Bless them, I know they mean well. And I support their progressive cause, though mainstream democrats do not. Rallies aren’t working. Peaceful protest hasn’t worked, even when millions were in the streets for BLM or a Free Palestine. What must we do different to stop the dissolution of democracy?
This is an impressive effort on their part, and they deserve our thanks. My only concern is that it is the left wing of our party that is making headway and attracting support. We will not win in 2028 unless we are slightly left of center. We do not need two extreme political parties in the US.
Here's the problem I have with all this. Only 15k showed up to a rally in a city with a population of over 100k. Apparently they aren't giving hope to very many when you look at the populations of the cities they've been to and compare those numbers to the amount of people that showed up at rallies
No they’re performing in front of a large unorganized, politically, crowd. No demands no established goals. Just we hate Trump. Going to lead to Biden 2.0 at best.
Thank you. We’re fighting for our lives and some of you want to keep score? Like we don’t have enough obstacles. Stop already.
FYI Gaza had a lot to do with folks not voting. Y’all aiming for round 2?
Just a little reminder - these two are doing more work than most of the Democrats, and they're not "really" Democrats. Maybe we don't need Democrats. Maybe Democrats are why we can't have nice things.
Take a deep breath & think about who's telling you that socialism is bad.
"Talking" is indeed work. As is traveling & planning & coordinating staff & the myriad of other details that go into pulling off a big event.
I think you're saying that you want them to be doing more or doing magic. Our system is broken & we don't have a party that can fix it. Help build one.
No it's not. They're not radio or talk show celebrities. They're taxpayer paid legislators. They should be doing that. This "tour" is about their own narcissism and enriching themselves,
There are accounts that you can follow that catalogue everything Democrats are doing right now. This does nothing. It’s all about making a bunch of white followers feel good. Truthfully, white voters failed us when we were warned what was going to happen and there may not be much I can be done
I think you should be posing that to the Republican legislature, who have sat on their hands and allowed Doge to take over their power. I think that says they are totally onboard. Without the American people participating in this we got nothing. This countries voters turned over complete power!
Dems shd be showing up, talking about our values, & galvanizing tens of thousands of people in places even when there isn’t an election.
Chuck Schumer is Minority Leader because he brings in money. Same reason Pelosi was Speaker. She at least was good at politics. Nothing wrong w fundraising
500 year old Bernie (and AOC) doing the work that other MOCs should at least be attempting to do. I know there are some doing their part but not nearly enough.
Those two literally help dems lose seats. AOC’s COS trying to primary Pelosi is trying to hide the fact that like Vance, he’s connected to Peter Thiel too. They both bullied Sharice Davids.
The most racist side of the Dems are literally the BernieHos. Keep pushing these two. Let’s see what happens.
They all spoke so well. I listened from Australia 🇦🇺 this morning. The three of them are brilliant and they have truth and integrity on their side. That is what will win in the end!
fight how? if you just rally folks but don’t register them to vote or connect them to local organizing, what have you accomplished? superficial feel good fundraising—for what?
Statements like this annoy me. You are correct, those are things you must combine with anything you do. That’s the whole point of any of it. Anyone not doing that are indeed wasting their time. I guess it does help to remind people and make it clear. So thank you for this opportunity to do that.
I am energized by what Bernie & AOC are doing. They need to connect with people & spread the simple message of hope & simple solutions. Exposing oligarchical abuses & how our government is under attack from within.
They will rake in cash, not support Dems and put us right back where we are. This is about egos and attention. It always is. They have no intention of doing g the work and never have.
Healthcare for all. Raising the minimum wage. Raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans and actually collecting them. Saving public education. Saving democracy from oligarchs.
In the 1st year that Biden was Pres & the Dems held a slim majority in the House, they passed the Inflation Reduction Act, Infrastructure & Jobs act, a gun safety bill, significant COVID relief bills, etc. But they don’t hold any part of the govt now. What do you want them to implement & how?
Just block the uneducated brainwashed bigoted racist trumpets, the Russian assets who will let trump take this country to bankruptcy like his businesses
When people get together for a mass protest (or rally), their energetic impact is amplified exponentially. So 10 people with a common intention have the energetic impact of 100 people; 100 people are the same as 10,000, etc. We can outnumber CEO-Dictators, Felons and co-opted politicians every time.
Far Right love to suggest the "Left" are all Marxists the reality is not only in America but the west. Left of center leaders have allowed the far right to take control of everything. We've got the same in the UK, a center left PM who acts more like a Tory. Common sense and compassion totally gone.
It’s great so many are showing up but they did for Kamala too. We need everyone to vote. Bernie is definitely not the answer. Where was he during all the elections starting with Hilary? He only shows up when he’s the star. He isn’t supportive of African Americans and is a friend to Russians.
These aren’t rallies for candidates. These are rallying cries to go out into our communities and organize and work together. It’s a way to reach the disaffected 30% of eligible voters who do not vote through grassroots action
Does it matter if they showed up they wouldn’t have to have these. Bernie only shows up when he’s the star. AOC while an effective communicator also only shows up when it’s for her.
Seeing some weird comments here. Let's clarify some things. The Oligarchy tour is not about election or votes. It is about building a grassroots movement to fight Oligarchy and a Authoritarian Leader. And at that, Bernie and AOC are doing something magical.
Can we talk for real now? Dose AOC have what it takes to be running for president (I say yes) and will the democrats let her or will they snuff her like they did Bernie and put a vanilla white man?
We have to be ready for counter-attacking the mainstream media and the DNC and AIPAC and all the donors who are going to try to prevent her from winning.
She will not run with Pete, he is funded by billionaire donors, the number one recipient of billionaire funds in 2020. He talks a good game against the GOP but you will never hear him speak in favor of the programs that AOC is promoting for All American working people.
People are done with being ruled by the rich. I’m so glad to see it building momentum. They need to go to Wisconsin and Florida to get these people out to vote!!!
Now if those 15K will get on the phone or e-mail and tell their reps in DC what they think, we can have real political action.
It only takes a few minutes and it doesn't cost any money. We don't need money in politics. We just need people to participate.
This is similar energy to what Kamala brought to the last election. Huge donations of money, enormous crowds, & so much love & support. But millions of people STILL didn't vote. They assumed this wave of popularity would make her win. Only VOTES do, nothing else. This time, don't assume. Vote!
I hope this lesson WAS learned. The only thing that got Trump in was apathy & the assumption that Kamala had it in the bag. 7 million more democrats voted for Biden in 2020 than for Kamala in 2024. This number would have been enough to have beaten Trump. And there WILL elections in 2028. You'll see
I'm a firm believer in what Election Truth Alliance is finding in their election audits. Maricopa county just approved $500K to do an audit there after ETA found fraud in a district in Nevada. In early voting, after a machine was used 200 times votes started being flipped. Graph show a Russian tale.
I have long said that the only way Trump was going to win the 2024 election is if he cheated through fraud. And I've even said that Trump literally had his freedom on the line in the last election. He had to become president again or he was going to go to prison for the rest of his life. and and youself are bringing up points that we can hybridize into a single plan of action. We need to vote and KNOW how many of us, did in fact, vote. There is a way (outside of the actual vote talley) to show how many people in each district voted and...
I think we need to get those records and go to every person who didn't vote in 2024 and secure a promise from them that they WILL vote next time. This will favor Democrats more than Republicans because are less likely to vote when they feel bad more likely to keep promises.
People who didn’t vote last year had seen 4 years of Trump as President. They STILL didn’t vote. I’m sure many were disenfranchised and other votes manipulated but …
I think that voter suppression had a lot to do with it but disenfranchised voters also impacted the number of votes. A lot of people have tuned out. I think that they may be waking up again.
That was our mistake. We underestimated stupid, ignorant and lazy voters who were comfortable with the hate, violence, misogyny, racism, sexism, and bigotry. We underestimated the love of fascist ideals, greed, power and control of maga nuts.
I'm only upset this took this long. THIS is what I've been saying the progressives needed to do all along. The party responds to NUMBERS, so go out and get those numbers.
I meant the Democratic Party, not the Republicans. I thought about being more precise, but mistakenly abandoned the idea for word count. Dems like to know their policies are supported by the rank and file. If they are, they will fight for them. Hold the line, as it were.
Policies that get overwhelming support among that rank and file have a way of becoming reality. Gay marriage. Legal weed. Medicare negotiating drug prices. Among other things. Many other things.
Listen. I find the Bernie cult of personality obnoxious most of the time. But progressives spend a lot more time in an echo chamber, or shouting at their allies to come aboard, than trying to talk to people who don't even know what they're about. It's a problem.
The legacy media will NEVER give progressives a decent shot at explaining themselves and the entire left--including the Dems--are terrible at framing and using language with precision. So they need to do stuff like this to reach folks they ordinary wouldn't.
Oh. Ha. So... the other side of the argument. Got it. I think THEY need to spend more time talking to people outside their circle and ours. People who think they're the bogeyman. More time than they spend chewing on liberals for not being on board with every thing they've got in the pipes.
AMERICANS find hope at Bernie rallies. HATE them for it. How Democrats treated Sanders in 2016 is why my kids are in the 36% who WILL NOT VOTE.
You mean these freakin’ democrats? Give me a break. Our system is rigged & broken beyond repair. They are all making too much money off of this circus. The media is in on the grift too.
As long as there's mainstream Dems in leadership positions I'm not optimistic. Sanders seems genuine, but if he's rallying support for Schumer that's a waste of time and energy.
All it takes to draw people out, to show up, to gather together and discover their shared disgust for the insanity forced upon us by one lying rich man and his unelected but very wealthy money machine.
We’re done.
Fire trump and send musk out of the country for treason.
Any corporate entity who decides to involve their company in sponsorship as in the Easter Egg Roll should know the American people find it unacceptable.
Our White House will be RESPECTED and is NOT for sale.
I’m calling for ANY sponsor to be boycotted indefinitely!
Bernie was doing all that in 2016 and 2020 and the dnc STILL cheated us and him. And kamala was doing well when she was pushing BERNIE'S policies and when the dncc told her and Tim to become more centrist (moderate republicunt) while pushing the Progressives the other way.....Don't see change. Do U
He wasn’t cheated. But all who still hold a grudge and couldn’t bring yourselves to vote for Clinton or Harris cheated us all. We got trump because of it and he’s a parasite we can’t get rid of.
My thoughts as well. I witnessed the Bernie bros bullying Hillary supporters at a caucus in Nevada. Also strongly believe Nevada swung red because of all the misogynistic men here (and likely many of their wives) who couldn't bring themselves to elect a woman.
Bernie has undermined the decided Democratic candidate too many times to count. And anyone rallying for him is holding to their misogynist roots. We don’t need another old white man telling us what is needed.
Drudge immediately both-sided this. Dems? It’s only Dems? I’m so goddamned sick of the sports coverage in this country when we’re all under a literal Nazi regime.
Except Democrats are polling lower than Satan? Does this show voters are fed up with the party itself but not the message of progressive politics? Makes no sense
I love Bernie, but it wasn’t just a “Bernie Rally” was there doing the hard work too! Let’s remember to give her the credit she deserves.
Thousands of seats across the United States are up for election THIS year. From school boards to state assembly to City councils etc, all across the board people need to be voting at every level. We don't need to wait 4 years for this to matter. Every level helps if we keep or turn them more blue.
feels like we are a hair trigger from martial law being declared and suspension of the constitution, elections, judiciary, and the legislative branch...
I totally agree with you. Not sure if you read how Trump wanted to send the army to NM under the auspices of guarding the border. It frightened enuf GOP Senators to kill it. Just think of what they’re privy too, that we are not, and why this would frighten them enough, to take action to stop it.
It isn’t the democrats winning. It’s two third-party politicians forced to run as democrats because despite humans overwhelmingly showing up to support third-party ideas like theirs, our system won’t allow a third party to win.
It is great, but we had thousands of people attending Kamala’s rallies too and it still wasn’t enough. I am just not sure this is a good measure of resistance and mobilization.
Polls aren’t an accurate metric either b/c they are based on answers from people who answer calls and texts from unknown numbers. How many people under the age of 60 do you know who interacts with an unknown #? I think for me it’s less than 3.
By the way I think the predominant accurate methods are not random like you suggest. They are panels. So a pollster may gather 10000 regular panelists that have agreed to be polled. Getting 2000 to 3000 responses each week from them is reasonably accurate. They weight the numbers to the actual pop.
That is not the only method. That is why I say a calculated average with weighting. The reality is they are usually close when a vote comes. Close enough to be used as a guide. Better than any other method. The reality at the moment is that a large percentage of Americans approve of trump right now.
