News: Cardinal Wilton Gregory, the archbishop of Washington, DC, apologizes to LGBTQ people: "The way that we have treated our LGBTQ brothers and sisters has brought them tears and too many of us disgrace."
What did God tell the Pope, "It's not a big enough deal for you, send someone else."
Fuck you and the pope you rode in on.
The Catholic Church forfeited ALL moral authority years ago.
How about anyone from the Bead Rattlers Club speak against Trump? You know Trump is doing everything he can to make capital punishment super easy.
The church ought to be naming names and excommunicating people.
Like an armchair football participant who wants to control a game since they think they know more.
Or a backseat driver.
Shows that the RCC leadership is finally catching up. After decades of vilifying LGBT Catholics, the bishops are realizing that without gays, including gay priests and lesbian nuns, the Church is dying.
Do you know that’s sometimes it’s important to address a particular issue in specific, particularly when the moment calls for it?
the US branch of the Anglican Communion took a stand on ordaining LGBTQ people and endured years of exclusion by the AC. but it was the right thing to do. (l left the RCC for TEC over its abuse failure and its bigotry. i still don’t regret it.)
Allowed sexual abuse of young boys. Disgusting.
“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.”
1 Corinthians 13:1
you, and fuck the Catholic Church of Pedophiles!