What landslide? Trump will win by 1.5% points, one of the most narrow margins in history.
I mean if we can't beat the guy who engineered an attempted insurrection in 2020 that's pretty damning evidence of how far down the ladder we have fallen
I figured this out weeks ago in less than 10 minutes using google.
The 119th will be just like the 118th, unproductive and dysfunctional.
All of these headlines are just abject bullshit. The MAGA crowd gives absolutely no fucks about the truth. Their only... ONLY... consistent traits are hate and lust for power, the latter being traits of seemingly all of the politico.
The high road sucks.
...i'd say that sucker is in full bloom
He had half the margin of the time a girl beat him.
Before election they said, "remember w all kinds of ballot choices, it will take much longer to secure a final vote count."
3rd day post-election, "T* wins by a landslide. Congress gets MAGA mandate."
A month later? They're wrong but consumers get: crickets.
Our focus, the pro-America side, I mean, should be on making sure people understand he’d not making THEIR lives any better
We can start now with his proposals (and many are)
There was a landslide of propaganda and a freight load of voter suppression… but we have to resist, and save their dumb asses again.
Work harder to tell the truth.