We need that to fall under 35 to make a difference in our system of government. We have only one important job. Convince his supporters not to support him. That is the only thing that will make change. Not protests. Not complaining with people you already agree with on social media.
The thing that will make a difference is going out in the real world and talking calmly to trump supporters. Not the crazy hardcore. They will go to their grave saying he was amazing no matter what. But half of his supporters can be changed.
Why isn’t it “AOC” rallies? Why is Bernie always front & center? He’s said he won’t run for President again. My country is misogynist through & through.
I beg to differ. I don't think this is misogyny. Bernie has fought for DECADES, his whole life. He's getting to the end of the line and knows it. He's using his significant experience and base to pass the baton to who he sees as the future. I think he's honoring AOC.
I watched the CO rally and AOC comes off as the main event!! She’s the future! I see Bernie as a torch passer to the next challenger of the status quo.
We’re still waiting on and to step down so our real leaders can step up! needs to take notes, it’s our time now. REFORM
I hope it is all good, but fear we saw it with VP Harris: Arenas don’t vote. People do. They might fill the arenas, but if they don’t vote, what good are they?
MM is calling all those attending these rallies leftist radicals not in touch with the rest of America. They say most of America is middle-of-the-road. I think they are ignoring the perils we face because they haven’t fallen victim to it yet.
Sanders is middle of the road. There aren't any leftist Democrats, leftists support the working class over the wealthy and Democrats absolutely don't do that. Centrists, like Sanders, try to balance the two.
The pundits are saying we are eating our own. Schumer, Jeffreys, Slotkin are not our own. The democratic party needs to change. Stop with the corporate money buying our policies.
My God ur a dumb pos. It’s either fascism or the only pro democracy party - dems. People like you are why we have a fascist scotus and Trump. Rot in hell
This is great and also, when people are canvassing, put some decent clothes on. Even the orange turd can dress correctly. Show and have some respect. We can probably start with a canvassing dress code (and rally dress code) .
Good God. Think people, think
I just wish that many people took time to connect the DNC and Democratic senators and demand Chuck Schumer be removed as minority leader. Advocating for Bernie to replace him, or we withhold donations
Some are too deep into PAC money, basically have the same donors as the maga party instead of risking their seat they let the people suffer. Because they are cowards of course and rich AF too
They might say they are against war, but I watch what they do, not what they say.
They have both helped pass bills to send arms to kill more Palestinians. That's the objectionable bit. .
Stop listening to mainstream media. This is not the fault of Democrats! it is the fault of the voters who in less than 100 days have buyers remorse. They have one more chance to correct their mistake before America’s democracy is forever gone.
This will continue to grow. This movement needs to firstly, force Democrats to stop being compliant with fascism, secondly, force Whitehouse compliance with the law, and thirdly stop Republicans from removing voters.
This can all be done through mass protests, this year.
I’m sorry but this is almost meaningless. Do I need to remind you of how big the crowds were for Harris & Walz?? Yet we lost the presidency, House & Senate.
Ppl show up for feel-good rallies & stay home on Election Day.
Maybe we should focus on a consistent message & strategy for all Dems instead!
This is a good start but until crowds this size are in Red districts with lots of Republicans in attendance getting interviewed by media these are not going to change Republican behavior.
I 100% agree with you. I also think that every single Democratic senator and Congress person needs to be out on the road including going into or near the border of red Districts. they need to talk to the constituents and make them feel like they’re being heard
We don’t have to change GOP votes as much as we have to engage the disenfranchised eligible voters that don’t vote. Targeting GOP votes has only deluded the Democratic Party & doesn’t win. 30% of eligible voters did not vote in 2024, almost as many as voted for either candidate
who are the people attending? lifelong dems? or are maga changing their minds already? or non-voter? dems had huge masses before the election and still lost.
let's hope more magas find their sanity soon...
asking who attends these rallies is not automatically "complaining about them."
as a german, I applaud everyone attending. asking about the demographic is 1 aspect of many.
As far as I can tell, most are democrats,Immigrants, women, LGBTQ , union workers/members. There are also more white men than I expected to see. Anyone who wants to see change.
Are they bringing up the upcoming special elections? Are they telling them to vote? Are they registering people at the rallies? That's doing something to me.
There are a lot of volunteer groups at protests. Talking about a lot off issues. Voting included.
Getting everyone on the same page is a lot of what it’s about to get out there. Unite and educate.
The more people get out there, the more people can get educated on what needs to be done.
What are they doing? Going to a rally? That's not going to solve anything. Remember the Women's March after Trump first got elected? To beat this we have to get into red districts and beat the GOP in upcoming elections. From the state level up to Congress. Give money/time. That will actually help.
Having and going to rallies and protests. It takes time and organization. The people going are taking time out of their lives to make a change.
Stand strong
Stand united
I'm still skeptical. I thought something special was happening with Kamala. I was in tears watching her nomination & rallies. I couldn't imagine anyone not voting for her & not wanting that vision. I underestimated the hate & ignorance or that once again, the media would help elect the felon.
So how is this working out for you, huh? You wanted a 3-ring circus, you got it. You wanted the hate, you got it, but don't come crying when it's turned back against you. Dragging the entire country down to soothe the warped angry minds of a few is stupid.
This is exactly how I feel. The AOC/Bernie energy is just like the Harris energy which felt like the Obama energy. When the Harris the vote totals came in I was floored.
I think the energy is different this time. No like a better/worse but a recognition that stuff is wrong. Harris was a messiah energy that Dems need to get the fuck over. My hope is this is a galvanizing energy that moves everyone toward a goal, not a vote for a person.
The “Obama” energy bailed out corporations, not people. Clinton started the Corporate Dem parade that’s never course corrected. Bernie’s campaign success pushed Biden left. And that’s a fact Jack
2/2 the heritage foundation has, the federalist society, et al. MLK said the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice. That’s not a self fulfilling prophecy, that’s a struggle by the people for all time, failures and all.
The right wing, rich business class, and their fanatical followers will never, ever, quit. The pressure’s always on. You have to push back with enthusiastic energy. They have felt “wronged” all this time for a plethora of reasons of self interest. Do not comply. Play the long games. Putin has. 1/2
Harris was an awful politician who never would've won a primary if she wasn't picked by Biden to be VP. that is the reality. dems are done with the dynastic presidency. the left wants actual help. the left wants someone to do something about income inequality. the party center needs to learn this
The actual attendance may not meaning anything beyond X really big number showed up so nows its a spectacle the media will talk about and people will notice.
