If they let this happen again, I lose any respect for what is left of the justice department. You know there were tons of lawmakers and others that were involved and nothing. Crickets. If we cannot even at least get the report our taxes paid for then it's been broke.
When the report is released 45 will hold a press conference about some other nonsense akin to the US taking over Denmark and the MSM will run to cover that circus. At best we’ll get a few hours worth of coverage on the report until 45’s next distraction.
Mr Garland - Today, do you have feeling for Fellow Americans who fought and died so you grew up free and weren't forced to say seig heil ? What do your ancestors say and what will your future b? We’re all in this - can’t run away . You’re on Center Stage . Be brave . My opinion .
Let’s pray someone somewhere made a copy. That report and the Epstein evidence. We will need both for history to document the level of corruption & perversion 47 was involved in. And before you say it would be illegal to make copies, lots of things are illegal, but some things need doing.
I’ll just be over here patiently waiting for Merrick Garland to take his first proactive step towards administering justice and protecting the rule of law. Wake me when he’s ready 💤😴
Kinda ironic how the GOP refused to hold a confirmation hearing for Merrick Garland’s nomination to the SC. And yet, he has proved to be an extraordinary & invaluable asset to the GOP as AG.
People like this are too busy taking the high road and being “honourable” to effectively deal with the worst offenders; they get steamrolled unless they somehow manage to see the situation for what it is; good luck. Wouldn’t be surprised if it got leaked instead.
You would think that he would try to make things right after foolishly giving Trump a long enough runway for a soft landing. What was he doing for 2 years?
If he absolutely cannot bring himself to do it, he should at least seal copies of it in a time capsule and hide them somewhere, so they aren't all eliminated.
Mrs Betty Bowers:
Someone remind Joe Biden that he has full immunity for official acts, like pardoning anyone he feels like pardoning, telling the IRS to release all of Trump's tax returns, and telling the DOJ to release Jack Smith's report and any non-classified evidence from Donald's many cases.
Please ensure that Jack Smith's report is preserved and released to the American public. We deserve this information, no matter how many legal maneuvers and tricks Trump's legal team employs. 👇🏼
Judge Cannon, who's already proven herself to be entirely unprofessional & extremely biased, as evidenced by the excoriating reversals of her orders by the 11th Circuit Court, cannot be the person who decides the fate of the enormous amount of investigative work done by the prosecutor & his team. 👇🏼
Enough is enough. You appointed Jack Smith, it's YOUR responsibility to get her laughable dismissal of his cases as "unconstitutional" reversed or overridden.
Don't let Trump get away with yet more crimes. Your term will have been an abject failure if Smith's report goes unreleased.
I recorded a message to AG Merrick Garland and wrote him a message personally at https://justice.gov. The more people who call and write to AG Merrick Garland asking him to release the Jack Smith report before the inauguration, the more powerful will be the message. And if released, Trump can't bury it.
When will you all learn? Merrick Garland is colluding with Trump, Russia and the oligarchy.
Have Biden release it.
He has immunity.
Garland is a milquetoast.
Garland doesn't care. He's just trying to cover his own ass
Someone remind Joe Biden that he has full immunity for official acts, like pardoning anyone he feels like pardoning, telling the IRS to release all of Trump's tax returns, and telling the DOJ to release Jack Smith's report and any non-classified evidence from Donald's many cases.
Attorney General Garland,
Please ensure that Jack Smith's report is preserved and released to the American public. We deserve this information, no matter how many legal maneuvers and tricks Trump's legal team employs. 👇🏼
Don't let Trump get away with yet more crimes. Your term will have been an abject failure if Smith's report goes unreleased.
Thank you,
Fuzzbee Morse
“Democracy is not the law of the majority but the protection of the minority.” – Albert Camus
Link to ask him for the report