Why read past headlines: Yes, I'm trolling MAGA idiots with the headlines.
But I have a lot to say about why so many women are skeptical of dating and marrying men, and what it would take to make heterosexuality more enticing.
But I have a lot to say about why so many women are skeptical of dating and marrying men, and what it would take to make heterosexuality more enticing.
"MAGA-capped influencer Josiah Moody called it 'gay' to have sex with a woman for pleasure, arguing the 'best part about having sex is reproduction' and sneering at people who 'just have an orgasm.'"
Does this basement-dwelling dope have any concept of the satisfaction of helping others achieve ...satisfaction? Wait, he's a MAGA grifter, so probably not.
MAGA's go and buy prostitutes for pleasurable sex!
It's worth reminding people that Thiel is a homosexual man.
Now they have dicked themselves out of the competition while the quiet guys who learned to respect women win out.
Tortoise and hare.
Some of those links, though — why is it *always* women who are supposed to compromise?