The signature rhetorical style of the tech right is a patina of historical or philosophical sophistication covering up bizarre and deeply silly arguments
Reposted from
Quinta Jurecic
peter thiel, if he ever had it, has certainly lost it now
The pre-internet era is over because the internet won and Trump (!!) is the vanguard of this war.
Which should not necessarily bring vengeance against his enemies, but no forgiveness.
While at the same time proclaiming the 3 "deepest" questions of our time:
2. The racket of crescendoing real estate prices
3. The explosion of public debt
Freebie answers Thiel:
1. Is not a thing
2. Corporate greed
3. Corporate welfare
You're welcome.
Distrusts Big Brother and runs a massive black box surveillance company.
Hates government but is a federal contractor.
Their libertarians, until they ain’t
Muck, Zuck & Amazon are there too - are they on stage somewhere? Not yet? I imagine they will be.
Sad sad day for America & we are about to find out just HOW sad
Maybe he will surprise, be the BEST Pres. ever? Nah
Just remember where he met his first lady - she is a survivor - HE is a predator
We overlapped at Stanford in the 80s, at the time of the canon wars, which were his start in this kind of reactionary stuff.
Not surprising that he takes a gratuitous swipe at South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission.