Put another way: "leftists hate centrists and centrists hate the leftists, but *everyone* hates the Democrats".
There are too many people that hate Trump and the Democratic Party's current approach for this to be sustainable. And Trump isn't going to change
There are too many people that hate Trump and the Democratic Party's current approach for this to be sustainable. And Trump isn't going to change
Reposted from
Lakshya Jain
More convinced than ever that senior and elected Democrats might really be misreading the sentiment among their base, and that they could be caught badly flat-footed by their own voters very soon.
This is actually pretty new.
people aren't happy with what's going on
trumpists and similar are doing nazi salutes openly, destroying everything alarmingly fast, people want their leaders to move fast to counter that
leaders on the center/center left/left must have to understand that and go beyond lip services faster
people are moving faster than most democrats on polls because they are seeing the destruction by trumpists
Instead the leadership wants to negotiate budget amendments.
if leadership thinks the WH will implode, they shouldn't be part of who gets blamed for it! if the WH wants to do harmful shit, don't actively help them!