It means people in a community showing up and seeing they’re not alone, especially in the red states he’s targeting. Bernie’s broken record anti-oligarch message has credibility and urgency like never before.
Bernie is a guys who has run multiple times and is likely the most consistent politician in modern times. Kamala didn't have a real campaign to run with, it was slapdash by comparison of previous campaigns and along with other factors hurt her electoral chances
Very much this. Attendance was spectacular at Harris/Walz rallies, poor at DJT's, but here we are. If I'm not convinced that this means something in re the electorate as a whole, I don't blame establishment Dems for not seeing it.
There was something special. Then they muzzled Walz and didn't distance themselves from Biden or Gaza. That's what cost them the election based on polling we have seen post election.
I have and my heart is set for him and AOC. I just hope the old democrats won’t do AOC dirty like they did with Bernie. (I support him when he ran both times and I voted and met and stand with AOC)
Agree. Protecting Democracy is not a spectator sport. Will these thousands of audience members turn their hour of political entertainment into real activism? Will they even vote?
What we are witnessing is the culmination of a long multi decades campaign to usher in an anti-FDR regime. Recreating the gilded age, robber Barons/oligarchs, white Christian “European culture” supremacy, with white rich land owners back in charge. The “real Americans” who “built this country”.
The vote would have likely gone to Kamala. Gerrymandering, legal voter suppression laws, purging of registrations and voter ballots, vigilante vote challengers. Without the parties being mentioned, most Americans want liberal policies. Red states are welfare queens.
He’s not immune beyond paper, anymore than we have rights beyond what’s on paper. It’s asserted, and we are their wealth and power. We will now take it away.
Incorrect. Those that didn’t vote will be galvanized. It’s already happening. Even Trump supporters are jumping ship and upset about the effects they’re feeling.
Or Elon Musk hacking into the voting machines giving Trump the win. He’s been known to interfere in politics, around the world. How much more so the 2024 election.
just stop. he’s not a hacker. his workers aren’t hackers. the machines aren’t networked. etc etc. a million things i (a software developer) could try to explain to you. Dems just didn’t vote. again.
Actually those 19-24 year olds taking our personal info or hackers. Indisputable. Thee may be evidence with tampering with machines in certain counties by conservatives leaning groups. They thought it was always rigged by dems. They may have “ saved their country, so broke no laws”.
That’s not the opinion I have. All the support, and momentum she had, and he won by a landslide. I just don’t believe that. The nations best hackers, found vulnerabilities in the voting machines. Even Elon himself said voting machines are too easy to hack.
Trump did not have a landslide. His win was predictable. Many elections worldwide voted out their incumbents in frustration that year. The margin of victory was 1.5% of the popular vote. Electoral college numbers don’t reflect the scale of victory accurately. Congressional majorities were minor.
we all thought Kamala had it without a doubt. there is suspicion around how he won. so… the numbers and masses and rallies are a fantastic thing. regardless of the past, we must set our minds to the moment show up now! for ourselves and our country.
I knew that Trump would win. I had not been following politics since his first run.
I could tell by all the trump support and because she is a woman... She could not win.
I don't understand why people feel women can't be president. I knew Hillary wouldn't win.
We need a Democratic woman in power.
Great but what are they organizing for? “We hate the present?”
Why not list a large group of demands “the people” will blacklist candidates from earning their votes?
- no corporate money
- m4a
- tax the rich
#resist is futile w/out demands
💯 behind this! I’m angry and disappointed beyond belief but I want to rally FOR the things that fix the actual problems. Money is not a voice and corporations are not people and definitely M4A ✅
It's too late and sad that Bernie is old and 4 years will really pile on him.
But the excitement he generates may bode well for Democrats in the mid-terms
he's not too old to be given power in the party and used to rally others who will not be too old. that's the whole point. Bemrie was too old against Hillary. this is not a new issue lol but yea, it's time to give progressives the party. it's time to something different for the fire time in 70 years
FOR a plan - go to
Or join a local or or volunteer any pro-resistance or democracy group that inspires you. Social media is more about disseminating info/ideas, community building & free expression. It is the public square not a conference room.
Also it is odd to assume that no one is doing anything else. Consciousness raising IS a thing. And advertising whether one is going to a protest is not actually the safest thing to do - w/ this present govt. Especially w/ the recent deportation of Mahmud Khalil who protested agst Gaza.
Ppl talk like we have the time to see who is going to vote for who in future elections. The time is now. Let’s support those that are stepping up NOW. The past is dead. If you are on the battlefield you don’t discuss plans that didn’t work in the last war and this is war.
What I want to know is did all of these 15,000 vote for Kamala? Cuz if they mostly did, then there’s nothing here. It’s just Dems going to a Dem convention big whoop.
On the other hand if many of these 15,000 didn’t vote for Kamala… okay maybe there’s something, but also WHERE WERE YOU IN NOV?
good question, and the response to the answer is vital. If they didn't vote for Harris why not? What can a future candidate do differently? Don't blame the voters, examine the candidates and their teams.
15000 liberal voters. Great, now go find 15k who are not engaged; who are nervous, but are scared of what they hear on fox, their partners, churches....
Many of the people who are showing up did not vote, were independent, or did not support Bernie in any of the last two primaries. Everyone's going to be hurt by this, and more people will join if they know there is support.
Do we know that they did not vote? If the rallies are drawing non voters or independents, what terrific news. These rallies for sure are not on fox or other conservative news.
Unfortunatly, we had great crouds with VP Harris, that did not translate to votos turning out. Reach the quiet person not tuned into social media, lacking decisivness, but votes in line with their community.
There has been a shift in balance. It's no longer about whether you are positioned on the left or right, or if you walk in the middle. It's about people's freedom to live or be oppressed.
People are looking for any light at the end of the tunnel. Bernie and AOC are showing us a very bright light. People, even Republicans, are seeing what Trump is doing and looking for a change already. 2026 will be very interesting, a lot of current congresspeople may find themselves unemployed.
Not just dems and hope ain’t in the party! Hope is with the people in this moment where progressive ideas are the mainstream and conservatives still threaten that they will not support AOC and Bernie’s implementation, conservatives want democracy on their terms.
