English is now the official language of the United States.
Which means, you can longer pronounce a "z" as "zee". In English, it's "zed".
Also, have to use "u" correctly. For example, instead of "color", it's "colour". And no more "er" at the end of words, it's "centre". Don't make post a defence!
Which means, you can longer pronounce a "z" as "zee". In English, it's "zed".
Also, have to use "u" correctly. For example, instead of "color", it's "colour". And no more "er" at the end of words, it's "centre". Don't make post a defence!
And, it's THE BIG POND, not The Atlantic
also, if English is now the official language, will the US also align on math and join the rest of the English-speaking world in using the simple metric system?
My kids learned to read and write in the UK and still often follow UK English rules.
That you don't know what you've got
Till it's gone
They paved paradise
And put up a car park
I'd post a recording, but I don't have time right now for that kind of dialogue. I have to go write a cheque for a tyre.
I always giggle when Brit’s say HP.
The list goes on but I just woke up and haven’t had a hot cup of Go Juice yet
Our country is in the loo, our administration is full of wankers and sex pests, and the Republicans can't be arsed to stand up for the Constitution or to stop fascist, Nazi behaviour.
In the US, cunt is considered almost a worse word than fuck, I think. Not so elsewhere.
You'll hear "sheep are cunts" and "the telly's being a right cunt again" etc.
Just needed some practice 😆