Grass is the most irrigated crop in the United States.
If your grass can't grow without a hose, you should not have a lawn there.
If your grass can't grow without a hose, you should not have a lawn there.
Reposted from
The line between Scottsdale, AZ and the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (SRPMIC) is a stark contrast between worlds; a reminder of what came before as well as the high burden of community water use in desert communities.
I have no idea why cities like Phoenix even exist let alone continue to grow.
And grow in the face of clear data of a warming planet!
In the case of, say, Phoenix, we're great water managers because we made our own problem by settling in the desert.
Agricultural water use is due to America relying on massive corporate farms rather than smaller local outfits.
Just let the riding mower go!
I should have said all that at first.
And not JUST on their stupid golf courses, either.
One gets used as feed, at least.