Wonder if MAGA Christians support Israel ethnically cleansing Palestinian Christians? Yes, there are Palestinians who are Christian who are being bombed, killed, and occupied. Israel bombed Churches in Gaza.
Is this fine? Or do only white Christian lives matter?
Is this fine? Or do only white Christian lives matter?
Turmoil in the holy land precipitates his 2nd coming.
All lives are expendable in service of that.
If it helps, MAGA “Christians“ hate Christians as much as they hate all other „Liberals“. I suspect they even hate each other.
They. Don't. Care.
Ask Pompeo.
They set the norm that this is all ok.
Jesus warned us about them.
Wait... was that a rhetorical question?
Racism, practiced by the loudest disciples wherein their holy whitewashing conjures a palest of Jesuses, means faith in a character arc that's cool with the genocide & scholasticide of his descendents.
Apartheid kills.
MAGA Christians are also funding the tearing down of the Temple Mount. To pave the way for new temple.
It's the only way to usher in the apocalypse.
and bringing on the end times.
Evangelical Protestants make up the majority with some right-wing Methodists, Mormons and Baptists. Also, extreme conservative Roman Catholics (Opus Dei, like Justice Alito). But, the Catholics are expendable.
repost and/or call (or social media) pro life and republican legislators NOW and ask why they support archaic laws that allow them to exploit children. #prochoice #resist
- signed, a former evangelical.
Trump won 42% of the vote in Dearborn, with Harris receiving 36%. Green Party and pro-ceasefire candidate Jill Stein received 18% — more than any other place in Michigan
We need a new term for them - extremists, maybe?
Same here.
Very few Palestinian Christians are Evangelicals.
Only cult members' lives matter.
If you leave, you are shunned, so can't go waking up.
Here’s a major one celebrating already:
"Is this fine? Or do only white Christian lives matter?"