Nice work, now call Rep. Aaron Bean (R-FL), he’s a DOGE caucus founding member. Hold his feet to the fire for a response. Same with Marge Greene.
Hold them accountable.
Either Musk was aware people he hired had been involved in leaks, hacking, racist posts, and didn’t see that at disqualifying or Musk was unaware which means no vetting was done.
I was just tagging it into Joyannried as she was talking about them b/c vance said the kids should come back, & Trump was ask about it & he said sure if Vance thinks so, I'm for it (paraphrase).
Holy moly. The facts as related in the report by & colleagues strongly suggest the official quoted as saying Musk’s team is operating with security clearances was simply lying. If this turns out to be true, he should be burned.
There is no chance he was approved for any level of clearance with a recent security violation like that. That’s just not how any of this works.
Trump must be using his imaginary magic wand again.
Hold them accountable.
Omg, Musk needs to be fired and belongs in jail for pulling that crap.
Trump must be using his imaginary magic wand again.