During the earliest episodes that machine was employed, they were actually running it for the entire program, and using soap bubbles. They stopped when the musicians complained about going home with both their clothes and their instruments coated in soap.
The only thing I lnow about Lawrence Welk is that I went to a timeshare presentation in Southern California because my gf at the time wanted free tickets to a Steve Aoki concert and I almost bought a timeshare because they made it seem like people wanted to travel to middle nowhere California.
No, and that's why I'm so glad I didn't get a timeshare with her. I do sort of regret missing out on the bell ringing and everyone clapping and glass of champagne, though.
Not a bad idea. My dog definitely needs a friend (so I could pretend for him) and, given my current friend group, I'm not sure anyone of them, regardless of gender, would be mad about a smooch.
Usually away from responsibility, but it's still elegant.