No. I’m pretty happy with my writing style. But thank you for reading. 💜
Reposted from
Ms. Clymer, please: 1) drop the wanna, coulda, shoulda, "folks" language. Write with normal literacy and vocab.; it will strengthen your messages. And 2) Re-read your stuff before you post it, and plan on cutting it by about 1/3. This piece is repetitive and thus much too long. Respectfully, B.
Love your style, beautiful.
nothing like having someone tell you how to talk or write….
Of “and thus much too long”
Do you mean “and thereby too long”?
The “much” is redundant, and as you have only stated a single proposition and not a reason, “thereby” should be used instead of “thus”.
Happy to help.
Much too picky.
The latter merely repeats the the former.
Happy to help you too.
Be you.
Be you, that is who we followed for here
I write southern. Just sayin yall.
"correct natural language" ✅
Do whatever the fuck you want to do.
Respectfully, T
I like your writing style, too.
F them. You're fine.