BREAKING: The largest-ever study on Ozempic and GLP-1 drugs reveals that these medications significantly reduce the risk of 42 health conditions, including heart attacks and Alzheimer's disease.
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JUST LIKE when 2 biggest tobacco giants(addiction pushers) bought 60% of US food CO’s who then added chem preservatives & sugar(addicting consumers) result=diabetes & obesity pandemic
=big Pharma swooping in with a drug to treat said addiction, knowing you can never stop it either
= drug addiction)
It's also important to note that this study was conducted exclusively on a population of 2 million people with type 2 diabetes. About 215k of which were using the GLP-1 drugs for treatment. This is a specific population and we cannot ascribe these benefits to everyone until more data is collected.
Talk like that doesn't let you sell the hottest drug in the country to the whole population regardless of what negative effects it may have on non-diabetics
Exactly. Many of the benefits stated in the article were "expected" because they are associated in improvements with diabetes care. There were also noted increased risk of 19 negative outcomes, which are not listed out in the article.
The media hypes the negative side effects and blows them out of proportion. Nearly every medicine has negative side effects. Tylenol is sold in 1000 pill bottles and the negative side effects are death or severe liver damage and hardly a word in the media.
Biology is Biology! You can’t equate that statement. If it wasn’t working Hollywood and the rich wouldn’t have made it unattainable for the population that would benefit.
Ehhh confounding variables. I don’t think this is conclusive. Losing weight decreases the chances of those conditions. losing weight in general is healthy lol. What they should do is get a sample size of strictly obese people on the cusp of these ailments vs obese who exercise and eat well.
Pain, lots of pain, don’t take it if you don’t need it. I have to take the shot every week. Food tastes shit, pain, throwing up, headache and more pain.
I’d have to see the data because I find that very hard to believe. My guess is it’s actually killing people and that’s what they’re trying to do. Proud of this supposed study please?
I have been on it for over a year with no issues, I am not diabetic nor obese.
Can’t wait to see how high the costs of these go now that the GOP has control of the government and is already rolling back protections on pricing. Anything for a $ in the name of capitalism, amirite?
So healthy eating significantly reduces the risk of 42 health conditions, including heart attacks and Alzheimer's disease? Well that's fantastic news but the drug companies won't like it.... It's not the drug, it's the weight loss people!
They push pills for every little thing, yet to address the nations #1 underlying cause, they rely on diets that don't work, and blame us for failing
I’m curious, and hopeful, but I’ve to also be wary of such high touting, because so many other drugs have been proven later to be terrible. It’s a lot, and enough to be a deterrent for me.
False survey. It is impossible to note any of this given the short time on the market. All you have done is rebranded recommendations that have been proven for decades.
What if you’re on them and they DONT cause weight loss or any other noticeable effect? Are they still protective against those other things if they’re not doing the obvious ones?
It sure does seem like a lot of these issues are more related to hormone pathways that have been disrupted than was commonly known. The gut microbiome to hormone balance in the body looks like it's gonna be important to understand going forward.
Mochi health has a great program for people whose insurance will not cover it at a reasonable out of pocket expense. That includes dietary counseling, and dedicated dr available to you.
I’d prefer a link to the actual scientific paper, rather than the bible of capitalism in the USA. How many ads for that drug were carried in that issue?
Thanks, I’ll have to order this when I’m back at work tomorrow so some possibly promising avenues for proper clinical trials. But I do remember when Sildenafil was seen as a miracle cure for dozens of conditions which didn’t pan out when properly trialled
Did all this evidence, and proof that the meds will work and should be on the market will mean nothing when they’re so highly priced at the people who need them the most will never be able for them. One drug company is talking about raising a product 4800%.🤮
I just saw that they can increase the risk of arthritis (weird) and pancreatitis (understandable), but that they still have tons of good effects. Two people very close to me are on Ozempic or similar drugs to manage a variety of conditions and it is working wonders for them. <3
Alzheimer's runs in my family. Hope they learn more before I get much older. My grandmother who lived in a nursing home and couldn't remember her own name and myself love exercise/ healthy weight so not a qualifier.
Just because it is a trend approved for weight loss & has allowed some people to lose 15lbs doesn’t mean that’s what the drug is for. It’s for managing glucose levels in people with diabetes. Tons of people with Diabetes aren’t overweight lmfao. Blood sugar just effects so many things in our bodies.
Quite true Lyssa . I’m just responding to the comment about benefits of weight loss generally not specifically to drugs like Ozempic. Yes there are indeed many g.i. problems that can occur with these drugs.
It’s great to see such promising research backing the benefits of Ozempic and other GLP-1 drugs. Reducing the risk of conditions like heart attacks and Alzheimer's could have a major impact on public health. It’ll be interesting to see how these findings influence treatment guidelines moving forward
I have narcolepsy. I’m missing Orexin/hypocretin. GIP/GLP-1 are incretins & can sub for hypocretin in some areas, mainly GI. I also have a faulty GIP receptor gene. They are testing orexin (which isn’t available as Rx) and it works even better than GLP-1 for diabetics. But, yeah not T2D so I’m OOP.
If it's widely beneficial to health like they say... it will be the hardest medication to get. They will make it to where no insure will cover it. Because healthy people don't make big pharma any money..
They already do. Its very hard to get these covered by insurance. That’s why compounding pharmaceutical companies are stepping in to ease that issue and provide better options
I’d have to see the data because I find that very hard to believe. My guess is it’s actually killing people and that’s what they’re trying to do. Proud of this supposed study please?
