How about simply asking for documented, irrefutable evidence that transgender persons are not functionally capable of performing the duties required? Oh, and by the way, same basic question for every DEI employee fired in the last month
I'll be surprised of they answer on time or at all and expect them to appeal a non-appealable order with the appellate courts indulging them so that this gets dragged out for months, at least.
Thank you to these honest judges for standing up (my list of heroes so far)
Judge Ana Reyes
Judge Deborah Boardman
Judge Royce Lamberth
Spec. Counsel Dellinger
Judge Jamal Whitehead
Judge Loren Alikhan
Judge Amir Ali
Love it: Judge Reyes read the DOJ brief and is demanding raw data to support the government's arguments.
For non-lawyers, it means the DOJ made claims about military readiness and budgets without presenting factual evidence to back up those claims. Just like everything else in MAGA land.
The administration will have a specific middle finger for any ruling. Fight but expect trans people to be discharged/separated regardless of any ruling. Trans people should plan now.
Finally- Short Circuiting all the DOJ obfuscating "I don't knows"/"We didn't think this info is important"/"I'll get back to in 2-weeks" non-answers to vita Q for Judicial Inquiries!
More Judges need to do this ahead of hearings to prevent wasting time on non-answers & deflections from DOJ. 👍
And what happens when the premise of their argument is shown to be false? Will the lawyers be sanctioned? Will there be any accountability? Most likely, this just gives the gov't ideas about how to rewrite the order so they can go ahead with it, or they'll just do it anyways because "liberal judges"
Most likely, it means they have to admit that neither "budget constraints" nor "military readiness" were the basis of the order. Instead, it has always been "we think trans is icky and unnatural and can't stand having Those People in the same room with us."
And when they don’t comply, will any be held accountable? Unlikely. Only way to get compliance with all these judicial orders is to throw the bums in jail. But the enforcement arm is in the hands of the maga(ts) so no consequences for non-compliance. Ugh!
It’s time to shake things up with a walkout of the State of the Union. If the Democrats just leave as he starts speaking, all the reporters will scramble out to interview them. A strong alternate news conference *during* the SOTU will leave Trump and the Rs spluttering. Chaos will reign!
I agree with the spirit of this but that’s not how the corporate media works. They will immediately start clutching their collective pearls over Dems violating one of the corporate media’s precious “norms”.
It would be like their “Biden is too old” obsession all over again.
Great idea but under current leadership it will be norms, blah, blah, blah, protocol, blah, blah, blah. Considering that having AOC and Crockett heckle him is a better strategy. Remember the “you lied”? That but x10.
I remember having to pull 10 years of budget, revenue and expense data. Starting in the 80s I kept a DBase Iii file with that information and later a Access file in the 90s and 2000s because these questions always came up from politicians and auditors.
Oops we can't find all that data because it would prove we're purposefully being vindictive cunts on the orders of a sociopathic dictator and ignoring the law!
I can’t wait until we get to the end of all this bullshit from this corrupt administration and we see how much money was spent on these lawsuits. Tax payer money wasted so this fucker could feel like a king.
Cheney consistently avoids using alt text. Unfollowed him because of it but people repost and I look. This one was especially hard to read on my phone. Just gave up. So annoying.
For those who may not be aware, the DoD has to spend a LOT on therapy. And at least while I was in, used to offer elective breast reductions to large breasted women all the time on the grounds it was “distracting” to male soldiers.
That would be nice but there are apps on phones that scan and post text for you, and I can highlight and copy text on my phone which is 6 years old - there are no excuses
Issue I have on Bsky is that it shuts down the browser when using lens to get AT so it's a separate process to get alt text through my gallery first. It wasn't always that way though.
I suspect Cheney is mass posting to dif. sites & never sees the complaints.
Agreed, but my point is if Bs is going to support alt-text, then they should follow alll the way through and provide some sort of built-in OCR system to go with it.
Otherwise, it's as dysfunctional as opening a restaurant and not advertising about it.
If you ignore something like this, the judge is going to write an order saying "defendants relied on unsupported allegations, and declined to provide details and support when requested by the court, so plaintiffs win their case."
you're prone to bullshitting --"a lot of people are saying"-- so show me the receipts!
Judge Ana Reyes
Judge Deborah Boardman
Judge Royce Lamberth
Spec. Counsel Dellinger
Judge Jamal Whitehead
Judge Loren Alikhan
Judge Amir Ali
Keep suing them in every state.
Chief Justice Roberts
For non-lawyers, it means the DOJ made claims about military readiness and budgets without presenting factual evidence to back up those claims. Just like everything else in MAGA land.
Finally- Short Circuiting all the DOJ obfuscating "I don't knows"/"We didn't think this info is important"/"I'll get back to in 2-weeks" non-answers to vita Q for Judicial Inquiries!
More Judges need to do this ahead of hearings to prevent wasting time on non-answers & deflections from DOJ. 👍
Fuck THAT. And fuck them.
(Not as ignorant of the law as Cannon.)
It would be like their “Biden is too old” obsession all over again.
He and the teenDOGE all-stars wanted to begin making panty checks as soon as next Tuesday!
I remember having to pull 10 years of budget, revenue and expense data. Starting in the 80s I kept a DBase Iii file with that information and later a Access file in the 90s and 2000s because these questions always came up from politicians and auditors.
We need “reporters” to start doing the bare minimum soon istg, it’s like they care more about posting than making sure information is shared
(I appreciate your reporting. Please use alt text.)
I mean i dont even have vision issues but most people use this site on phones and I can’t see a goddamned thing
Do you want people to access your reporting or not Kyle?
Issue I have on Bsky is that it shuts down the browser when using lens to get AT so it's a separate process to get alt text through my gallery first. It wasn't always that way though.
I suspect Cheney is mass posting to dif. sites & never sees the complaints.
Otherwise, it's as dysfunctional as opening a restaurant and not advertising about it.