Yes it’s happening w more to come
For everyone saying ‘what if it’s only Dems,’ ‘what good does this do?,’ ‘too late,’ why can’t you just support the effort? They’re trying to rally people to fight back. If those 15,000 and the 20,000 from the other and the 10,000 from the other, etc hit the streets, then we really have a movement!
The protests and boycotts are working. People are waking up and paying attention. Media is starting to cover things. We need to grow our numbers in the streets, AOC & Bernie are helping to inspire people to do that. People are realizing that they’re not alone, that they have power to fight back
100% this. We need to flood the streets, like Belgrade last weekend.
This is simple chemistry. The solution is saturated, but needed a seed-crystal as a catalyst. Bernie and AOC were not my first guess (or hundredth) of who or what that seed-crystal would be, but I'm here for it.
I did not have AOC & Bernie on my bingo card as the spark for the fire either but I’m in 🙌 They brought so much energy and we need to keep that going. We need to get those tens of thousands in the streets, keep them engaged, have them calling their reps! We need a unified movement
Actually, it is not difficult to understand. Mainstream media often have to consider many factors, such as commercial interests, political stance, etc. But in recent days, many people have seen this news
Righto! But remember, This is NOT just going to go away…the courts are not going to save us & Trump is not going to be “voted” out (remember Jan 6?) We must unite! Rally & march & boycott & strike! sort out differences later! Help with Nationwide General Strike!
The Democratic Party is a “big tent” party. Problem is labeling something “progressive” scares people who are less informed. It’s an uphill battle.
Dems, just like Kamala said going into court every time-
Exactly- I had some dude comment that Harris never mentioned the minimum wage once. A quick screen shot of Google results from last year quickly pointed out otherwise. Every complaint about Harris is a rehashed right-wing talking point but 'from the left.'
100%. As Black mixed woman in the 92% it is. Look at the crowds…white AF and I know because they’re Bernie stans I’m willing to bet 1/3 of the crowd were those who sat out Nov. 5th to ‘punish Dems’. It just seems to solidify that they’ll show up so long as it isn’t a Black woman…
This is very disingenuous of both of you. Kamala was not saying the same things as these two. For one thing: How could Kamala genuinely blast corporate and billionaire donors when she actually has/had many such donors? Sanders has been saying these things for decades—it's literally laughable to
You sit in here trying to leverage being blacked when you're a mixed..
And voted for a cop. Is the weirdest shit on the internet currently
I'm actually starting to have quite a disdain for you biracial
Everybody wanna be black till it's time to be black and not vote for a cop. But white ppl right?
And yet Bernie beat Harris in the primaries Nonetheless, Harris got selected by the Dem establishment in'24--and went on to lose to Trump just like Clinton did in '16. Maybe Dems should start playing to win rather than trying not to lose. That means you need to fade away, liberal.
Oralè Resister
“They’re not like illegal Immigrants” GOP Cubans
We’re not like Mexicans “Mojados” who vote for Democrats! #RevokedCubans
#USDemocracy #Immigrants #NoGOD4ICE #NoTacos4Trump
Do not start this 🤬 over here. Take this back to Twitter/X. Bernie would not have won. Bernie will not win. We will never forgive Bernie Bros for giving us trump the first time. Give it a rest.
😂😂. You do know that I have a right to my opinion, right? Just like you do. Nobody said you have to like mine, so no, I will not give it a rest.
Btw…I have never used Twitter/X, 🙄.
The DNC didn’t have control over voters. VOTERS rejected him twice and if you can’t see that he uses the same sloganeering populist bs in the same way trump does, that’s part of the problem. It will not be and was never going to be Bernie.
You had Bernie and your people chose Trump. Twice.
I am deeply sorry but American people are stupid.
Let’s imagine what the world would have been with Bernie leading it…
Did you forget the 2020 Iowa Caucus?
Sanders received the most votes and the DNC delayed the results so Sanders and Buttigieg wouldn’t have momentum going into other state caucuses.
Bloomberg even entered the race what they thought Biden’s campaign was imploding.
Voters have to remember that
He lost the primary vote in a landslide. Other than that - he was a "winner". Of course, after losing he slandered Clinton for months with false and cowardly accusations of corruption.
No he wouldn't have. Bernie Sanders is too far left to convince the moderate and independent voters to pick him for president. And a presidential candidate needs the moderate and independent voters. Bernie Sanders is popular in Vermont but not nationwide.
Hillary lost to the orange clown, so no. Why does everyone think Bernie is so extreme? Because Fox News says so? And if he’s only popular in VT why is it that he’s the only one who can get this kind of reaction other than AOC? This is the problem with this party. Bernie is common sense, not radical.
He's not the only one who can get this kind of reaction other than aoc. Kamala Harris is as well. Or do you not know of how packed her rallies were during the 2024 campaign after Biden dropped out?
Yes, she could be drawing crowds too, but she’s not right now and I don’t blame her one bit for stepping back. She tried to warn us but too many thought they would get cute and “SeNd a MeSsAge” to the party during a critical election like idiots and now people are dying because they fucked around.
Because we slapped them in the face. Would you want to help someone after you told them to not put their hands in the wood chipper and they did it anyways? Idiots that wanted to make a point picked the wrong election and now people are dying.
Explain exactly how it's Hillary's job to do anything. She WAS a public servant. She served honorably & would've served more. Y'all told her no. She's retired from public service. So is Joe. The Ds shoved him out & joined the R chorus about dementia...why would he speak out?
They tried center. It did not work. Remember, Bernie is only left in USA, in Europe he would be center. Your rightwing is waaayyyy right, US need to calibrate what is left and right. But anyways, your country is now in the china-russia coalition, so you might not get a chance to vote anyways.
And again, I point to the fact that Kamala Harris literally did the same fucking thing and look what happened. We got in this shit that we are in right now. And with Musk aligning himself with the Republicans and Legacy Media bending the knee to Trump...
This is not a Harris situation. This is a revolution situation. You cannot compare the two. As you say, you are not gonna vote Trump out. So you need to get him out differently. And Harris is not the revolution kinda girl.
Part 2- The day before the election, people (outside of the dems party) were asking who is Kamala Harris, what does she stand for. Now back to the Tour AIC and Bernie is doing, and also Tim Waltz : they are going in red districts where the GOP is telling their elected official to NOT show up.
