Here's the core of their plan; cancel benefits on false pretenses & make it impossible to rectify. Maybe you'll lose your home & die, or starve or die from stress, then they can pocket the savings.
I just turned 65. I applied for SS & Medicare last month. Have heard nothing.
Here's what gets me; my wife & I are both lawyers & I've even assisted people applying for benefits.
The Medigap/Rx insurance is already a nightmare & many less sophisticated seniors fall for that Medicare Advantage scam.
IDK how non-lawyers navigate it, & it's about to get much worse.
Re that screenshot, people who don't know Seattle neighborhoods won't know that the guy in the story lives a short bus ride from the Social Security office, so it's easier for him to get there than even from other parts of town, let alone the suburbs or other parts of the state.
Trump is planning to close lots of their offices which will make it nearly impossible for a lot of seniors or disabled people
and if they were from anywhere further away and couldn't drive, getting to the Seattle office would be hard and pricey. If they can drive it would be just pricey
Agreed, but the mass media won't think so. They've got 50 years of experience remediating accusations of "liberal bias". They do not attribute *anything* to conservatives, except economic good news and tough on crime.
If I were he I would be seriously pissed off, but I would also 100% get myself some T-shirts made saying "Dead" Ned Johnson and wear them everywhere from now on.
I used to work for SSA. We would get "I am not dead" reports fairly frequently when some entity somewhere sent in a death report. It is trivial to get someone "dead" in the SSA systems and a total pain in the ass to undo it. Errors like this also have huge knock on effects in the persons life.
I used to process deathmaster updates a couple of jobs back. (The most metal file name!) They were usually done quarterly but if a quarter or four were missed it wasn’t considered a big deal
That was my end except it was credit. The response was mostly “talk to the SSA and we’ll see it when they update the data.” We wouldn’t mention that this would be a six month process if the stars aligned perfectly
Maybe this is too soon but unless I'm missing some catch Schumer might have been right. The GOP would have fewer qualms about a long shutdown and DOGE could have selectively turned the money back on without Congress' approval and pretended they were the heroes while gutting the res of the gov't.
This happened to a patient of mine in the hospital. We discovered that she was “dead” when we went to discharge her to a nursing home and she had no Medicare benefits. Bc she was “dead.” The SSA office wanted her to physically come to the office for proof of life. Uhh, she’s bedbound.
Musk - Trump have decided to cut funding for social welfare programs because the poor are just too darn comfortable. Who needs food stamps, affordable healthcare, and housing assistance, anyway? It's not like these programs are the only thing standing between millions of people and utter destitution
Seems inefficient that DOGE has 10 people looking for dead people. I think we should hire 10 people to watch the people looking for dead people. Sounds like something the moron leading DOGE would do.
Social Security killed me in 1992. I had been receiving survivor benefits and after graduating high school they whacked me instead of removing me from the rolls.
They literally knocked on my door in 96 because my income wasn't being recorded by the SSA and they wanted to verify my identity. 1/2
I just remembered. At one point when I was trying to get a prescription refilled, I discovered that my insurance had declared me deceased. That was a trip.
They didn't tell me what the problem was or fix my deceased status. I only found out because a friend of mine worked in an apartment complex I was trying to rent. She told me my credit report listed me as deceased. I had a job remove me from payroll and even had the cops call a job checking on me.
It's wild how people who presumably live in America seem unaware of how aging white people talk. Yeah they seem calm but I'll bet you could roast a marshmallow over his forehead
I’ve been encouraging people who don’t know what they can do right now to get neighbourly with the seniors and others on benefits in their neighbourhoods. It is so EASY for a socially-isolated older or disabled person or couple to starve or freeze or cook to death in plain sight of the world.
Even if it’s just getting together with some neighbours and putting up posters that say “if your cheques didn’t come and you don’t know who to ask for help you can ask me.”
it's fine that not everybody talks the same way but I am 100% confident that if you were in the room with Pam you would be able to physically see her vibrating with rage
Mine too. I've picked it up a bit even. I "laugh off" things publicly, because I can turn rage to laughter outwardly. If I let the rage fly, 1) It wouldn't be printable or broadcast. 2) I would come off as unhinged and no one helps ppl like that. 3) Laughing keeps me from letting it consume me.
Yes. My mother, relocated to the PNW but a California girl at heart, would have had so many swears redacted in her head during the interview - but they would ALL come out on social, and she would be talking to literally everyone who would listen. Pointing out that they had the cushion, many do not!
Add that the house style of the internet is hyperbolic anger, and we’re reading about it on the internet (even though it’s not happening on the internet) and it’s easy to forget that the irl style of mostly middle class people, esp older ones is rhetorically understating their anger.
It's like the "why do you hate waffles" tweet, except instead of the original being "I like pancakes" it was "I like waffles." We gotta ban huffing leaded gasoline.
In context, I think this is a case of someone replying to the wrong post. It makes sense as a reply to what you were replying to. They might have been thinking of it as a "yes, and"
This is just how we are and I guess people don’t realize that we get super mad while still forming coherent and logical thoughts. It’s that part that makes us kind of scary.
Have you ever heard a Southern lady say "bless your heart" in the most *acutely* polite manner & understood that she clearly would prefer to bury a hatchet in your head?
Same energy.
If there’s any Justice, Musk and Trump will be held personally responsible to pay every penny folks like this chap are out of pocket for their time, chasing this down, standing in line and lost interest on late payments.
My grandma started having to prove to pension funds that she was still alive in her mid 90s. She lived to 102, in good enough health she was able to do it, but was decidedly not amused. That still wasn’t as bad as this.
Every senior citizen's nightmare. This guy is lucky he was healthy enough to persist in the daily phone calls, eventual trip to the SS office (which hasn't shuttered just yet!) & the 4 hour wait to speak to someone. A significant number of seniors aren't strong/well enough to do this.
Adding to that, what IS the solution for people that this happens to once Musk and Trump have shuttered all of their local facilities? They're selling a number of federal properties and offices here in Ohio that I'm sure are crucial to state operations, but of course they don't care.
I just turned 65. I applied for SS & Medicare last month. Have heard nothing.
The Medigap/Rx insurance is already a nightmare & many less sophisticated seniors fall for that Medicare Advantage scam.
IDK how non-lawyers navigate it, & it's about to get much worse.
and if they were from anywhere further away and couldn't drive, getting to the Seattle office would be hard and pricey. If they can drive it would be just pricey
Definite Maybe
They literally knocked on my door in 96 because my income wasn't being recorded by the SSA and they wanted to verify my identity. 1/2
they are not actually laughing this off, they're saying they had enough financial cushion this didn't break them personally
well, expected
pleas, bluesky team, pleas think of propter's menchies
This was at NORTHGATE
Same energy.