To be clear so no one else accuses me of being a moral purist, this cartoon is using the idea of “Siamese twins” displayed in a freak show as a rhetorical device. I don’t think it’s radical to say we shouldn’t not promote ideas we agree with that use bigoted rhetoric
Thanks. I think it’s easy for us to have so much distance from past cultural knowledge that we don’t understand the significance of it. Everything is situated in its context and if we don’t recognize the culture the text existed in, it’s easy to overlook certain aspects
Why are you accusing me of something based on a handful of posts? Do you know who I am or have you had a discussion with me? You have made an evaluation of me without even interacting with me
I’m interested in education. I think you may have assumed that I was rebuking someone for posting something not ideological pure. My aim is to build a critical understanding of the rhetoric we use
I dont disagree with the sentiment but I don’t know if I would rely on Seuss for political commentary noting his comics depicting the necessity of Japanese internment camps during the same time this comic was made
Maybe I should criticize him harder for the anti-Asian racism he uses to demonstrate his logic in the cartoon that’s depicted. Does that demonstrate my point not to use this?
This may come as a surprise to you, but the man’s dead. We can safely use the parts of his work that AREN’T the racist anti-Japanese stuff without making him think that we approve of all of it.
I am trying to gently explain and “call-in” how we should not spread our anti-fascist rhetoric using racist tropes. I am trying to be an educator. What makes you think I am not worried?
America is filled with people whoes political beliefs are half acute insight and half insane nonsense. seus expressing critique of fascism while also having strong Asian racism and anti communist beliefs is an example.
I think something I should express is when I see anti-Trump or Elon posts where they are pictured kissing or with Elon pregnant, I don’t laugh and encourage this. These utilize homophobic tropes to criticize them. Just as I reject that rhetoric, I would also reject someone utilizing an racist trope
Does this change the rhetorical situation of the cartoon depicted in the posted using the anti-Asian racist “Siamese twin” freak show trope in his rhetoric?
No, tbf I kinda skimmed the text. Not exactly a great look. Then again, the context of Suess’s personal growth is a) important to the image and b) a reminder that people CAN correct their ideological mistakes
I believe that the people engaging with his anti-imperialist propaganda will understand not to utilize racist tropes while communicating their rhetoric. What makes you think I directed any of my comments at Seuss himself?
do you not understand that the purpose of criticing historical figures is to establish that parts of their legacy that should or should not be replicated and or celebrated?
I understand that we should not irresponsibly post a picture utilizing a racist trope and voice our uncritical agreement with it. We shouldn’t be using this propaganda otherwise we are excusing the racist rhetoric. The work exists in its rhetorical situation and should be treated as such
If you’re waiting for someone who has been 100% perfect in all things since birth go sit with the weird evangelicals trying to force the second coming
Metallica’s st anger was good actually
*crowd boos aggressively, throws things at stage*
America is filled with people whoes political beliefs are half acute insight and half insane nonsense. seus expressing critique of fascism while also having strong Asian racism and anti communist beliefs is an example.
Seuss has to be critiqued on his Asian racism.
it was egregious and needs to not be allowed to fester.