There's only two ways for Trump to get out of the White House. In a body bag or being voted out. And since this is his second and final term per the United States Constitution which admittedly he doesn't give a fuck about, there's really only one way that he is going to leave & that is in a body bag
In most countries, Sanders would be a moderate centrist. The overton window has been pulled so far to the right, people believe he is far left. Poll after poll show that the majority of Americans favour policies like healthcare for all. It is oligarchs buying both parties we should be wary of.
He and AOC today managed to hold the single largest political rally in the entire history of Arizona. Larger than Kamala or Obama. I think you need to rethink your belief. Neither Bernie or AOC are even RUNNING for an office. And they managed this, despite Dems polling at 27% favorably
Some might think that there are still four years until the elections and that these leaders are just on a campaign tour. At the current pace, in four years, the situation might be such that elections are no longer held. The time for change is now, and that is what Bernie and AOC are seeking
Bernie has been in politics since the 80s ran 2 successful presidential campaigns & capitulated to the establishment each time. The time for change was 10+ years ago Bernie & AOC are selling snake oil for a historically unpopular corporate owned party. Seen this before.
Whenever I hear such speeches or people's thoughts about how they are ashamed to be Americans now, demoralization starts to show, and that's what the oppressors in power want. Be proud Americans, because then you can act when it’s time to act.
Trump got 1.7 million votes in Arizona, so yes, 15k is statistically insignificant. They held the equivalent of a free concert. Quite a bit different than casting a vote for potus.
The crowd is so big one might be inclined to think the huge crowds are actually because there is a coup going on & ppl are angry about what's happening...rather than showing any opinion whatsoever about who they would support for president in 3.5 years
If you think that they are not running for office, then you need to open your eyes. They are clearly unofficially running for president right now. Biden started unofficially campaigning for the 2020 cycle back in 2017 after the Charlottesville white supremacist rally.
Don’t fall into the horrible trap that Labour in the UK fell into when we had Jeremy Corbyn as our leader. Rally size and a significant, enthusiastic core, which whilst loud, particularly on Social media, is insignificant compared to the actual electorate, is the route to losing elections.
Trump is only two months into his term. They are both safe in their current offices. The only reason to be speaking against oligarchs and spreading a progressive message is to keep people engaged and active in the political process- which the Dems need and are failing at w current leadership
Like trump? There is every chance the US swings further to the left than at any time in its history as a result of 8 years of 💩trump. The anti oligarch movement had legs in 2015. Even more so now and it will only grow
Unfortunately, the oligarchs have all the fucking power and the influence. And even more unfortunately, they are overwhelmingly far right because they know that the Republicans are against regulations and will strip regulations that protect us all.
Unfortunately it will not. By the time that it would have, they will have completed the destruction of our election process and it will be turned into the same kind of election process that they have in Russia or Hungary or dozens of other countries currently led by authoritarian dictators.
But he’s not far left - that’s an ideology that comes from the status quo that Americans have never had a progressive government and have only seen a middle right to hard right government which gives the appearance that Bernie is far left which he’s actually center leftish . IMHO .
I didn't say he was far left. I said he is too far left for many to consider voting for him. If you're going to read my comments, read the whole fucking thing
Bernie is not saying anything new. His message has always been popular. But the moderates can no longer claim to be the only way to win. They can't beat repubs by being republite.
Republican members of Congress need to be made more afraid of their constituents than of Donald Trump. That is the only way we are going to get him out of the White House.
The #KKK #Nazis are in the White House, led by #PutinsPuppet.
Of course you know that would never happen because the donors would not allow it, because the donors are the ones who decided who the nominee was going to be. As they always do.
You need to pay closer attention.
Dems are in their districts holding town halls unlike chicken Republicans,ordered by mr Johnson to avoid the public.
AND Bernie and AOC are inspiring crowds and bringing us together.
Turns out, shockingly we can follow policy discussions AND get happy together!
What have they done really? This is prime Bernie. Make a lot of noise but do nothing. He has never passed a bill in all his years in Congress. Instead of proposing legislation that can get us out of this mess, or raising money for legal causes they are running for president.
Bernie is responsible for bringing progressive policies firmly into the fold of the DNC. He also inspired many of the newest congresspeople to run, AOC included. He's one of the only people on the left that also reaches trump voters. Trying to downplay his contributions is just sour grapes.
I am not underplaying his contribution to the Democratic party. But first, he is hardly the original progressive. Actually, he is a Democratic Socialist, not a Progressive. Roosevelt was considered a famous Progressive for his policies. Long before Bernie, Johnson/Kennedy embraced Civil Rights.
I also think that, although I embrace the liberal stance of the modern Democratic party, you can easily make a case for the idea that it is the shift to the far left that lost the election. That many Independent voters were turned off by "all or nothing" stances on some issues.
No, but you can keep standing there and proposing them and making the GOP refuse them. Give them names that make them kill them in committee. Then go on media relentlessly and let Americans know how hard you are working for them.
How do you go from I don't think what he is doing is leading us to salvation to hating him? I was simply trying to be honest. Clarify it for me. How is holding these rallies stopping Trump from deporting Americans to El Salvador or closing the Dept of Education?
You suggest you just be calm and not “overreact”. Would you before angry far left terrorist cells assaulting all seats of government and a Balkanizing USA??? You spinning a narrative to sow doubt in us? Mr. Common sense?
I am not suggesting any such thing. Why is it all or nothing? I think you can fight or rally. And we should. I just think you need to be clear about what you are doing, why you are doing it, and what you are accomplishing. Be honest. What does holding a rally do to stop Trump and his henchmen?
Roughly 70% of the population is not on Trump’s wagon. If they start marching in unison, it strikes fear into this administration. Fear works, as they are trying to do to us and our allies. Fear will force them to comply with the judges who reject their EO, etc. fear will force them to submit.
I hope you are right about 70%. I don't really think it is that high, although certainly on some issues. I believe the problem is confirmation bias. People will have a hard time giving up their belief that he is going to offer them some relief from what they see as too much political correctness.
Demonstrates they’re instigating severe backlash in the millions. Millions who will potentially ruin them financially and certainly disregard their stupid edicts via civil disobedience. When people meet together, they know they’re not alone, and they pick up enthusiasm from those around them.
