While I understand your frustration, we need CHILDREN to have those banned books as part of their education since people have been exposed to them in the past. Maybe some parents will do that. Maybe not. At least we know that some 76 million people would not be reading or using banned books.
I have not quite got this figured fully out in my head yet, but what about a read it forward campaign.(kind of like the pay it forward people are doing) But with books, make a sticker that says if you find this book read it and pass it forward and leave them where they can be found.
Maybe hang on to them and give them to people who don't wear red hats? If you leave them outside, someone might take them & throw away or burn. At least, that's what I would do. Great idea, though 👍
I bought books on ThriftBooks recently. I received banned books from Florida libraries (I Googled the library sticks on the used books) 😙 As a Masshole, I'm happy to take them.
There are several community libraries around here that do that! Like people have little wooden and glass boxes where people can just borrow books, and it’s kind of just honor system whether or not your return them or even add more books. It’s pretty dope!
I want to do this which is why I want to give it time to get things together bc I don't want books ruined. And honestly I don't need people to return anything. I want them to be available for people to keep and have for their own collections. Ill stock them, and then let them take what they need.
I'm gonna ask the office of my complex if I can leave something outside the door or at the end of the street or something. They're usually cool about stuff. But there are a lot of kids and families around. I think it would be cool for them to have access to books so close to hole whenever they want.
don't forget to check out challenged books from your library - those statistics are fed to the county; it's good for them to see these books are being checked out.
It’s a surprisingly appreciated resource. I keep copies of 1984 and The Handmaid’s Tale in my car and have passed out probably ten of each in a couple month, just to people to express interest.
I saw a post earlier this morning that said that it was a good idea to buy books from the authors themselves, or from the publishing company. The idea is to keep your money out of Bezos' hands.
Maybe space in a tiny free library would be available.