At this point, I think there needs to be a boycott of donations to all Senate Democrats until they force Chuck Schumer to step down as leader. Enough is enough.
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The 2026 Democratic Party Senate primary should be an absolute bloodbath, especially for anyone who is caving like this. Beyond that, though, I believe the median age for D Senators that year will be over 70. It's time for new blood.
How can we make this happen?you have a large following and this message needs to be adopted by the voters. Congressional Dems are not united and it’s up to us to get a Congress who we can count on. Again, but how.
I don’t donate anyway. My taxes already pay their salaries. That’s enough. They make several thousand times what I do and have free healthcare to boot. Why in hell should I finance them when most grift anyway? Hell No!
I'm not giving another F'ing dime. My Marine husband loses all his Agent Orange disability/care with this CR. We are lifelong Democrats and donors. We are absolutely furious.
WELL, IM NOT PITCHING IN AGAIN. Dems haven’t got it … Maga fascists have it and are going to keep it! Yes chuck , is not the ball buster that is needed to keep this democracy!
At this point, I'm only donating to AOC. I had regular contributions to other places before, but the last few months have made it clear that I needed to make changes. Not that the amounts are much in any case, lol
I will support my Congresswoman and Senators here in NM but nothing nationally unless Shumer is shoved out and leadership steps up nationally with a strong voice.
I have already promised my representatives & Senators, I will not donate to the Democrat party in any way EXCEPT to fund primary challengers to those that have bent the knee. Schumer just made the list along with Golden, and a few of those who censured Al Green. I am with you. I live in Wisconsin and have a recurring donation monthly. Cancelling it after April 1. Need Crawford elected on April 1. Then cancelled for sure!
I stopped all political donations in December. What funds I feel I can spare goes to HRC, PP, ACLU, WCK, and local food banks. I've been a Democrat since the first time I could register in 1976. If the Dems don't hold the line on this Budget I'm switching to Independent.
I refuse to give them money. It's not just about Chuck, though he is a problem. Dems needs to make an actual plan, speak to the country — not just post things we already know — and take more actions. Until that happens I am not giving anything to them.
While recall elections do not occur, the New York Constitution states, "Any town, village, improvement district or fire district officer, except a justice of the peace, may be removed from office by the supreme court for any misconduct, maladministration, malfeasance or malversation in office."
Any citizen within the officeholder's district may submit an application for removal to the local branch of the appellate division of the supreme court.[1]
Schumer's idea that he, with his power, will save the US from "an even greater evil" is a manifestation of grandiose delusion, frighteningly similar to Musk's.
Any participation in the interests of evil always leads to its legitimization and further consolidation.
I won’t give them one red cent. I’ve had it. He’s as much of a traitor as TRUMP. And New Yorkers will NOT soon forget. We still BOO the Astros for cheating against us in the Play-Offs. And this is even worse
Is this what the shadowy powers are intentionally doing? Is Schumer a complete plant and doing their bidding now? He’s certainly compromised in some way.
Is this a way to create greater distrust in our Dem leadership?
If you block the roads, you can't vote if you can't get into the building. I'm just saying, if enough cars broke down on the roads between the Capitol Building and wherever Schumer is, it would probably be hard to be there to vote Yes.
Thanks! But we also need to tell our reps. That will give it heft. We need to let them know directly. And those of us that give across the country need to make it clear as well.
For the last 40 or so years the bottom 75% of Americans have been suffering economically a slow "death by a thousand cuts" and now tRUMP and the Muskovites want to do it in one cut. The Democratic Party would do well to be giving AOC and Crockett not status quo old guard seats at the power tables.
Like someone said "The Democrats never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity"
The longest most self serving and boorish address to Congress after the circus and sadism of his first month and the D's mostly look like bidders at a wine auction.
Chuck Schumer is "playing dead." He should consider that when somebody votes, they vote for the living who will get something done, not for the dead. At this point, this is a losing strategy for Democrats.
I stopped donating after the election. Money won’t save us from this shitshow- Fighting will. Democrats need to decide, they dump the weak and complicit & like the dead weights of appeasement they are or we the people will. These fakes gotta GO.
Any Senator that votes to allow cloture or votes to pass this CR that gives more power to Elon and Trump to shutdown more of the gov will not get my support in future elections.
I'm 70 on SS, I don't have much but will fight you.
Maybe out of this hellscape, a new party will finally be born. Although some (i.e. AOC, Crockett, Pritzer, Buttigieg) are stepping up to the plate, not enough of the Dems are, especially the old guard, and they are going to lose us.
100%. Donating to them is a donation to the GOP at this point. They got a shit ton of money during the last election cycle, and here we are. It’s time for them to earn every fucking penny now. And that won’t come until they start doing rather than posting on social media.
Locking up checkbook. Schumer cosigning the death of a 10-year-old American girl who was finishing cancer therapy that was just deported is the proverbial straw for the camel.
Any participation in the interests of evil always leads to its legitimization and further consolidation.
I absolutely agree with you 💯
Shame on you!!
I am truly ashamed of my vote.
Is this a way to create greater distrust in our Dem leadership?
Because it’s working.
The longest most self serving and boorish address to Congress after the circus and sadism of his first month and the D's mostly look like bidders at a wine auction.
Yea Crockett, Green and AOC
Not just leadership. We need to call for his resignation, and every other Dem that votes for cloture tomorrow.
If they don’t have the guts to stand up to Nazis then we need to replace them with people who will. 2-6 years down the line is not an option.
We need to demand. Loudly.
Let me make this clear.
Any Senator that votes to allow cloture or votes to pass this CR that gives more power to Elon and Trump to shutdown more of the gov will not get my support in future elections.
I'm 70 on SS, I don't have much but will fight you.
Donations should've been off the table since then.
No donations until every Dem is doing their job, because they are actually paid to do that job and don't need donations to do it.