The #OntarioElection is a story of #cdnmedia failure, public stupidity, and weak ineffectual opposition. It is also a story of massive amounts of #DarkMoney bypassing regulations. #DougFord is a thoroughly corrupt conman that mainstream failed to hold to account while propaganda flooded social media
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His eyes take an hour to glaze over now. 😜But I keep at it. :)
how he got their private phone numbers 😎
Quebec here & the only thing I learnt through the sm lense was all the wrong/terrible things Doug did, yet nothing on what the others cld/wld do...
It was voter suppression calling an election this time of year.
2 of which were week days. Not normal. In my riding poll stations were reduced significantly. Changed locations. Many didn’t get their voting cards. 1/2
NDP fans I've seen say that the candidate didn't say this or that, so they won't vote or will force themselves to vote for that NDP candidate after being urged
Friends - quite bright people - told me that Ford was the only candidate who could stand up to Trump.
The Cons' gamble with an unnecessary wasteful election paid off - and the mainstream media aided and abetted.
Good job, Ontario.
For the first time in my life, I'm a full on Liberal.
If this Carney guy is as secretly corrupt as the others, I'll be devastated.
Massive respect globally.
That's why the CPC is attacking him so hard.
Moderate Cons like him.
Sadly, even respected men have fallen to corruption.
I haven't found anything indicating any corruption, and I'm damned good at finding it.
Fingers crossed 🤞
As long as fatso gets to turn himself into an oligarch, I really don't think he cares.
There goes what little healthcare we have left. Pollution galore. No more greenbelt. Lots of highways to no where while we pay his buddies huge amounts of money >>
The homeless, the aged, the disabled, the families struggling to make ends meet. The people dying while on wait lists. The people dying for lack of a doctor. The ones dying by overdosing caused by an addiction to self medicating their mental health disorders.
I suppose all the money he's taking helps a lot.
Instead of making assumptions & giving people labels that gov'ts in the past have given them, ask them how they feel about it
#cdnpoli #onpoli #bcpoli #abpoli #skpoli #mbpoli #nbpoli #nspoli #peipoli
Fraud voted in again?🤯
What is wrong with all the people voting for fraud?
Seems like life isn't hard enough for them yet.
Its only going to get worse now with the PCs.
They clearly need to learn the hard way.
What an absolute crime!!
We'll have to see what the amount voted was, but I think its less than 40%
Truly sad.
This destructive PC chasm will be really tough to climb out of for future Ontarians.
Such a mess.
I'm sorry 😢