We stopped allowing food in the living room years ago. We live in the woods and ants are a major problem here. They'll find it before you even finish your meal.
School lunch is performative: it's about maintaining the appearance of being a responsible parent by packing a healthy lunch that the teacher/lunch monitor can see, all the while everybody involved knows the kids will never eat it.
My kid actually eats her cucumber every day! The fruit often comes home, but it’s because they only get 15 minutes for lunch! That’s bonkers! She prioritizes eating her burger* since it keeps her full, and honestly, I can’t blame her.
You have my grandma's name, but my grandma is a really healthy eater and had to get my grandpa to eat healthy. It's kind of funny to me to see someone with her name having the opposite kind of thing.
I work at an events venue, so we often have leftovers from meetings/receptions. I eat plenty of fruits and veggies, just not usually the ones packed from home.
Once my parental task of providing a healthy lunch is complete I pat myself on the back for a job well done. Whether or not those healthy options actually get consumed is an entirely separate thing and beyond my control.
That's too bad. There was always at least one kid who would take my tuna fish sandwiches (with celery and lettuce) in exchange for peanut butter and jelly:)
One of my kids eats all his fruit and veggies first and he gets three or four different types! He usually finishes his snacks at home after school. But I don’t even pack veggies for one of my other kids - he just has to eat a lot of them before and after lol.
*Yes she takes a cold hamburger for lunch. 😂
(He works from home and wakes up earlier than I do, so he makes me coffee and a lunch to take to work every day.)