to Russia in the playoffs, lose Africa and Middle/South America to China and lose all your allies that bled in your wars.
Those of us who actually pay attention to and have even a cursory understanding of how the world works understand this. But for MAGA, this is exactly what they want. After all, Europe is just a bunch of woke, homosexual communists, right? Ignorance is fascism's accomplice.
since or "because of". Millions of people voting for a felon says a lot about the voters.
the inability of the legal system to deal with rampant criminality makes the whole rule of law thing look unserious.
the view of the people and the system is grim
uniting the world against america, the integrity of america can never be improved after this. all they will be left with is a powerful military with zero respect. america will be the school yard bully. thanks
Australian here. I have replaced every American-owned brand in my shopping trolley with products from Australia or other countries. I have checked every pharmaceutical in our house to make sure there are no American owned brands. Next month we will be buying an ev. It will probably be Korean.
As an American who is desperate to stop the rot in my country caused by Trump and his minions, I say bravo to you. America needs to be punished for what half our population has done to the world. Unfortunately, only pain will get through to some people. And we need all the help we can get.
Correction, only a third of voters supported the FFOTUS and a third sat out the election. Somehow your situation seems so much worse given those facts. Generally the least educated and intelligent part of the country agreed with Musk and got DJT elected. In the FO phase right now.
I said population. I actually was referring to "voters." As much as I hate everything about MAGA, they actually voted. I have zero respect for people who saw what was coming and decided to stay home on election day. They're not Americans as far as I'm concerned. And they have no right to complain.
Trump is not the USA .. he is 50% of voting Americans at best .... we know that .. but you cannot trust an America controlled by a fascist mafia boss ...
Well, that gives us as europeans the chance to grow up and remain independent pluralistic democracies with own agenda. Despite that I hope the USA recover. You are one of the oldest democracies in the world.
I am trying to put a value to the damage, but the numbers seem ridiculously high and long lasting: Loss of exports (incl. military complex), tourism, domestic growth and purchasing power, soft power, import of ideas and chasers of the dream. Can you put a number to the loss?
Amongst my friends the perception of America has very quickly turned from very positive to extremely wary. Even if Trump doesn’t care, surely American business will?
Well, when you have your mini me VP scold Europe, threaten Ukraine sovereignty, cozy up to the tiny Russian despot, put tariffs on everything and reduce military aid, what the hell do you think would happen?
‘Merica has lost Canada already.
Seems logical and intuitive to me that creating genuine, healthy, diverse, equitable, inclusive communities (spectrums of connections and support) is how a person, organization, town, city, State, country and the whole world best functions. We are all connected after all. 🖖
But the US gets closer to the idea of democracy by HL Hencken:
On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”
The more extreme right a country has within, the less they’ll be bothered by US administration activities. Every country is trying to keep this at bay where F.R. aren’t in the majority/power. The way I look at it if you go extreme left you bump into extreme right around the back. It’s a full circle.
Would like to see this stat for Canada. Likely went from mid 60s to 10% best case. The orange buffoon will not only make you a pariah, the likelihood you will fall like Rome increases daily. Rise up against tyrrany, or accept your countries fall.
Americans are spoiled and take democracy for granted. A full third of eligible voters sat out this last election. So now we all have to suffer the consequences.
Many countries have travel advisories about travel to the USA. Tourists bring tax dollars and support jobs. I guess a guy who bankrupted casinos can't comprehend that.
In declaring our independence, our claimed sovereignty as a free nation among nations, Jefferson saw the agency in such alliances, stating “ a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.” How far we’ve fallen.
Purely temporary. In the end, the US is still the most benevolent country in history. Pre WW2, we had an isolationist stance, post WW2 they all loved us. Naturally we look unfavorable right now: we want to buy less from them and not pay for their defense,not saying US is right, just human nature
Occam’s razer
Dictator Trump is Putin’s Trojan horse and we are under attack.
Nonviolent solution to Dictator Trump is to pay GOP Congressional members using lobbyists to impeach him. We are now a client state of our enemy Putin whose goal is to collapse the US like USSR collapsed.
Trump won this election by 1.5%. The other 48.5% of American voters are sickened to our core by what's happening. I don't think I've had a decent night's sleep since Trump took office. So keep in mind that about half of us are suffering along with the rest of the world. And suffer we must.
Correction. Not all Americans. There’s a lot of us who never voted for the moron since 2016. The problem really was the 1/3 of registered voters that didn’t vote.
It’s intellectual laziness to assume this outcome. It still didn’t have to happen. But it did and the rest of the world sees it. Those interested in democratic norms here and abroad will need to fight for it if they want a different outcome for themselves.
The U.S. bankrupted the Soviet Union using the Cold War. Now, with the help of Christian nationalists, Russia will bankrupt the U.S. using Donald Trump.
I was really hoping that second sentence was going to be "so they have hope that we can change and compassion in the meantime" but no that's about on par with the state of the world
There have always been those kinds of people. Everywhere. We’ve just allowed them to gain traction. They must be defeated electorally or you get the US. And they’ll be like this for a generation, I imagine.
As an American and a veteran in the MAGA regime, I can’t blame them. MAGA is nothing but traitorous bullies, now ignoring and threatening judges and legal immigrants! I love my country but there’s a limit to what is acceptable and we crossed that threshold during his 1st term. 🌏Friends 🌍 I’m sorry 💔
You are correct. Our institutions have let us down, and have demonstrated how fragile democratic forms of government really are. Only the people can save us now. This should serve as a lesson for Canada and the rest of the free world. Protect your freedom like it was your child.
I ask what "mandate" ever proposed worked and how? Second, as an imagination via media and education, life on Mars is possible or real?
