After the #Uncommitted have finished banging their empty fucking heads on their desks they can shove them back up their asses where they belong.
If you pushed the “Genocide Joe” bullshit.
You.. Did… This.
If you pushed the “Genocide Joe” bullshit.
You.. Did… This.
Lots of us were in that camp.
Then they didn't vote.
17 million fewer voters, that's what gave us Trump 2.0
They effectively voter suppressed themselves, the idiots.
But at least we warned them til our faces were red.
I guess opening in 2027 trump tower Gaza. With the golf course a little after that.
Also the Latinos for Trump
The blacks for Trump
How’s that working out for you.
Never seen such a dumb fcking collective of ignorant people in my life.
Must be my Aussie accent!
Always a fan mate
What a cruel and inhumane sack of hate.