Virginia baptist pastor, David Schneider, has pled guilty to raping multiple children.
I have faith , but not a fan of church leaders.
Every. G’Damn. Time.
(I’m actually surprised at how accurate the 4 P’s are.)
WTF is with all of these R pedos coming out of the woodwork?
This is the reason the Grand Oligarch Party shined the light on OTHERS. They want everyone to look AWAY from the Baptist church and the way THEY cover up for their pastors!
Nah, not really.
Dave … what were ya thinkin’ Dogg?
“Schneider” is pig Latin for “Rapist”
Just assume anyone with this title molests children.
#Christians #Police #Sheriffs #Pedophiles #ChildAbusers #RapistS #Republicans #Lawenforcement #Youth #pastors
Every damn day it’s another one. They screw turkey carcasses, horses, dogs, goats, corpses, children, babies & of course other men while hiding behind their holier than thou bs Christian values. It’s 🤮
May he get a taste of his own medicine in the pokey,
every day,
and twice on Sunday.
I'm more worried about inbred white trash.
Almost daily
That's what I'm running on. Vote for moai.
so that’s what they’re calling it these days?
I really think the students should be made aware of what their school produces.
It’s exactly who they are; and will seek a PARDON and “church justice” so he can do it again!!
That would be MY mugshot for just killing a Baptist pastor.
Or do these only apply to pedophiles that aren't white pretend men of God?
Or… seems like we already have a deal with El Salvador we can use.
*not pro-death penalty, but we really need FAR greater sentences and punishments … or this monster parade will never end.
.fucker should be castrated
Not a trans person
Not an immigrant
not a drag queen or LGBTQ