I never posited that rallies were bad. Just that they shouldn't be mistaken for leadership. Trump/Musk aren't worried about as rallies as a normal politician would. Now turn this enthusiasm into action that will pressure the GOP into acting differently. When that's the message it will be leadership.
To be fair he fills a void both Dems and Republicans have left. He is the only one who has addressed getting wealthy donor money out of politics and leveling the campaign field by putting a cap on donations. Both parties spend more time begging for money than doing significant bills.
It’s too late. Martial Law will be implemented at the first sign of violence in any protest. You are fucked.
Canada stands up to wave goodbye. 👋 We aren’t going down with you.
Even if Trump declares martial law the Constitution mandates that presidential elections occur every four years, and there is no provision allowing for their postponement or cancellation, even under martial law.
All these progressives should have voted for Harris and we’d be just fine. Nope! They protest voted and told people not to vote. Now they are screaming at Dems to do something. 🙃 They did this to our country just as well as republicans. I voted for HER!!
That's bullshit. I love Bernie and still voted for Harris. Don't blame this on Bernie. Blame it on the corporate Dems. Seriously, Where the F is Harris right now? Why isn't she out there making some noise???
But she might be running in 2028?
Then she should be out there. Why is Walz? Don't make excuses for Harris'loss on progressives. Maybe she should have had Bernie with her instead of Liz Cheney.
The DNC is not the answer--they have no power. The Weekly with Jon Stewart interviewing Congressman Hakeem Jeffries--the man lacks of any kind of plan --truly depressing. It's going to be on all of US at the local levels to RESIST LEAD and not get pulled into media-created divisiveness.
While I appreciate the energy and opposition to Trump, Bernie has not been praising the Democratic Party. He has been encouraging people to run as Independents. >>A third-party push could put us back where we were in 2016.<< So this does not actually give me hope as a Democrat.
The Democratic party is a disaster. Replacing them with independents would either kill a party that refuses to do what's needed to win, or cause them to change in the ways they need to, to beat both Republicans and Independents.
you think where we are today is somehow better than where we were in 2016? pass whatever you're smoking over here, girl.
the dem establishment thinks that sacrificing trans people and Palestinians in a genocide is a fair compromise to win elections. turns out that's not good politics tho 🤷🏼♀️
Bernie will vote with the dems just like any other progressive independent will, but the dem establishment is why we're here. stop fondling billionaires and help the middle class and working poor. this isn't rocket science. until then, independents are necessary
i dont see how the Dem Party is going to be lifted at this point with their ‘controlled’ silence. We had a democrat in 2024, how’d that turn out? Don’t be afraid of independents, there are a lot that just rather not be party affiliated, doesn’t mean they’re opposed to everything the dems propose.
These Bernie posts are a great way to identify and weed out the hoards of bitter Hillary supporters on BlueSky still attacking Progressives.They are a cancer on the party
Yup but you probably though kamala and waltz were the right people as well...same mistakes over and over put us in this situation...but im sure they are loading up on the money as per status quo
Two completely out of touch democrats that did nothing for the last 4 years under biden..sorry i expect more and both of them are stunning at being a waste of time..unless a magat kills one of them and makes them a martyr..they are a complete misuse of resources...but thats what they know how to do
No disrespect to your post, but we have to remember crowd size means nothing. We painfully remember that on 11/05/24. We need to turn the 90 million voters who did not vote into voters for us.
It has nothing to do with the feckless Dems. It has everything to do with two individuals standing up against oligarchy and authoritarianism. No one gives a shit about Dems. Stand up for the people or get the fuck out of the way.
No, it's recognizing that many of the Dems are just as entrenched with corporate lobbying and insider trading as Republicans. It's recognizing this isn't dem vs republican or left vs right, it's top vs down. Corporations vs labor.
I'm not here for republican lite. If the rich and the corporations are the only ones being listened to, you're only delaying the problem. Get rid of lobbying, citizens united, and insider trading or burn.
Well there you have it.
All or nothing! That is exactly why we can’t be united, and why they may get a supermajority. Burn everyone because you didn’t get everything you wanted.
FWIW, Labor was definitely heard and supported in the Biden administration. He marched with them as well.
Yes, some dems are holding the line, not enough for me to root for "Dems" though. Those holding the line need to start a labor party that accepts zero lobbying money and operates strictly as a grass roots organization that represents the people.
Late unfortunately
FYI Gaza had a lot to do with folks not voting. Y’all aiming for round 2?
This anti-oligarchy tour is national therapy for all of us folks who haven't lost our marbles.
Take a deep breath & think about who's telling you that socialism is bad.
I think you're saying that you want them to be doing more or doing magic. Our system is broken & we don't have a party that can fix it. Help build one.
What work has he accomplished?
Are they going to Wisconsin?
What are they getting crowds fired up for, if not to get people to vote in special elections and for vulnerable Dems?
Chuck Schumer is Minority Leader because he brings in money. Same reason Pelosi was Speaker. She at least was good at politics. Nothing wrong w fundraising
The most racist side of the Dems are literally the BernieHos. Keep pushing these two. Let’s see what happens.
My fear is that they’re going to focus on trying to win a battle that can’t be won and divide the opposition to MAGA in the process.
Alert me when it’s 15,000 Republicans that voted for Trump in 2024 who show up. Then I’ll believe “something” is happening.
It’s important to know that we are not alone. There is strength in numbers!
Judge Susan Crawford, Gay Valimont and Josh Weil
It only takes a few minutes and it doesn't cost any money. We don't need money in politics. We just need people to participate.
Counts 34, 35, 36 (are all hacking voting systems)
ACTS - 33, 90, 91, 134, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, and 159
Bernie has always been sidelined because the billionaires who control the corporate dems wouldn’t let him run
This is a movement and will come down to either the dems support AOC and Bernie or there they will lose again as they piss off millions of dems.
AOC and Bernie are a threat to billionaires.
If they get enough followers and refuse to bow out, it will mean a split democratic ticket and a loss.
Of course Walz is doing rallies as well and could get a lot of support.
We’re done.
Fire trump and send musk out of the country for treason.
Our White House will be RESPECTED and is NOT for sale.
I’m calling for ANY sponsor to be boycotted indefinitely!
Or do you want to lose horribly?
I blocked him, too.
And chastising France? Have you been freeze dried or doing hard time?
It is a lot to ask to maintain this level of energy
feels like we are a hair trigger from martial law being declared and suspension of the constitution, elections, judiciary, and the legislative branch...
