I love Orion. He was the first one I recognized as a child. He is the first I look up to see, and I always find him quickly. He is strong and such a good friend to me.
Maybe not a constellation, but I love the Pleiades. I feel grounded when I find it and it leaves me thinking about all the possibilities in the universe.
Another vote for Orion. When I was a kid and you could see stars in NYC, I thought it was placed right over my elementary school (on purpose, maybe as a guard?) because it was in the sky in that direction.
I would say Orion as it's easiest to spot in areas where there's light pollution. Plus if Betelgeuse goes supernova in my lifetime I'll be able to find it quickly!
The only ones I can find by myself are the dippers and Cassiopeia. I think my husband has pointed out Canis Major and Sirius to me. He knows a lot of constellations. I like learning about the mythology behind it.
Berenices' Hair (just because!)
Northern Crown (because I named my daughter after Alpha Coronae Borealis)
Whereβs Orion?!?
Should be in the winter-spring sky, right?
"Arc to Arcturus; then Spin on to Spica"
Gotta get them BoΓΆtes on!
I told her, "look closer." And I used Orion as an example.
BTW I think those seasons are in the wrong place. They should be rotated 180 degrees.