“When I was 13 years old, I helplessly watched my dear father dying from an accident as blood was spurting everywhere,” Trump’s Surgeon General pick writes in her book.
Dr Nesheiwat – accidentally knocked over a gun when she was 13, causing it to fatally shoot her father in the head.-NY Times
Dr Nesheiwat – accidentally knocked over a gun when she was 13, causing it to fatally shoot her father in the head.-NY Times
Trump fired Vurthy, Biden reinstated him.
Bottom line: I hope someone digs deeper on this story. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
I was just trying to make the distinction between a revolver and a semi automatic pistol.
Also for the story to be believable at all, the gun would have to be stored with the hammer cocked.
This is weird on many levels.
Who keeps a fishing tackle box with a handgun on a shelf over their bed?
Why would there be scissors only in the tackle box? None in the office? Or kitchen?
These are weird details & I wonder what the real story is….
the box of fishing tackle was on a shelf OVER THE BED,
with the GUN,
and she needed Scissors from the box,
while her dad was sleeping,
and she was 13... and she shot him in the head.
Her father?
Ewwwwwwww, she recounts this as a psychopath would
she shot her dad
on purpose
The story sounds like something you’d see on SVU and you realize absolutely nothing makes sense. Except for that.
This is... Yeahhhhhh.