➡️ « Because boycotting American products is the very least we regular Europeans can do right now to return the favor, here's a thread of US brands to avoid, split up by category for your convenience.🧵 » by
Hit 🇺🇸 where it hurts. 🇺🇸 only seems to value $ now. Also boycott 🇷🇺, a terrorist country. Axis of evil is expanding.
Surtout Il ne s'agit pas d'un boycott, mais d'un geste de soutien aux pays européens qui risquent d'être frappe fort par les tariffs de Trump.
Surtout Il ne s'agit pas d'un boycott, mais d'un geste de soutien aux pays européens qui risquent d'être frappe fort par les tariffs de Trump.
We could just say "Eat Healthy everyone" and this would be a boycott of Trumpmerica
You won't be missing anything.
There are some non American brands on your list though. What are missing are brands like Netflix, Disney and some other streaming services
Now, if only fresh ingredients were cheaper or subsidised
#SlavaUkraini 🇺🇦
Without them, we'll be healthier
Mais comment on fait sans ati sans NVIDIA et sans intel ?
Ex: Lay’s fabrique ses chips en 🇧🇪(Furnes près de Lille), Coca à plusieurs usines d’embouteillage en 🇫🇷
=> un autre moyen plus soft est le code-barre
If it's needed in quantities, then of course home made is better.
I don't like all the chemical nonsense they use to prolong shelf life, I believe it actually has the opposite effect on human life.