President Trump is in Las Vegas for a rally on Saturday promoting his “no taxes on tips” proposal. It is the first time since his election that he has returned to the state. Follow live updates.
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... Revenge ... For "trying?" to hold OLD Poopypants responsible for SOME of his Crimes ... diaperdon is suffering from the Syplilis he has had for Decades ... making Stinky crazier and crazier ...
Only jobs left in America are shitty food service industry ones-and why not reward the richest of the rich with the untaxing of their tips while capping their pay at $.25 an hour with no benefits.
His buddies love no tax on tips because it will allow them to lower hourly rates for their workers, this means less wage security for workers and the government has to pay the bill due to loss of tax revenue.
Less tax $ means more debt giving GOP more excuses to cut social security and medicare.
This is how it's going to go until he's gone. Television appearances daily, rallies when not golfing. I am hoping the public rallies will produce what we're all hoping for....😉🎯
"And then he journeyed to Pennsylvania where he spent a month and a half campaigning for me and he's a popular guy.
"He knows those computers better than anybody. All those computers, those vote-counting computers, and we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide."
A proposal expected to allow rich corporate executives the ability to greatly reduce their taxable income, further burdening the middle and lower classes the costs the of the 1%ers not paying their fair share of taxes.
This would make that milquetoast headline of NY Times’ a more important read.
They already under report. I worked with a dancer who wanted to buy an investment vehicle, but it required a certain income level which she had but didn't report and got all angry about the fact that she couldn't cheat on her taxes and get the investment vehicle.
Ironically, dancers often pay the club a house fee to work there, but they could be tips only, some are, but some offer a wage too — but back to the point, all those tips are now not required to be taxed?
If it were enforced it wouldn’t be on staff it would be on the owners skimping on salary. Can’t Nytimes post a headline that doesn’t spread disinfo just ONCE
Your biased reporting won’t help your profit margin because you lack creativity to make money on truth
SCOTUS legalized bribes to public officials so long as they are classified as gratuity. He is not doing this for anyone working in a Vegas casino or anywhere else in this fucking country. Please stop falling for this bullshit
Trump spends 2 minutes mentioning "no taxes on tips" before rolling into a 15 minute tangent on eliminating FEMA and why it should be illegal for Mexican american children to eat ice cream and this is the headline we get.
Why is this moron campaigning ?? Did no one tell him he won ?? But I guess since he can’t travel abroad (being a felon), this is all he has. Just like 1930’s Germany
I really don’t think this benefits the average service worker. Card dealers can make triple digits with tips. SS benefits are based on salary so not sure it really benefits anyone in the long run.
Nothing Trump does is to benefit others. His “no tax for tips” is not about service workers scrounging for tips. It’s about the US Supreme Court decision in Snyder v the US where bribes can be considered tips. Trump wants his bribes tax free and he has congressmen filing bills right now to help him
Why not raise taxes on your billionaire friends and lower taxes on all of the lower income? Not taxing tips is a gimmick. Why should someone making the obscenely low Federal Minimum Wage of $7.25/hr pay more tax than someone getting tips?
Yet you followed them first thing and seem to have devoted your life to replying versions of the same thing to every post they make. I think you secretly love them.
He is trying to push through his real TIPS scam. He may put no taxes on tips but he will include executive bonuses as tips. So thus tanking SS, Medicare, .... Meanwhile on planet earth, a living wage would be better.
It would be great if media could stop filling the feed with this and go back to analytic and investigative things.You know, make journalism great again. Instead of constantly resetting the severity of what's happening, letting the chronic liars and criminals off the hooks...
I'm surprised he brought it up again as it's not likely to ever happen. The IRS system doesn't have a way to not charge taxes for things counted as income so that process would need to be created from the ground up by Congress. Either that or taxes on tips would be paid but you could take a tax cut.
NOT mentioned:
Most people who rely on tips for their income right now don't have a large federal income tax burden. In the future investment bankers, lawyers and trades people can lower their billed invoices and receive "tips" from their customers which will then be untaxed. That's the plan.
Warrior mindset! What the hell does that mean really. You don’t think the US forces from top to bottom don’t function as warriors. That’s Delusional Donnie trying to look tougher than few million real warriors.! Hesgeth sure ain’t much of a warrior abusing numerous women. Bloody disgrace!
"The Nazi Party Rallies, held in Nuremberg from 1933 to 1938, served most of all to stage-manage the image of the regime and Adolf Hitler...[and] were only one highlight in a whole year of National Socialist ceremonies." Copy/paste/repeat.
Why does he need more rallies, he won. I’m sick of seeing all of the campaign paraphernalia hanging around. Put this term on fast-forward and get it over with already.
Wild... no tax on tips and rally about it and is proud of it🤦♂️... why not simple give them a normal minimum salary a hour of around 18+ dollars ? Like the rest of the western world where tipping is rude..
I truly believe the first thing to do is have every democracy out there shut musk out of global markets. No Twitter, no Tesla, no space x crossing their territories. He is a danger to all societies.
I love that idea. The problem is starlink. It provides Internet to many, including Ukraine. It is also less vulnerable to attack than satellites of many counties because there are hundreds of them providing a service.
Yeah, for a long time I thought that was just a funny thing people had made up about him to get under his skin. Turns out they really are bizarrely small.
All 3 Trump’s casinos went bankrupt. Trump’s marketing strategy was to sell his name so many ppl aren’t even aware of his business incompetence. Trump’s failures were always bailed-out by father’s family fortune & foreign oligarchs. Trump & team are totally terrifying.
He has his eye on all the critical issues!
- personal retribution
- idiotic renaming of international bodies of water
- attack marginalized trans people
- launch meme coin
- threaten international sovereignty of allies
- this….
Here we go again with this rally crap. Did Biden hold rallies after taking office? Did Obama? George W? Clinton? Old Bush? Reagan? No...they were actually working...not always to the benefit of the people, but they didn't hold pep rallies like Middle School kids.
this could go so many directions, Gregory. my hope is not in vain? this is the hope of the just? a normal hope? everything is fine? everyone dies? trump is a bio hacker and will live forever on McDonald’s? Which isss it?
Less tax $ means more debt giving GOP more excuses to cut social security and medicare.
Kamala’s had a limit to avoid precisely this.
Yet another wealth transfer mechanism.
"He knows those computers better than anybody. All those computers, those vote-counting computers, and we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide."
Thought this was a day one executive action thing.
This would make that milquetoast headline of NY Times’ a more important read.
You holding rallies unless.... oh right you're a #Nazi and that's what Nazis do
If it were enforced it wouldn’t be on staff it would be on the owners skimping on salary. Can’t Nytimes post a headline that doesn’t spread disinfo just ONCE
Your biased reporting won’t help your profit margin because you lack creativity to make money on truth
If there isn't any overtime... You can't be taxed on it if it doesn't exist to begin with.
Thanks Boss!
Most people who rely on tips for their income right now don't have a large federal income tax burden. In the future investment bankers, lawyers and trades people can lower their billed invoices and receive "tips" from their customers which will then be untaxed. That's the plan.
Will not follow live updates from this madman
- personal retribution
- idiotic renaming of international bodies of water
- attack marginalized trans people
- launch meme coin
- threaten international sovereignty of allies
- this….