I am, in fact, soliciting advice. No guarantees I'll take the advice, or we'll be friends, but if you got that itch, go for it.
*be nice, motherfuckers
*be nice, motherfuckers
Do not overdrive your headlights. (Also, metaphorically - stressed dealings are a form of overdriving your headlights.)
Living well is the best revenge.
The artist is the child who *survived*. (Read "art" broadly enough to include your own works.)
And fire.
Your know what? Just be like all the elements.
- 30 seconds at a time
- stir before testing temperature
- stir when done
- let sit at least a minute before eating
the only thing that matters is the internal temp, so flip or don't flip as much as you like. Personally, I don't like charring, so I start the burger in a shallow pool of water, then once the temps are good, I pour off any fluid remaining and get that texture right.
It even makes instant coffee taste better.
Although tbf the advice other people are giving seems great so you’ve obviously managed to cultivate an exceptional zone of wisdom around you
A person can be smart, people in a group are usually less so.
Sleep is very important to your health.
Plan well and then be flexible. Anticipate issues as best you can but know you will miss some.
Tell friends & family you love them.