Literally thrown out of a parochial school Xmas show for miming eating the baby.
My mom bullied the teacher into letting me be in the program by saying "God made her this way!" 😁
I am totally picturing Tom Hanks eating baby corn in Big, but with the Christ child.
I was removed from May Procession one year and also made to play one of people shouting "Crucify him! Crucify him!" during the school Passion play.
oh, no, I wrote that in a confusing way. They were two separate incidents (among many) in Catholic grade school where I was put in my place, so to speak lol
Gotcha. I was Baptist at parochial school until 7th grade when the family wasn't religious for 10 yrs.
By the time Dad went back to preaching, I'd got knocked up and married a Marine.
My mom bullied the teacher into letting me be in the program by saying "God made her this way!" 😁
I was removed from May Procession one year and also made to play one of people shouting "Crucify him! Crucify him!" during the school Passion play.
It's hilarious to me cause I was the preacher's kid.
By the time Dad went back to preaching, I'd got knocked up and married a Marine.