The media is now obsessed with remorseful Trump voters, white voters, who are now losing their jobs or upset about inflation. I don’t want to hear from them. I want to hear from the Black voters who stood in line for hours, only to be turned away because their name was purged from the rolls.
had on Clinton's loss. That toad and his oversized ego should be sitting in a prison cell right now.
And one would have thought that AFTER Hillary Clinton’s loss with KNOWN foreign interference-
90 million ppl that sat on their lazy asses would have voted in 2024. Knowing what was at stake
I will never have respect for those 90 million MFs
May they get exactly what they deserve and receive exactly the same respect they have shown. No sympathy.
Remorse is fine. Pointing out the inevitable happened is fine. But I want it pointed out that they voted for it
I'd like to know where 1A fits in with their idea of "decorum".
Their votes were thrown out. "If all legal ballots were counted, Trump would have lost the states of WI, MI, PA and GA."
A non-issue to the corp. press, and timid Dem pols didn’t want to look “unserious”.
#WTAF ‼️💥
The only way Republicans can win the Presidency is through voter fraud, voter suppression and foreign interference.
FBI says fake bomb threats made to US polling stations, sees Russia link
Why wasnt there a recount?
Its all just too fishy.
Thats what they are.