I'm not hungry I'm just stoned
I'm not hungry I'm just stoned
I'm not hungry I'm just stoned
I'm not hungry I'm just stoned
I'm not hungry I'm just stoned
I'm not hungry I'm just stoned
I'm not hungry I'm just stoned
I'm not hungry I'm just stoned
I'm not hungry I'm just stoned
I'm not hungry I'm just stoned
I'm not hungry I'm just stoned
I'm not hungry I'm just stoned
I'm not hungry I'm just stoned
I'm not hungry I'm just stoned
I'm not hungry I'm just stoned
I'm not hungry I'm just stoned
I'm not hungry I'm just stoned
I just ate a V-day meal like an hour ago... I'd eat that shit again (giggity)
Nope. No way. Definitely not.
Wait... What's this empty wrapper doing here? 🤔
Makes me think I'm a great chef and I go into the kitchen and prove otherwise. But that rarely happens.
Good evening. :)
Taco Bell.
think he's showing signs of hunger.
-a dehydrated drunk
time to pig out on tomatoes, carrots, celery, or anything that comes from a garden
It'll wake you up a bit and limit your snack cravings to tea appropriate crackers. 😉
Chocolate chip cookies are full of healthy shit.
It might be an egg!!!
Is that only available for smoking? I can't smoke due to lung issues. Can only do edibles/tinctures. Had to stop with my Medical MJ because of that SEVERE munchie problem. Gained way too much weight from hardly any usage. Didn't do all that much for my pain either. 🙄
was a great line from an album.
I'm not hungry, I'm just stoned
I'm not hungry, I'm just stoned
Filling voids that won't leave me alone
Trading meals for a temporary zone
My friends say they're starting to worry
But I brush them off in a hurry
While dealers knock at my door
This ain't living, it's just getting by
Numbing pain until the days go dry
I'm not hungry, I'm just stoned
I'm not hungry, I'm just stoned
But maybe it's time to face what I postponed
'Cause this body's turning into bones
You know, like jumbo shrimp or competent trump appointee
They stone when you go home,but I wouldn't be all alone...
Every body must get stone... 😂
The story I heard, they practiced the song, and when they were ready to record, Bob Dylan, wanted all the band to get really drunk, and then they played, they sounded so out of tune, 😂 so cool. So unique.
I’m not hungry, I’m bored.
I’m not hungry, I’m lonely.
I’m not hungry, I’m sad.
Fuck it! Where’d I hide those cookies. Is it too late to call for pizza?