I remember thinking this in elementary school. How can people (even kids) be that f***ing stupid? I didn’t swear in elementary school, but I’m sure you catch my drift. I’ve always said that stupid people would kill us all.
Exactly. If we are destroyed by them its going to be because we're stupid enough to let them. Which means they aren't the stupidest ones in this scenario, we are.
People will tell me how stupid these people are and get angry when I say- if they are so stupid -how do they keep winning? I’m not trying to be mean- I’m trying like hell to get people to realize the difference between an education and a manipulation(s). Very different intelligences 😵💫🫠
I don't know! If russian assets keep doing Putin's bidding FOR YEARS and all americans have to say is "look how dumb those guys are!", then they seem to ME like pretty SMART spies.
You are, but not by the stupidest people on earth. The most treacherous, avaricious, dishonest, exploitative, self-serving, disgraceful people on earth, yes, but you don't subvert and destroy the world's greatest democracy - from within - by being stupid. Underestimating them is dangerous.
I had a dream not long ago where I looked out the window, saw a big mushroom cloud on the horizon and thought to myself: Well, I guess this is how this stupid story ends. Then I saw a big white light & woke up. Still hoping the dream was just my brain processing information in strangely awkward ways
Unless we destroy them first. Not sure what that "Fort Sumter" moment is gonna be but it's rapidly approaching if we have any hope of turning this disaster around.
It'll be interesting to see how the stupidest people on Earth handle this much public pressure. They like to be the people dishing it out, let's see if they can take it or if they melt.
Luckily, we voted them out, the DOE is next to dead, and life is looking up. Now if you'll turn off your doom and gloom news, and sit back and enjoy, you'll see.
Fight back on everything! Write letters to Congress & Senate! Go out & protest. Join a lawsuit. Stop Trump. Call out his lies. Pass on information! #FactCheck everything! Attend a rally! Boycott Amazon, Tesla, and anything smelling of oligarchy! Democrats must win the House & Senate to end the pain!
The vast majority of humans participate in the yearly genocide of some trillions of sentient beings for taste pleasure while destroying ecosystems in the process.
I'm not so sure we can just wash our hands of responsibility by blaming idiotic politicians. Karma will judge humanity as a whole.
They compensate for stupidity with malevolence, but I still don't think they'll win, especially if progressive online engagement farmers decide to stop undermining an effective opposition with misdirection and cynical determinism.
If nothing else, at least this fiasco means we can finally put to bed the lingering notion any of these muppets were ever engaged in “4D chess” strategy.
I’d say at best they might aspire to the black v white simplicity of checkers…but then there’s the choking hazard to worry about.
I don’t think they’re stupid. They wouldn’t have received public acclaim if they weren’t accomplished in some endeavor. Malicious is a better description in my opinion.
My thoughts exactly and if these jackasses don't do it, they'll have everyone else on a 'hair trigger'. This is how shit goes sideways in a real hurry.
This “incompetence” narrative is purely a diversion. They purposely leaked a faked chat to one ‘Jeffrey Goldberg’ to convince you all that they’re bombing Yemen because of ‘shipping lanes’ and ‘Europe’.
They don’t want you to know they bombed kids in Yemen for Israel.
Been saying that for years. And I’ve always hoped I was going to be wrong. Now I’m just waiting to see what actually gets us: pandemics, terrorists or gulags.
Right? I get that you want a racist, fascist, megalomaniac strong man as your leader. Why in the world would you want one so stupid? He can't be the smartest one.
BUT there are plenty of us who can think critically, act well, and even teach the willfully ignorant and stupid ones. I'm one of them: retired philosophy professor working hard to volunteer, donate, reach out to voters.
I don't buy that. I think it's being done of purpose. Look at the big picture; education, environment, VA's, justice, the economy...everything they do aims to attacks segments of the American life, culture and tradition. Leaking military strategies is just another tactic in the war against America.
It all ties back to religious and ethno-nationalist forces in the USA. They do not attract intelligent or enlightened minds, as their values are irreconcilable with logical thinking.
At some level, I can understand a portion of the population wanting an authoritarian daddy-figure to tell them what to do, what to think -- but I cannot fathom why they would have picked THIS one. Why they support a regime of the dumbest, most venal, incompetent people in the country.
Unless... and this is extremely important for people to get through their thick skulls, but UNLESS WE CONDUCT A REVOLUTION TO TARGET AND DESTROY THE CORRUPT RICH.
I was at Monticello the other day, &heard an unvarnished (!)recounting of our nation’s early struggles. What devastated me was how far we’d come&how much work was done by brave people making t/Constitution be what it says.Now these racist sh!t$ are going to kill us all because they are so, so dumb.
It's an unpopular opinion to make on social media but, yes, social media has made us impotent and complacent, even though we are all more informed (arguably).
Tens of millions of solitary, unorganized individuals yelling "omg can you believe this?!" Meanwhile, we're being steamrolled.
We are going to fight the stupidest people on the Earth to the fucking death if necessary
This is on all of us who knows this is a bad thing.
NOFX - The Idiots Are Taking Over
As Gandhi said: Tyrants always fall.
We’re past that.
Shear numbers are all we have.
Armed in the tens of millions we could wipe them out in a day.
Varying economic or political systems don't change that much, right?
Now the burden has shifted; Europe must return the favour.
I'm not so sure we can just wash our hands of responsibility by blaming idiotic politicians. Karma will judge humanity as a whole.
They’re hitting us from all sides with their incompetence and malevolence.
I’d say at best they might aspire to the black v white simplicity of checkers…but then there’s the choking hazard to worry about.
Please share!
Please print to pass out!
If it happens, hope they attack Republican states where many stupid MAGAs live.
Kids on keyboards passing off as IT warlords under the direction of a drug influenced is the Republicans plan ad hoc
The inbred spawn of Victoria caused WWI
do I need say anymore?
They don’t want you to know they bombed kids in Yemen for Israel.
Maybe lift a finger to do something other than type
Not with a bang but a "hey yall watch this!!!"
Yes the USA is living this definition for the next 4 years.
49% voted for this. Start there. Get the majority "there" to wake up. This is the best reason for free post secondary education for everyone.
Its called self defense.
Oh, I get it. We're the stupid people in your example.
Carry on!
Tens of millions of solitary, unorganized individuals yelling "omg can you believe this?!" Meanwhile, we're being steamrolled.