Chief Justice John Roberts on Wednesday night said that the U.S. Agency for International Development and the State Department did not need to immediately pay for more than $1.5 billion in already completed aid work.
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Of course! Roberts QUICKLY found a way 2 block d aid, but TOOK FOREVER 2 make judgements that benefited Cheeto & f*cked USA. CORRUPTION AT IT’S FINEST! Wonder who’s $$$ Roberts!!!!! Anyone want 2 take a guess????
A court whose legitimacy is rightfully being questioned due to corruption, bribery, partisanship, favoritism, untruths during confirmation testimony, etc. continues its shadow docket practices when all prior courts/judges refused to grant relief.
I don’t see how John Roberts can look at what is happening in the United States and not feel completely culpable for Citizens United. Also, do these justices not read anything but briefs? Are they so unaware of what’s happening outside of their little chambers?
And in three years the other three justices left are either gonna be missing in action, get in an accident or get poisoned. So maybe we should pledge allegiance to Hitler now and get use to it. And here I thought reincarnation was BS.
John Roberts and the Supreme Court have now set precedent for the US Government to not pay their bills. So on top of everything else we’ve become, we are now deadbeats too.
This is it folks. All three branches of the US Govt. complicit in reneging on its commitments.
Who is anyone going to trust now when you can't even rely on being paid for work you've already done?
It's immoral.
It's time to take the protests to the Supreme Court now. It was only a matter of time before they handed Dump his next corrupt win. Time to show them what America thinks of them. Commence the "Sink the Corrupt, Racist, Bigoted Dump Supreme Court Justices" campaign.
Disgusting, SCOTUS acts swiftly with urgency to help clear unlawful actions, but will stall for months to protect a criminal. Imagine if the court was liberal majority, it would have been illegitimaized by the current occupant of the WH
It’s also an administrative stay that would result in more irreparable harms accumulating which, lay person here but, I think implies that the chief justice finds the arguments of the appeal compelling and/or he thinks this would be acceptably adjudicated in terms of damages.
The Supreme Court has lost all credibility. They are Trump’s puppets and have destroyed the faith of the American people in the justice system. They have brought shame and disgrace to the office & history will not speak well of them.
The payments are for invoices frozen a month ago and Judge Ali ordered paid 2 weeks ago. The government stated last night they can't make payments in the 'time allotted by the courts'. Paying obligations isn't hard and the impacts to all get worse with time. Hope SCOTUS quickly does the right thing.
The US Supreme Court is a hot bed of corruption and fraudulent activity led by the Christian nationalist John Roberts who refused to appear before the senate when the dems had the majority and it's down to him why Dobs was overturned I'm appalled by this white fraudsters activity he deserves to be
Probably bigger fights to fight but man… these turds and have no idea what soft power is or how effective it can be. Machismo wins again and America loses.
… talk about the threat within. I guess if the country votes for someone who doesn’t pay his bills, his buddies on the Supreme Court will let the country behave the same way
That’s not what he said in a one page stay. Come on NYT! Be better! He granted an admin stay, as is the usual course in an appeal. Get your head straight!
If Roberts blows this it will be civil war. He thinks he will be spared. I warned him 14 yrs ago that I would not spare him. He will hang with the rest when this is done if he caves to dear leader and once more breaks his oath to the Constitution.
I used to be a proud American. I used to care what happened to the nation my family has helped build since the 15-1600s, on land other members of my ancestry held for hundreds or thousands of years. This land has been murdered, and the earth salted, all for a revenge tour— Classy.
Court no longer supreme- biased and A sham kangaroo court
I guess that’s what’s become of the US of A.
Who is anyone going to trust now when you can't even rely on being paid for work you've already done?
It's immoral.
Did Trump win?
He could do Anything
gl con law scholars
P.S. John Roberts will go down in history as one of the key figures who helped usher in fascism in the United States.
#stopMusk #stopTrump
The US, stiffing suppliers one country at a time.
John Roberts doesn't care about his legacy, Why?
The victors write history.
Supremely corrupt.
Yeah, I know - all of them but I’m about rapey Brett here
Have you ever read article 2?