Elon Musk and his team have taken a hacksaw to the federal bureaucracy, one agency at a time. On "The Daily," our reporter brings us inside this hostile takeover of Washington.
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Musk Rewriting Code for Federal Systems, Him handed The most Massive Data Hack ever, unlimited access to Every Dept. Is not a Hacksaw ? It is a Fascist Coup.
Normalizing, Minimizing and Both Sides Bull 💩 open door wide. Journalistically Failure of Main Stream media to make a Buck the lube.
I'm a federal employee, this is a coup by private citizen. The financial data, SS# , health data, security clearances, list of friends/family members & contact details, fingerprints, pay and worker performance data, disability data is being stolen from OPM and the Treasury dept. RIGHT FUCKING NOW.
What? It’s a ducking COUP! A fascist coup. Let’s call it what it is. Words matter and we’ve been through this before. We’re here in part because the media is scared to call things what they are. A coup. It’s a coup.
It’s not ‘the bureaucracy’. It’s the actual government that enact the policies decided by elected representatives. Your reporting is doing the fascists job for them.
Doesn't "takes on" mean that you face an opponent? That there is some fair play/rules?
I don't think it means to attack under the cover of darkness to maximum harm while focusing on enriching yourself and not following any of the rules or norms.
Begging you, @nytimes.com, stop framing your stories from a view of awe and wonder at the audacity. The only rational framing is outrage at the illegality of it.
“Bureaucracy”? It’s our democratic republic ffs and these are wildly illegal/unconstitutional actions. This absolute refusal to frame accurately is why we are here.
The New Yorks Times enabled this insane dictator, even now your headlines coddling an insane racist demented dictator. Where is the headline that simply says "Trump is Insane"?
All the world salad soft pedaling semantics still got you kicked out of the White House. #shameshameshame
"Elon Musk, without legal or constitutional authority, is illegally dismantling the federal government and accessing sensitive information of every American."
Stop the 5th grade creative writing prompts with these headlines. Tell the truth bluntly.
WAKE UP! The only way out of this mess, short of a coup, is for the GOP House and Senate members to find some intestinal fortitude and impeach and convict 47 and VP. Dems should negotiate with the GOP to find a new GOP speaker who will become the new President. Musk should be tried for treason.
American people be strong & manifest & manifest & block roads & blocks Amazon, Apple shops, block SpaceX,Meta,Google,Tesla offices & blocks Trump golfs, hotels
& block your GOP office:he sold his soul & do not fight for U anymore.See what South Korean did & impeach Trump
And where are the Democrats? Why is the Senate voting on Trump nominees? Why isn't Schumer throwing a parliamentary spanner into the works to slow everything to a crawl instead of dancing around like a geriatric jack-in-the-box being electrocuted? STAND UP ALREADY!!!!!!!
Elon Musk is on a meteoric rise, but meteors do not rise - they fall! After a spectacular blaze, they fall into sudden oblivion.
This will happen to Musk.
Then why the headline you chose? Elon didn’t “take on Washington,” he’s burning it to the ground, but not before plundering everything possible for the gain of the oligarchs. And our own Nero doesn’t fiddle but he does play golf. NYT enabled this.
They also are gaining access to bank accounts and Social Security numbers for every single person who has filed for electronic deposit of tax refunds or has a federal employee and has direct deposit of their pay. Please focus on the ramifications of that.
So cool how in the main publication y’all have no qualms about creating massive spaces for fascism to flourish, then direct people to your podcast to hear all about how one of the “hostile takeover” guys you’ve enabled wields a “hacksaw” against the commons. Awesome business model you got there. 🖕🏽
Who TF is Elon Musk to take over the Federal Government???? All of a sudden Republicans care about “government spending”. Where were Republicans when Trump was spending $8 trillion last time he was president? Why is there no cut to tax payer dollars being funneled into Musk’s own companies??😡
Love the tech monkeys for bravely cleaning up white house! @elonmuskscamrefund.bsky.social
Thankyou for cleansing all the creepy atty, judges & clerks from our courts Elon June!!!
We don't say thankyou enough! Prayers @nnetanyahu.bsky.social & beancounters don't force you to dance in circles naked!
I've never met a better civil servant. Have you?
True story- we have called & written every government official possible last 8 years. They've offered to rape my children, I and now globe.
No thankyou.
Why would @elonmuskquotes.bsky.social want to be raped, or his kids & partners?
You volunteer bro.
Utterly bonkers. There’s such a non-stop barrage of willful and reckless behaviour, that Congress are deer bamboozled in the headlights. They’d better move, or they’ll be run over.
He's not attacking bureaucracy, but rather every one of us and our government by the people. It is a coup, and you are enabling it by not plainly calling it so.
Did one of your writers this morning actually refer to Musk's actions as a "government overhaul"?? That's the most benign language possible to describe an unconstitutional takeover of our federal payment and personnel systems imaginable! Are you working for Trump now?
