Amateur vote fraud sleuth: “We found an address in Erie, Pa. with 53 voters and NO ONE lives there. We will not let the Dems steal votes.”
Benedictine Sisters of Erie: “It’s a monastery and we do live here. Folks, please don’t believe every nutty claim you read on X.”
Benedictine Sisters of Erie: “It’s a monastery and we do live here. Folks, please don’t believe every nutty claim you read on X.”
None live there.
Nuns live there.
(I'm trying, it's not working.)
Lying makes them feel powerful.
This is what is called a sic(k) burn.
And one threating the infamous elimination of all liberal traitors once the civil war started.
You may remember them for guest scandals. Like they were starring in a TV program.
“A free republic depends on free and fair elections. It depends equally on a discerning and conscientious citizenry who do not unquestioningly accept the word of anyone who has a social media platform.”
Thoughts and Prayers on little children being raped or killed. They might not think all books should be burned, but they won't do anything about it
Yes, some nuns protested various wars
Yes, some nuns think that there should be women priests
I haven't seen any nuns operating an abortion clinic or supporting choice
In Vancouver, nuns bought the house next door to an abortion clinic so they could picket 24/7
It's ridiculous to claim a Roman Catholic order is Pro-Choice
They would be kicked out of the church if they tried
Obviously I have no use at all for the Roman Catholic Church or it's orders
Being against war isn't being left wing or even liberal
Ask a Quaker or Mormon how they vote
Abortion is in front of everything else
Thoughts and Prayers for all else