Words. As for a President, he does not have a personal constitution of obeying his oath and service to the rules and regulations of the USA. "Invented" "doge". WTAF
The the US used to be like the big brother who would watch NATO's back. Now, instead of a big brother watching their back, Trump is teaming up with Putin. Who wouldn't feel betrayed?
It never should have been as high as it was. Hopefully the world will not just stop at scapegoating. DJT but hold America accountable for as long as it takes for America to stop being hegemonic garbage.
Biden wrecked our reputation. Swedes? Danes? Happy, yes. Smart? Not really. The U.S. is going through tough love right now. It’s called leadership. We’re not here to be liked. We’re here to be great. And we will be. Again, anytime now.
Wow - every assertion you made here is incorrect. Swedes have subs that sank your aircraft carrier - twice- during war games. All of europe has a higher ed system better than yours, and Orange Jesus is attacking universities now.
Greatness? Your leader can't spell it correctly. Enjoy the leopards.
I love how you're attacking universities "in self-defence" ..... while using technology created in universities to do so.
The hypocrisy and self-own....
The U.S. was the greatest country in the world because they took the best people, ideas and capital from the rest of the world. The world made America great.
Just like in the analog world your Congressional Dems and DNC leaders intentionally ignore every response and reply they receive on Bluesky. They use Bluesky like a bullhorn and ignore any valid criticism or input. Everyone on Bluesky then wonders why democracy has failed in our country.
Occam’s razer
Dictator Trump is Putin’s Trojan horse and we are under attack.
Nonviolent solution to Dictator Trump is to pay GOP Congressional members using lobbyists to impeach him.
We are now a client state of our enemy Putin whose goal is to collapse the US like USSR collapsed.
Putin is isolating the US ,a key to weakening them.
His Trojan Horse, Dictator Trump is directing attacking the US from within. The only country benefiting from Dictator Trump’s attacks are Russia. The ruble is up 35% since Trump took office while by all measures the US is in decline.
Only thing Trump/ Rethuglicans understand is an organized stance against fascism. Their Achilles heel is their wallets. Shut it down! We need influencers, politicians, and media. If one day isn't enough there's six more in a work week! Stay safe, stay warm, stay home! Walk out Wednesdays!
That's the whole point. Trump was put in place to divide us—and it's working. He will trigger a depression. But maybe this is what it will take to loosen his grip on the masses. #BlameTrump
Betraying our democratic principles
Abandoning the sick and starving here and abroad
Violating human rights
Threatening our allies
Casting out science and scientists
There’s nothing great about any of this.
Everybody is just breathlessly watching you throw it all away, lose the Cold War to Russia in the playoffs, lose Africa and Middle/South America to China and lose all your allies that bled in your wars.
You even got us Europeans united. 🤣
the inability of the legal system to deal with rampant criminality makes the whole rule of law thing look unserious.
the view of the people and the system is grim
My kids were never going anywhere near an American University with all the antisemitism.
Now with Trump, I am not sure any of us will ever go near America.
Most people understand that not all Americans are Trump supporters. I talked to a man from Canada and he doesn’t hate all of us.
It helped when people learned we are from California.
‘Merica has lost Canada already.
Just sayin'
1.5 million Americans already live here!!
We have world class 'free' healthcare AND private healthcare
Also....better food, no chlorinated chicken, at least 4 weeks holiday a year and more history..🙄🤣🤣🤣🤣
On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”
"... favourability of the United States in Canada has fallen to a historic low of 24% since the re-election of Donald Trump."
Dictator Trump is Putin’s Trojan horse and we are under attack.
Nonviolent solution to Dictator Trump is to pay GOP Congressional members using lobbyists to impeach him. We are now a client state of our enemy Putin whose goal is to collapse the US like USSR collapsed.
What did people think would happen?
Favorability down. (In Nov, not even as of today)
I’m equally mad and sad. 😔 🤬
Rise up and do something before it’s too late!
We're in the shitter.
We might be able to pull ourselves out, and wash ourselves off, but the stink will remain for years.
I never thought I'd spend my golden years fighting Fascists.
In fact, he immediately starts getting lied to, ignored, belittled, insulted and treated as he really is, a fond, foolish old man.
Relinquish duty, forfeit power
Words. As for a President, he does not have a personal constitution of obeying his oath and service to the rules and regulations of the USA. "Invented" "doge". WTAF
Was this objective also included in the Project 2025 manifesto?
Or does the Heritage Foundation consider this a pleasant, unintended consequence.
It’s a national requirement now.
Down on your knees knave .
I used to be proud of our advancement.
Cancel their summer plans for concern over detainment. The trust has gone
#MAGA #Sweden #Denmark
Greatness? Your leader can't spell it correctly. Enjoy the leopards.
Swedish army runs on meatballs and passive aggression, that´s not gonna help.
And yes—I’m attacking universities, in self defense.
#Trump #MAGA #Sweden
The hypocrisy and self-own....
Wow..... no worries. Dumb doesn't survive. The future eradicates it - natural selection. Bye.
America took the brightest/best/whatever you want to call it, DESPITE THEIR VIEWS.
They took fascists after WW2 (and before), and they took eugenicists who were skilled after that.
Just be careful, world.
Dictator Trump is Putin’s Trojan horse and we are under attack.
Nonviolent solution to Dictator Trump is to pay GOP Congressional members using lobbyists to impeach him.
We are now a client state of our enemy Putin whose goal is to collapse the US like USSR collapsed.
His Trojan Horse, Dictator Trump is directing attacking the US from within. The only country benefiting from Dictator Trump’s attacks are Russia. The ruble is up 35% since Trump took office while by all measures the US is in decline.