An EO does not dismantle the DoEd. He can starve it of funding and/or redirect its activities, but he can't unilaterally dismantle it. That would take an act of Congress.
He would have shut it down completely during a gov shutdown. Courts wouldn't have been available to stop him but now he's getting so much push back from the courts, he's doing a lot of damage but not as much as he wants to. Every bump in his road is a *good* thing! We can't let him cancel elections.
We know he “loves the poorly educated,” but every reason he and his right wing fans spout to justify this is a blatant lie. Eliminating the ED will not raise test scores. It will not “return education to the states.” Lies. Lies. Lies!
Don't worry... when Trump finally manages to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain, everybody will be able to eat turnips and cure themselves with leaches and heat their homes by burning trash. Who needs books, eh?
Trump just signed an executive order to dismantle the Department of Education, because who needs equality, funding, or facts when you’ve got AI bots, culture wars, and a Sharpie? Welcome to chaos.
He NEEDS the poorly educated. His MAGA voters are already cult like zombies. This will keep them ignorant. The brain drain will further divide us into a country of Oligarchs and Serfs. Hard to explain this to people who idolize this walking bag of excrement. It’s been a genius, diabolical play.
Mao Zedong once launched the "Cultural Revolution" in China for the sake of dictatorship.
He closed all university education, arrested teachers, and sent junior high school students and above to the countryside for labor reform.
Most absurd thing is, everyone knows it's illegal. But how system works in Usa, president has a power to destroy things even if it's illegal. Because everyone just obey illegal orders. System is literally braindead and people like him in power, it's domestic terrorism.
Can you look into how many people in education are resigning or retiring at end of school year? I just got an email from my kids’ school district admin that he is retiring in July.
Sadly, it can undo an act of congress if most of congress abdicates their power and responsibility to oppose it. Law is a social construct, Trump is demonstrating this. This is how you unravel an entire civilization.
Thanks so VERY MUCH for this. The average citizen doesn't know jack sh*t about the US DOE, except racist-ass mofos who blame it for integrating schools. DAMN
Donald Trump is actively attacking America and must be stopped. His co-conspirators must also be stopped. If we fail the nation will be destroyed and all of us along with it. God bless America! ♥️🤍💙
And most of the melanin-challenged ones LOVE him for it. As long as he gives them their daily dose of racial hatred, homophobia, & misogyny all rolled into grievance politics; they're happy.
That politicians from red states, who generally rely on government funding for education at higher rates than blue states, would celebrate this is *insane*.
Agreed, but also, like, this isn't small. A lot of conservative families are about to see services for their kids cut and there's no one really to blame besides Republicans.
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An uneducated, uncritical mass is optimal for expanding MAGA 🤮
Mao Zedong once launched the "Cultural Revolution" in China for the sake of dictatorship.
He closed all university education, arrested teachers, and sent junior high school students and above to the countryside for labor reform.
Dismantling programs to PUNISH those in most need is the action of a BULLY! Make NO mistake about that.
That he got a 2nd term should concern everyone. Remember his COVID denialism?
The rest are for the leopards.
Fascist scum is 🎯
And the words for those who enable him are not any better.