Well this piece struck a nerve. Good. Hope Democratic establishment is paying attention.
Reposted from
Wajahat Ali
The Democratic Party Sacrifices Its Young To Protect The Establishment
By selecting Rep. Connolly over AOC to lead the House Oversight Committee, the Democratic Party chooses to continue the ossified status quo instead of much-needed reform & growth.
By selecting Rep. Connolly over AOC to lead the House Oversight Committee, the Democratic Party chooses to continue the ossified status quo instead of much-needed reform & growth.
If Connolly has late stage esophageal cancer, maybe this is a goodbye gift. There may be another selection soon.
I’ve always been against term limits, but at this point I m starting to warm up to them.
But his Admin was causing pain to Wall St and Calif Tech/Entertainment Bros, so he had to go with a plan for a "mini primary" anointing Newsom; friend to Money.
They put the call in to Lady Macbeth and she did the job.
Neurodivergence has its faults.
Biden never should have run for a 2nd term. I always assumed based on his own words that he was an ‘interim’ - 1-term President. He lost a step.
I voted blue, but still get fascism. “The alternative is worse,” is not compelling enough because here we are.
And this is all Nancy continuing to destroy her legacy.
That said, she's smart, passionate, outspoken, energetic and gritty. She will be a fierce leader when she matures.
It also won't go well to elevate her until she demonstrates a firmer grip on the reality of what it will take to deliver on her platform.
That should her focus now.
Dems should be railing against:
Voter fraud (Down ballot Dems did not vote for Trump);
Indefinite delays in felony sentencing;
All the ridiculous cabinet picks...
Not a peep from Dem leadership and only whispers in the media.
Missed opportunity and very disappointing.
Sure, let's leave it to young people. They'll know what to do.
Ageism is bad, but gerontocracy is worse.
It is time to retire and let the generations who have decades of life left to try and make this country something better for us and future gens.
Boomers make up 21% of our population and hold 53% of house positions and 62% of senate positions.
But you may get what you are asking for when the new admin gets rid of everyone and replaces them with loyalists.
Idc if there are good boomers, they need to step aside. Their time is over. They've done great work, but it's time to move forward.
I want dems with a spine, not the bs we've had
On the other hand, she tried to impeach Alito and Thomas. While well deserved, it had zero chance of getting House and Senate support. Maybe the point was to demonstrate that.
However, it could easily be viewed as performative.
It’s time for the young representatives and senators to find theirs. Have the Dems learned anything from the past election?
I have been considering changing to Independent and this is why!
A lot of the pushback is on her approach. She trashes the party and her predecessors. Her ideas are popular, but lack pragmatism and logistics.
She needs to do more than just excite unlikely voters.