I read that people with thyroid nodules are not supposed to use it. So does this mean it can cause harm to thyroid? Worried about people taking it and jealous I can not.
No one has thyroid problems with it. When they injected mice with doses 10,000x higher as a ratio of body weight, some developed thyroid cancer. Humans have not demonstrated any susceptibility to that over a decade with the current dosing
That said, as a precaution, if they think you’re at higher risk for thyroid cancer because you have already developed suspicious nodules, they just don’t give it to you. No point in taking that risk. Otherwise, that’s rare and you’re fine.
Do you know who makes more money than Pharmaceutical companies in the US? It's the wellness industry selling you essential oils and vitamins that are not fda regulated.
Hey read your profile, it was just a joke relating to the fact we are getting the information from a financial magazine instead of a government agency given they external comm has been shut down.
Thats why a majority if people are liking it, not the mechanism
It’s not just all about weight loss. Due to it being a weight loss trend- people forget what it really is for, It’s a diabetes drug first &foremost. Many people with diabetes aren’t overweight. It manages blood glucose levels. That’s the key. High levels affect so many different things in our body.
Some meds have multi-uses. I am on a seizure medication but for something unrelated to seizures. I am on an insulin medication to help with a fertility issue.
So this statement right here doesn't acknowledge that appetite is a bodily function controlled by hormones. It's not a matter of willpower for some people, it's a chemical issue in their body. Alcoholism and drug addiction are chemical problems, not willpower issues.
if it were that easy weight loss wouldn’t be a billion dollar industry. you have to consider why there are and have been so many drugs on the market to assist w weight loss for decades.
The studies littlerly show it improves 42 health problems. Obesity itself causes cancer diabetes etc. Obesity is itself a chronic disease, not a lifestyle problem!
My mom is on metformin of for her diabetes. She's lost weight, but hasn't changed her diet much. Exercise is difficult because of her age, not her weight. It helps her process sugars better. Semiglutides work similarly. Anyone who needs to take a semiglutide does not necessarily mean they're lazy.
Long-term use of Ozempic may potentially lead to side effects like pancreatitis, gallbladder issues, thyroid C-cell tumors, vision changes, kidney problems, and concerns regarding cardiovascular health, with some users reporting chest pain and heart palpitations.
Yes because it works on slowing the function of your vagus nerve. Which controls the entire digestive system functions this the reason it curbs hunger.
How delusional do you have to be to believe you don’t have change your behavior, mindset, or anything else. You can take the drug and the weight will magically disappear and continue to be gone for the rest of your life even after coming off the drug.
A lot of the data around these drugs is doctored to make this seem so because the producers want to sell it more and get it approved for medicaid. The Weight and Healthcare blogs dig into the shadiness very well with proper links and info. Would be very suspicious about any claims like this.
No generics yet as it still under patent, but compound pharmacies offer up the main ingredient in these drugs mixed with things like b-12 to sell. Still need a prescription and it isn’t fda approved but it’s an option.
You're absolutely right—reducing the harmful chemicals and additives in our food would certainly have a huge impact on overall health as well. Prevention through proper nutrition, clean food, and healthier lifestyle choices is key to tackling many chronic diseases
"... associated with..." is not the same as "proven to reduce..." and yet many here are accepting the unequivocal OP post and source headline as literal fact.
GLP-1/GIP can partially sub for Orexin I’m missing w/narcolepsy. They also know that VNS can produce like 30% improvement for Ns in EDS and sleep quality. Overlap with various GABA functions as well. But until the new orexin drugs hit in ~2 yrs, it’s as close as I can get. Stimulants+VN issues 😵💫
It was helping me with my medical condition very successfully. Now my insurance changed it from a tier 1 to tier 3 drug. My out of pocket cost went from $25 to $700 a month. I can no longer take this medication that was improving my health by a measurable degree.
I use Mochi Health, because of that same problem. They have a great program w very reasonable pricing. Slkrdn is a discount code semaglutide $178mo tirzepatide $278mo, all Telehealth w dr and dietitian. It’s a great program I highly recommend them
=big Pharma swooping in with a drug to treat said addiction, knowing you can never stop it either
= drug addiction)
Seems like a win-win: People's health improves, and the insurance companies reduce their chances of paying out for 42 different conditions.
I have been on it for over a year with no issues, I am not diabetic nor obese.
They push pills for every little thing, yet to address the nations #1 underlying cause, they rely on diets that don't work, and blame us for failing
That's the real headline. People will do this without hesitation.
Tell them it's to stop them from getting sick?
MAGA - No way, it's some bad drug the evil empire invented to trace or control me!
~ Big Pharma
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#travel #photography #nature
I wish we had a health agency with external communication…
Thats why a majority if people are liking it, not the mechanism
We govt promises twice that.
Reduction in blood glucose levels likely major factor.
I would also be interested in the statistical metrics used just so confirm nothint was p hacked
Chronic inflammation makes the blood brain barrier leak.
Leaks allow unwanted stuff into the brain area, causing neurological damage.
so were the health benefits from the drug or the weight loss the drugs helps with
My family already has a history of dementia/Alzheimer’s. I’ve already had two strokes, so I’m in the running.
It's not as easy as eat less and exercise, people. It's not about willpower for everyone.
Would you tell an alcoholic "just don't drink, what's the big deal?"
Why is every addict but sugar and food addicts treated as ill? Because they're fat?
The best people say it.