All episodes of Shelley Duvall’s FAERIE TALE THEATRE are on Internet Archive, if you’d like to enjoy the second act pivot that made her iconic for ‘80s and ‘90s kids. #ShelleyDuvall #ShelleyDuvall
My little brother performed in the Pied Piper episode,but I didn't put that together until Eric Idle was mentioned and I checked the filming location.
My brother's BEST acting story came out of this show.
He apparently dodged into Eric Idle's lunch zone during (cont'd)
My exhausted mother recieved a phone call out of the blue from a man who said he was Eric Idle (she first told him to piss off because who expects a member of the Spanish Inquisition to call you?!)
So, he explains that (con't)
She folded of course.
So, a pet rat came home with my brother. A pregnant one. (Cont)
So, thanks to an Eric Idle intervention, our house was beset by a plague of rats.
That got so out of hand we had to bring them all to the humane society and fill out forms for every one of them.
Bless my mom, and bless Shelley Duvall who both gave us amazing terror performances. ❤️🐭
My kids don't remember them now, but at the time, they were happy. That made me happy and so I'm grateful for Shelley and sad at her passing.