Maybe that system breaking will be their in.
💙 💙
Good God. Think people, think
They have both helped pass bills to send arms to kill more Palestinians. That's the objectionable bit. .
Dems are a Conservative Party while MAGA are just Fascists, and they are both owned by the same Oligarchs.
The Dem well is poisoned, it’s time for something new.
fucking unserious
This can all be done through mass protests, this year.
Ppl show up for feel-good rallies & stay home on Election Day.
Maybe we should focus on a consistent message & strategy for all Dems instead!
We change GOP votes now or this thing is toast
let's hope more magas find their sanity soon...
as a german, I applaud everyone attending. asking about the demographic is 1 aspect of many.
Getting everyone on the same page is a lot of what it’s about to get out there. Unite and educate.
The more people get out there, the more people can get educated on what needs to be done.
Stand strong
Stand United
Stand strong
Stand united
Fat lot of good it did
Tens of millions voted to ditch democracy for fascist authoritarianism with a convicted criminal in charge of it.
In short, millions of American voters are cultists.
He’s a felon with absolute immunity. Who’s going to stop him?
The ~30% who voted for this are lost causes IMO.
That leaves the rest of us subject to the whims of a dictator.
I could tell by all the trump support and because she is a woman... She could not win.
I don't understand why people feel women can't be president. I knew Hillary wouldn't win.
We need a Democratic woman in power.
Yesterday was a good start.
🇺🇲🔵 #Resist 🔵🇺🇲
Why not list a large group of demands “the people” will blacklist candidates from earning their votes?
- no corporate money
- m4a
- tax the rich
#resist is futile w/out demands
Otherwise we are stuck with FUCKING LOSERS like and
But the excitement he generates may bode well for Democrats in the mid-terms
On Drudge!!!
We live in the upside down!!!
Or join a local or or volunteer any pro-resistance or democracy group that inspires you. Social media is more about disseminating info/ideas, community building & free expression. It is the public square not a conference room.
💙 Show up!
💙 Make signs!
💙 Bring friends!
💙 Alert local media!
💙 And keep up the boycotts!
On the other hand if many of these 15,000 didn’t vote for Kamala… okay maybe there’s something, but also WHERE WERE YOU IN NOV?
Speaking of being ignored…
Yes it’s happening w more to come
This is simple chemistry. The solution is saturated, but needed a seed-crystal as a catalyst. Bernie and AOC were not my first guess (or hundredth) of who or what that seed-crystal would be, but I'm here for it.
Not being a smartass I'm just not sure it will help with this hell we're in.
We need progressive policies.
We don’t need to court the centrists.
Dems, just like Kamala said going into court every time-
And voted for a cop. Is the weirdest shit on the internet currently
I'm actually starting to have quite a disdain for you biracial
Everybody wanna be black till it's time to be black and not vote for a cop. But white ppl right?
Crowds do not always translate to votes.
“They’re not like illegal Immigrants” GOP Cubans
We’re not like Mexicans “Mojados” who vote for Democrats! #RevokedCubans
#USDemocracy #Immigrants #NoGOD4ICE #NoTacos4Trump
Btw…I have never used Twitter/X, 🙄.
Just stop.
Always good to stomp around and complain about something that was not gonna happen.
I am deeply sorry but American people are stupid.
Let’s imagine what the world would have been with Bernie leading it…
Sanders received the most votes and the DNC delayed the results so Sanders and Buttigieg wouldn’t have momentum going into other state caucuses.
Bloomberg even entered the race what they thought Biden’s campaign was imploding.
Voters have to remember that
The #KKK #Nazis are in the White House, led by #PutinsPuppet.
Dems are in their districts holding town halls unlike chicken Republicans,ordered by mr Johnson to avoid the public.
AND Bernie and AOC are inspiring crowds and bringing us together.
Turns out, shockingly we can follow policy discussions AND get happy together!
Bernie caucuses with the Dems.
They are Dems.
Crissakes they are all holding town halls.
Canada stands up to wave goodbye. 👋 We aren’t going down with you.
Elections have consequences.
That’s what the poll results indicate ..
Either results are bogus or white people couldn’t handle a multiethnic woman
But they were fine with a felon & failure
Right now, we’re going through accelerated therapy
We’re dealing with the ~same situation as 1861… 1920s..30s
How do we address family & friends who align with bigots & racists? Or ARE bigots & racists?
Fascists in the family? How is this possible??
It’s gonna get worse
But hispanic males went trump, which was new. Dearborn went trump, which was new.
Hope those two groups love what's coming.
My entire voting age family voted for Harris - we’re white
We’re unable to understand the two scenarios
The results were rigged
A plurality of white people in those swing states
Who had voted for Obama (assuming same people there etc) and HRC & Biden
But passed now????
A lot of folks were whining about eggs. Lot of folks whining about gaza.
Seriously, she owes you nothing. She ran every day for months.
And TONS of leftists were on here trashing her 24/7 for months before the election.
Coprorate dems did way more than fucking bernie fans did.
Fucking dearborn voted for trump. Lol
Putin owns them now.
Then she should be out there. Why is Walz? Don't make excuses for Harris'loss on progressives. Maybe she should have had Bernie with her instead of Liz Cheney.
And I'll BLAME the people I watched attack her ALL DAY LONG for months.
Maybe DON'T FUCKING HOUND HER FOR MONTHS If you dont want any blame?
FUCK ALL cares about your feelings.
And IF YOUR guys run, you may get some heat from a lot or dems still pissed.
the dem establishment thinks that sacrificing trans people and Palestinians in a genocide is a fair compromise to win elections. turns out that's not good politics tho 🤷🏼♀️
I support trans people and oppose any Dems who would throw them under the bus.
Bet they wait for the common people taking down the Reps for them, even if they get killed in the process.
Sounds very culty to me.
“Only I can fix it!”
We’re a big tent party, not a hero-worshipping cult.
I’ve worked for some very ethical corporations and some that were very much not.
Corporations aren’t going away and labor and corporations need one another. If it’s one or the other, a binary choice, everyone loses.
Dems are nowhere near as entrenched as the GOP.
All or nothing! That is exactly why we can’t be united, and why they may get a supermajority. Burn everyone because you didn’t get everything you wanted.
FWIW, Labor was definitely heard and supported in the Biden administration. He marched with them as well.