Remember the stories about how the entire highest French nobility at court in Versailles bowed when Louis XIVs shit was ritually carried away every morning? That's what all these MAGA 💩 aspire to.
Someone told them they were acting like bullies, that they were bullies, so they stopped saying it. Not sure who gave them that bit of wisdom, but it was pulled from Governor Walz's vocabulary.🙄
The true, yet poorly rolled out, "basket of deplorables" moniker backfired so now they are pee shy. Except for the few we can all point to, the party is still operating divorced from reality. Or, they know that the mid term & 28' elections are not a guarantee, and they just don't give a flying fuck.
it was in the late 70s after Watergate that a bunch of powerful, wealthy GOPers met to discuss what to do about what they perceived as liberal bias in the media. (aka bias towards facts & reality). In the 80s, right-wing billionaires started buying up newspapers small & large, then Limbaugh came
It doesn't make me wonder at all. The original track was building to an organic anti-corporation, pro-labor backlash against what the big donors were doing through their Republican proxies, so it had to be stopped.
Dem consultants' first job is to protect businesses from grass roots opposition.
They don’t mind being called fascist or corrupt or ruthless etc because those terms grant them power, particularly a power of force and fear. “Weird” denies them that.
Well, 225#, I wasn’t speaking to you. So maybe think, process, before you jump in with inaccurate snark. Good grief. I was replying to ofmedusa and the remark on the wearing of trash bags. They were mocking you clowns calling them garbage. Just one of the many reasons you are mocked.
That strategy backfired, because we still think MAGA is absolutely batshit crazy. By the way, why are you so f*ing obsessed with liberals and everything they do? Don't you people have lives or something??
Yeah, I do, thanks. It was made quite clear and uh, I don’t think it landed for them the way they think it did—regardless, makes it no less weird to me.
What's funny about calling MAGA "weird" was when it was clearly getting under the skin of Trump & Vance last year, the media scolded Democrats for name-calling and stopped mentioning the "weird" accusations.
We need to up the ante. Weird is okay, we need to test drive more terms. Loony. Whackadoodle. Insane. Absurd. Focus group this stuff. It’s what they do to Dems.
The leaders are weird. The followers sadly deluded. But many of those followers were caught between a US rock and an economic hard place. Reality is that whatever the #MAGA promises the old economy was driven by cheap energy from fossil fuels. The new economy is driven by cheap renewable energy.
Who would call MAGAS weird? I mean just because the do weird things, and they smell weird, and they say weird things, are they weird? Well as my Mom used to say - do weird shit, get called a weirdo.
That's because they want do desperately to believe they are the "silent majority" even though they are physically incapable of shutting up. Which is weird af.
Because they are! One of the worst decisions of Harris' campaign was shutting Walz attack of calling them weird. Plus, trotting out Lynn Fucking Cheney SMH at this still. And being afraid to distance herself from Biden, who did her no favors seeking reelection.
The high paid Dems fd up!
Kamala and Walz could have made their own statements…
Dem consultants' first job is to protect businesses from grass roots opposition.
Perhaps you need to clarify what you're trying to say instead of chastising others for being "clowns."
Bless you, my child.
They're fucking assholes, not weird.
Trump is searching for new delusional W.H. Press Secretary and US.. Attorney General, ready to lick his ass and spread his shit.
Bonus points if you have skeletons in your closet he can use to keep you in line.
And then the paid consultants got involved…
The truths hurts, but it hurts childishly deep with the weird MAGA snowflakes.