Of course, there is likely some waste, fraud, and abuse at USAID. But laws are laws, and only Congress can disband this agency after it formalized it in 1998. if we allow Trump to break the law without consequence, we are on a downhill slide to autocracy quicker than any of us could’ve realized
Let us not just look at the headline which could be phrased differently sure it’s lowlife Musk doing the work but it’s Orangeman who is responsible even though he is the sidekick to Prez Musk the sidekick Orangeman has ultimate responsibility with a close second his accomplices in congress
Why are all the politicians, publications, etc afraid to stand up to this baby-man? Instead of reporting truth and facts, you water it down because you are afraid of being shut down and losing that wealth while the rest of us have to suffer this idiocracy! Grow a pair.
Musk, seen here describing his childhood under apartheid, responded to the report, saying “You can trust us; this is the same team that fixed Twitter.”
He'll wear a crown of Zambian emeralds and microchips, and we'll all be forced to kowtow to the great dictator of the world - or payments shall be cut.
I mean why should I as an American citizen pay my taxes when Musk and his little puppy dogs have access to my personal information? On what planet is my privacy be allowed to be hacked by a private citizen and some child? How is this remotely acceptable?
Elon Musk: seasoned tradesman! He may be hacking away at the government, but a hacksaw is a fine-toothed instrument usually wielded with some precision. Is that what you meant, or is your knowledge of real work too limited for an effective metaphor?
And our bank information. If you have paid taxes they have your bank account number and routing number. Pay attention to your bank accounts. One day you may not have any money.
If trump wanted to do things the right way, he would pass bills … he has the votes for it. Instead, he is playing the part of a dictator, and not just on “day one.”
Why are these agencies doing what Elon Musk wants? He's extremely unprofessional and disrespectful towards the workers. I hope the lawsuits against him are numerous.
Donald Trump stole national secrets and got away with it. In fact, he has copies of documents he thinks could be useful to him because that's exactly what he'd do. Elon Musk broke into government properties and stole the U.S.Treasury's database. Will he get away with it?
The point is cumulative effect of EOs. They’re trying to say“This is Trump’s country now." Klein’s advice is simple: DON'T BELIEVE HIM!
Trump wants to be king, not president. But he’s not king, he’s Pres with limited power. Treat him that way. https://youtu.be/K8QLgLfqh6s?...
What the hell NYT? We are in our worst constitutional crisis ever and you think that headline is appropriate? You used to mean something. You were the major pillar of the fourth estate. Now you're just a mouthpiece for the coup. History will not be kind to you.
Your headlines and blurbs make it sound like he's lawfully reducing excess and not actual Congressionally appropriated functions and critical public objective data (as well as data that should be private from him and his blood boys). Stop helping fascists.
To All the people who voted for this…they don’t need you anymore…they are destroying governmental entities that stand in their way…political opponents are next…then they come for you who voted for them because there will be no one else to stop them.
Boycott Tesla.
Normalizing, Minimizing and Both Sides Bull 💩 open door wide. Journalistically Failure of Main Stream media to make a Buck the lube.
You people are useless.
I don't think it means to attack under the cover of darkness to maximum harm while focusing on enriching yourself and not following any of the rules or norms.
All the world salad soft pedaling semantics still got you kicked out of the White House. #shameshameshame
A fraction of what he did would have landed anyone else in prison for life on multiple charges—including espionage.
Stop the 5th grade creative writing prompts with these headlines. Tell the truth bluntly.
& block your GOP office:he sold his soul & do not fight for U anymore.See what South Korean did & impeach Trump
This will happen to Musk.
Time to name names guys. If you want to survive this shit.
America is no longer the land of the free.
I thought Americans were bad ass,I guess it’s just in the movies or when they pick on weaker countries.
So sad,this won’t end well for a majority m.
All done by a fake billionaire & South African.
The Cyber-Fuhrer’s recruiting poster…
Thankyou for cleansing all the creepy atty, judges & clerks from our courts Elon June!!!
We don't say thankyou enough! Prayers @nnetanyahu.bsky.social & beancounters don't force you to dance in circles naked!
True story- we have called & written every government official possible last 8 years. They've offered to rape my children, I and now globe.
No thankyou.
Why would @elonmuskquotes.bsky.social want to be raped, or his kids & partners?
You volunteer bro.
Do better. They WILL come after you, too.
For real, I'm available to write headlines for you if you need someone good at it.
- fuck elon musk and his kamikaze destruction of our country!!!
He'll wear a crown of Zambian emeralds and microchips, and we'll all be forced to kowtow to the great dictator of the world - or payments shall be cut.
The point is cumulative effect of EOs. They’re trying to say“This is Trump’s country now." Klein’s advice is simple: DON'T BELIEVE HIM!
Trump wants to be king, not president. But he’s not king, he’s Pres with limited power. Treat him that way.
If no, then why does he have access to government agencies?
Took hitler less than 4 months to take over.