The Fascist Party of Trump just handed control of our military to an incompetent, unethical, neo-Nazi, misogynistic drunkard. What a bunch of treasonous cowards. It’s particularly shameful that veterans showed such contempt for our military especially Jodi Ernst who totally sold out military women.
Stunning a man of such poor character, grossly unqualified, could be confirmed as Defense Secretary. Republicans lost their way & women who didn’t step up to chastise Hegseth, shameful. Senate confirmation hearings are a sham.
At least the Mafia had to threaten to kill someone’s family to get them to do something really reprehensible. All you need to do is threaten to fund a primary challenger, and nearly every GOP senator will sell out our country.
While I hate her, let's not give her all the Iowa blame. We've got G'pa Grassley here marching in lockstep while we can hear his spine disintegrating with every step.
There is an inherent logical flaw in our system when there are stricter rules to work at McDonald's than there are to run the country or lead a major government institution.
It's called CAPITALISM: Where a Reality TV Show Host can Hire whoever Licks His Scrotum most satisfactorily, Men can rape children and women , Criminals can roam free with guns and no impunity and Prostitutes can pretend they are Prestigious mannered upper Class Ladies.
I am so fucking sick of the democrats allowing this shit to happen! I think it’s time the people who voted blue should take up arms! They put this moron in charge of Defense we might as well say our country is gone/dead!
Oh bullshit. They don’t do a goddamn thing. They don’t walk out, they don’t protest, they didn’t question the election (now likely rigged), they didn’t declare MAGA domestic terrorist after January 6th, NOTHING. And Chuck Schumer, a JEW, called for “bipartisanship” with MAGA NAZIS.
First, the Senate only needs a majority of its members for a quorum to begin voting, so a Dem walkout would have made it even easier for Hegseth. Second, claims of rigging for Trump in 2024 are unfounded and only help Republicans sow distrust in democracy
First, a walkout shows the people that Democrats are willing to say NO and to FIGHT MAGA Nazis. Second, those claims are based on Trump and Musk’s own words and increasing evidence. Last, to not question or fight helps Republicans completely, and is why 1/3 the nation doesn’t vote. Vichy Democrats.
I think they could have been making much louder statements to the press and having meetings w/Republicans who they claim to “work across the isle“ with and just shouted from the rooftop not to give power of nuclear weapons, power to fire career people-anything and everything to stop this!
Talk to your fellow white women who voted for Trump. Your anger is soooo misplaced. What do you want Democrat senators to do? Drive a bulldozer through the senate? I’m sick of the fucking electorate for “allowing this shit to happen”.
It’s like a slow death, we are all watching, as our collective lights dim…and we have to watch these hate filled asshats run roughshod over everything that’s America.
Such a dog and pony show. This guy is UNFIT and UNQUALIFIED which makes him just perfect for the Trump Cabinet. Trump is dead set on having a table of incompetents at the cabinet meetings so he can ignore them with impunity. So as Trump slides into his own mental decline, no one is in charge.
What a shame!
I'd call my Senators, but both of them are already voting no.
& a rapist in the pentagon👇🏼
& Adams is a rapist too
what a trifecta
NYT is a failed paper
any journalist still there has no ethics and no courage
don’t pay for cowardice
I do not feel like watching this junk show disgrace of a ceremoney mascarading as democracy.