They're all Snoopys from the hit comic Snoopy, but 1 guy is dressed like Brian from the hit cartoon Family Guy, who looks a lot like Snoopy & whose character design might be somewhat based on Snoopy.
I've never done the drug Molly, so I don't really get that part, but it's a popular drug at raves.
thank you, I guess I was confused by the molly part too... I understand that raves can be secretive and therefore exclusionary, but my understanding is that molly creates a sense of universal connectedness that seems at odds with users rejecting someone over minor differences in cartoon dog costume
When my sister was a raver, she and her friends were proud of the fact that they were so used to ecstasy that they could be mean to people on it (she's better now)
For me, Toddler and Pit Bull still reigns supreme. But yeah, this one is right up there. In the immortal words of the esteemed sociocultural philosophers Red Hot Chili Peppers: "Don't Stop, Continue!"
I've never done the drug Molly, so I don't really get that part, but it's a popular drug at raves.
You do that good shit