I'm not a millennial but I feel the same way. I'm in college now and my math class does all the homework assignments through a computer program and I miss doing numbers 1-20 even from page 215 in the textbook like we did in high school
Yessss turning pages is a sensory blessing. Plus I love highlighting and annotating my books, there’s something magical about interacting with the story directly
And we remember what we read better when it’s connected to a spatial object. We forget stuff on screens much faster, or can’t easily recall which part of a text contained info we’re looking for. Wish I could remember the study I read on this. It was fascinating (but I read it on a screen, so…)
I'm a co-millennial, and my mindset might skew newer, but out of convenience, because I scroll and type quicker. However, when I do hold something in my hand, I love the turning of the page, the rhythm of the pen, and the texture, sound, and rhythm of everything. I even notice birds chirping.
My most Boomer opinion is that I hate when restaurants don't have a physical menu. What do you mean it's just a QR code I have to scan with my phone?!?
Yesss. I'm not sure if it's because I'm a millennial or because of my ADHD, but I'm much better focused with journalling, making notes on documents, etc with physical copies.
My curse is that I write very, very slowly vs my typing speed 😭
Funny! I’m an older Gen X, but I’m the opposite. I scan the originals and save them electronically. I read about 60 books a year, all on my Kindle App, and my handwriting stinks, so I take notes on my phone or laptop!
For my writing, I do all my markup on printed copies. Lots of markup, notes, arrows, and lines. Helps with story development. For clients, only the final draft if it's intended to be printed. For scripts, I have to have printed copies. I need to add my notes.
Another thing: I can’t listen to audiobooks bc often my mind will go off in some thought and I’ll realise I’ve missed a whole portion of what’s being read. I have to read it myself 😭
I find audiobooks really helpful for driving long distance, but the only ones I can listen to are books I’ve already read and know. That way distractions don’t matter as much. Good thing I like experiencing the same story over and over 😆
Hahaha same! I went through a period where I was listening to the hunger games trilogy to help me sleep and it didn’t matter that I dosed off because I already knew the books 😆
Same!!! Whether it’s writing or drawing I always find I can focus much better on the task if it’s something I can really physically interact with. Digital just doesn’t work for my brain at all!
Same here. I'm ok at typing on my computer, but I prefer the good old fashioned pen/pencil and paper when it comes to writing and the occasional drawing. Books too I prefer actually holding a physical paper book. Oh and if they have nice hardcovers, even better.
It sucks in university how most things are digital, and you're forced to do it online. Like I'm doing my labs for a class in a .pdf.... I have to do math equations on a computer....
Trees live for centuries; paper lives for millennia; digital stuff lasts for a few months...
Write on paper it somehow feels right & you have time to make your thoughts work as the pen goes across the page
Agree to all except the last one. I like typing. I usually rewrite everything a lot, so copy and paste text makes it easier for me to give shape to my ideas 😅
Hardly a millennial thing, but good for you! After decades of editing manuscripts on the screen, I have shifted to editing our last six or seven books on paper. It just feels better and connects me more to the end product.
Bro I like doing things on paper mostly too. It just sticks with me more, and helps ground the process for me. Gets my thoughts out better. Digital is fine, but holding it physically is better for me personally.
They know they can always use mine.
My curse is that I write very, very slowly vs my typing speed 😭
Write on paper it somehow feels right & you have time to make your thoughts work as the pen goes across the page
My notes sync from my computer to my phone.
I retain the info much better, and I create much more detailed notes.
I do all my reading on my phone with moonreader+. I got rid of all physical books, too heavy + need space